Lord Kotzu

Simion and Petru stood at the forefront of the caravan as they entered the bustling square of the Roman village. The much-anticipated auction was set to take place the following morning, and today was all about preparations. 

The distinguished ladies from the capital had joined the caravan, ready to gather women of marriageable age and transport them to other villages after the auction. 

This year, however, brought a unique twist. King Nicolaie Ilias Traian Costea V of Rumania, after consulting with the influential Big Five, had received permission to personally select five young women to bring into his harem. 

Yet, the King chose not to attend the auction himself. Instead, he dispatched one of his most trusted courtiers, Lord Vladi Kotzu, to handpick the fairest and most charming women to return to his Transylvania castle.

-Lord Kotzu-

"This is the last village, right? If I recall correctly?" I inquired as I dismounted my horse and handed it to one of the stable hands. 

Simion nodded affirmingly, "Yes, Lord Kotzu, that's correct." 

"Excellent! Let's hope this village offers more beauty than the last, which fell short of expectations. The King has requested five fair women, and I am determined not to disappoint him on this mission." 

I replied, casting a glance around with dismay. The place appeared wretched and impoverished, far from what I had hoped.

"I will tell you this, Lord Kotzu. There is a girl in this village who is said to be a true beauty—innocent and untouched. While I can't confirm this as I've yet to meet her, I know her mother is truly a sight to behold," Petru remarked.

"That sounds promising. Let's hold on to this hope, as this will be my final stop before heading back to my King. Please ensure she is made presentable for me by noon," I responded. Both men nodded in agreement, gesturing for me to follow their lead.

I was weary from traveling. During my weeks on the road, I had already seen seven other villages, and I was eager to return home to the castle.

Finding beautiful women for my King's taste was not painless, especially not when most of these women were poor and filthy, making it hard to see their attributes clearly underneath the soil. 

The King wanted his women to be young, curvy, and with long, thick hair. He was attracted to chastity and naivety, and their innocence enticed him.

Nevertheless, my mission was almost over. I had one last woman to choose before returning home.

"If you can wait here for now, my Lord, I'll go and make sure she'll be ready for you by noon," Simion said. "Sounds good. The sooner, the better," I replied, and he quickly set off. 

"Would you like something to drink while you wait, my Lord?" Petru inquired, and I accepted his offer, eager to leave this village by evening.


We ate our breakfast together in silence, and while my sister tidied up inside, my father and I headed back outside to start our chores on the farm. 

As midday approached, a stranger unexpectedly appeared in our yard. 

"Are you Albert Volkov?" the man asked as my father walked over to meet him.

"Yes, I'm Albert. May I ask who you are?" my father replied.

"I am Sir Simion, and I've come to ensure that your eldest daughter, Dawn, is presentable for an inspection by Lord Kotzu, the King, Nicolaie Ilias Traian Costea V, spokesman," the man explained.

"Lord Kotzu? The King? What is the meaning of this, Sir?" my father questioned, looking just as bewildered as I felt.

"Don't question me, old man; just do as I say, and your family will come to no harm. Make sure the girl is ready soon—clean and presentable," Sir Simion ordered. My father immediately fell in line.

"Of course, Sir. She'll be ready," he assured, gesturing for me to go inside as soon as the man left.

"Father, what's going on?" I asked, but he simply shrugged. "I'm not sure, Dawn, but you must clean yourself up and wear a fresh dress." As he stepped outside again, I called on my oldest sister for help. Summer quickly braided my hair and tidied me up just as I finished putting on the dress, and then my father returned to the house with a following.

"My Lord, this is my eldest daughter, Dawn," Father announced as he entered the room. Behind him, I noticed three other men. Two were clearly knights, their armor gleaming, while the third was unmistakably the Lord my father had mentioned.

His clothing was impeccably clean, with a coat made from fine fabric prominently bearing the King's escutcheon on the chest. The Lord had shoulder-length brown hair and a distinctive pointy nose. Standing tall and exuding strength, he made quite an impression.

"Hmm," Lord Kotzu said as he walked up before me. "She looks youthful, long hair and fair skin," the Lord mumbled as he circled me. "But not as curvy as I hoped, but she's not too thin either." He continued to mumble, and I felt violated by his words. He spoke as if I wasn't standing there. The circling stopped, and he came before me again.

"Open your mouth," he commanded in a chilling tone. I looked over at my father, who nodded, urging me to comply. "Teeth look fine," the Lord muttered.

"Please, remove your dress!" the Lord ordered. A wave of shame washed over me as my father gave a hesitant nod, yet I understood I had to comply with the Lord's demand.

My body trembled as I slipped out of my dress, standing exposed before the men. I couldn't bring myself to meet my father's gaze. After an eternity of scrutiny, the Lord finally said, "Hmm, looks perky enough; you can get dressed now."

"Albert?" Lord Kotzu inquired, turning his gaze toward my father. "Yes, my Lord," Father responded. 

"Your daughter, Dawn, has been chosen to join the harem of the King of Rumania, Nicolaie Ilias Traian Costea V. She will be leaving with us immediately and will never return. Please take a moment to say your goodbyes. There's no need to pack anything; the King will provide for her every need." The Lord's words hit me like a sudden blow to the gut. What was going on? What could the King possibly want with me?