"Please, my King, I beg you," Maddie implored, backing up against the wall.
"You've defied me, Maddie. You violated our agreement, and now you expect mercy?" I replied, locking my gaze onto hers, compelling her to confront the fury behind my words and acknowledge the consequences of her actions.
"I didn't mean to…"
"Excuses, excuses," I interrupted, feeling my irritation rise with every word she uttered.
"Do you know what happens to liars and thieves, Maddie?" I asked and walked up to her. I grabbed her head, tilted it to the side, and scraped my teeth alongside her neck.
"Yes, my King, but plea..."
"Hush now!" I mumbled, and I grabbed her in my arms and sank my teeth into her neck, sucking the life out of her while hearing her last screams fade away.
Gah, it's so satisfying to feel the life drain out of a human, their warm blood pouring down my throat, feeling their soul just for a moment before they're gone, forever. I left Maddie's lifeless body to fall to the floor.
She had been flawless; unfortunately, her success went to her head, leading her to believe she could betray me, her King, and get away with it.
"Guards!" I called out, wiping my mouth clean with a napkin.
"Yes, my King?" Robert replied as he stepped into the room.
"Get rid of her body, burn it, bury it, I don't care!" Yes, my King, "And Robert, Call a maid to clean the room." Robert nodded.
As I strolled through the castle, every guard and maid bowed respectfully as I walked by while boredom washed over me.
All my girls were gone, gone too soon—none of them lasted more than a year, except for Maddie. But even Maddie, my sweet blonde angel, betrayed me; she went behind my back and slept with one of the guards. To make matters worse, she even stole gold from me, among other things.
She thought she was untouchable and that I favored her too much to kill her—big mistake.
Everything had unfolded so quickly. I knew I would leave my family one day, but I never imagined it would be like this. I had envisioned moving to another farm, marrying, and starting a family—not being whisked away to join the King's harem, whatever that entailed.
I shared a carriage with four other girls and Lord Kotzu. It could have been a more enjoyable ride, but we were forbidden to speak. The five of us kept our heads down, exchanging words only when the Lord questioned us.
After three long days of travel, with a few stops to change wagons, we finally arrived at the castle at sunset. Lord Kotzu led the way as we followed him through the dim and cold palace. Candles flickered along the hallways, illuminating our path until we reached a room where the Lord left us after introducing us to six other women.
I felt too anxious to remember the names of the other women standing beside me, but one name lingered in my mind: Elena. She was stunning, with long black hair and full, inviting lips. Beautiful lashes framed her blue, almond-shaped eyes.
"Good afternoon, ladies. I'm Donna, the headmistress of this castle," A woman announced in a crisp tone. Her dark hair was pulled back into a sleek updo, and she wore a black headscarf. Donna's black dress had long sleeves, laced cuffs, and a daring neckline that showcased her ample bosom. The other women beside her were dressed simply in black but with white aprons and a white headscarf with slicked-back hair.
"This is Miss Laura, Miss Jane, Miss Eva, Miss Eliza, and Miss Olga. You will always address them as 'Miss' and refer to me as 'Mistress,' " Donna explained, and each woman nodded in acknowledgment as they were introduced.
"Now, let me share the rules of etiquette you are expected to follow: You must obey both my orders and your maid. Engaging with the guards, other castle servants, or passing men is strictly prohibited. When questioned, you are required to speak only the truth." Donna studied us intently before continuing.
"You will always remain in your assigned room and may only go outside when accompanied by your maid for various activities. You will listen to your maid, only speak when asked. Follow the rules because disobeying them will lead to severe consequences. That's all for now; you'll learn more as time passes. I will assign your personal maid to help you prepare for your upcoming meeting with the King in your designated room." Donna introduced us to our maids, and I was paired with Miss Olga.
"Please, come with me, my lady," Olga said, gesturing for me to follow her. We exited the room and walked down the hallway until she led me into my new bedroom. The space was enormous, even more significant than our entire house on the farm. The bed was grand, draped in deep red satin, with elegant curtains that hung from the canopy above. Two tall dressers, crafted from dark wood, stood proudly, adorned with intricate carvings on their doors. The cold, gray brick walls and floor gave the room a stark atmosphere. I was left speechless, which I hoped was good, as I dared not utter a word for fear of punishment.
"Come along for your bath, my lady," Olga said, leading me into a connected room. In the center, a stunning bathtub filled with hot, steaming water beckoned, its golden frame shining beautifully beneath.
"I prepared your bath before the meeting, my lady," she continued, and I tensed as I felt her hands on me, firmly starting to undress me.
"You must be clean before meeting the King," Olga insisted as I stood before her, bare. "Now, please step into the water," she urged.
As I lowered myself into the tub, I bit my lip, stifling a gasp as the hot water burned my skin, but I was unwilling to speak out of fear of her reprimands.