A new routine.

Ben's expression turned sour as he rose an eyebrow.

Moving a hand back to place on Alexander's head, he spoke. "What you're asking is…" Ben's expression grew conflicted as he searched for an answer, "It's not in our best interests to do."

Béatrice shrugged as she crossed her arms. "Hmm, if that's the case then I will not argue, feel free to leave."

Ben's eyes widened, "wait, you must understand that renouncing my loyalty is… it's treason." He began to shake his head as he searched for his words, "I… I… I can't…"

Béatrice sighed. "I did not ask for your opinion, nor your reasoning." She then pointed towards the door, "If you cannot accept my offer, then leave, I'm sure the Daname family is thriving wonderfully in a pit of despair and ruin."

Alexander's mind raced as he stood behind Ben, who looked to be struggling with his thoughts and loyalties. The weight of the situation was not lost on Alexander, he understood well the power Béatrice was wielding.

However, what he didn't understand was why she wanted him to become her son.

What could she gain from adopting a foreign noble's child?

As Alexander racked his brain for answers, Ben looked to Antoinette with a desperate plea in his eyes. Unfortunately, all he was met with was silence. Antoinette didn't even look his way, instead, she stood at attention, her eyes never leaving Béatrice.

"Well, Sir Ben," Béatrice said with an impatient sigh.

Ben simply shook his head. 

"This is not a decision I am going to make," Ben said with a conflicted expression, he turned to Alexander, his eyes revealing the deep loss he felt. "My lord." He began, placing a hand over his chest as he lowered himself to one knee.

Alexander, confused as to what was happening, nervously took a step back. "Ben?" He said curiously.

"I have sworn my services to the Daname family, and I will continue to serve for as long as you command it." Ben said as he lowered himself before Alexander, "However if you see fit for me to leave your service, I will do so with my head held high and my heart true."

Alexander felt himself swirling in a pool of shock and astonishment. After everything he had been through, the last thing he needed was holding Ben's future as well. 

Stuck at a temporary loss for words, Alexander looked at Béatrice, who met his gaze with a cold stare. She seemed unfazed by the events unfolding before her. "Well boy," she said, her tone full of annoyance. "I haven't all day."

Alexander gulped audibly as he looked back down at Ben. Ben's loyalty was evident, and after everything Alexander went through with him, he wasn't taking that loyalty lightly. 

Ideally, Alexander would just tell Béatrice off and walk with Ben into the sunset to find the rest of his family. 

But if one thing Alexander had learned during these trying times was true, it pays to be realistic and honest.

Antoinette had saved both him and Ben with that logic. 

So with a heavy heart, Alexander opened his mouth to speak. "Ben." Alexander began, his voice steady despite the doubts he felt swirling within himself. "I think we should be realistic about this."

Ben took a deep breath but remained largely silent.

"My family is broken, my father is dead and so are my mothers. The majority of the Daname house pathfinders have died, and my siblings are lost to an unknown fate." 

Alexander sighed deeply, "Even if by some miracle we were to put what was left of my family together, we lost our home."

Ben remained silent as he tightens his fist, gripping at his worn uniform. 

"There's nothing to go back to…" Alexander said softly, before turning to Béatrice. "… so, we accept your offer, and thank you for your kindness."

There was a brief moment of silence following Alexander's words, eventually broken by the soft chuckles of Ben. "Well said my lord, though I would have followed you out of the doors had you asked it, I am glad you put reason over emotion because I certainly wouldn't have."

Then, rising from his knee Ben turned to Béatrice, His expression firm and resolute. "I look forward to serving you, my lady," Ben said with a hand to his chest. 

Béatrice's expression remained mostly unchanged, yet there was a glimpse of triumph in her eyes. "Excellent," she said, her voice carrying a hint of satisfaction. "Your service will be valued and your duties will be carried out and fulfilled with dignity."

Ben nodded, "of course my lady, I shall serve you with the utmost respect and honor."

Béatrice nodded, gesturing towards Antoinette. "Take this pathfinder to staff sergeant Henri, I want him evaluated and properly placed in the unit."

Antoinette raised a hand to her chest. "Yes ma'am." She said with reverence, before turning towards Ben. "Sir Ben, you are to follow me and remain close, do you understand?"

Ben turned to her and nodded. "I will follow you anywhere Lieutenant."

Antoinette's cheeks turned pink but her expression remained steady. "Follow me."

With that, Antoinette led Ben out of the room and into the long corridors of the Nova palace. As their footsteps echoed down the hall, Alexander turned to look at Béatrice. 

Béatrice studied him for a moment before stepping towards her tea table. "Come my son, there is much to discuss."

Alexander hesitated for a second, wondering as to what she was doing. "What are we going to talk about?" Alexander asked curiously.

"Many things, including what I expect of my children, how you are to be trained, and how you will present yourself," Béatrice said, her hand placed on the couch she was about to sit on.

"Why do you want me to be your son?" Alexander asked, the question still on his mind. 

"There are several reasons why I require a son, many of which I'm sure you can't understand at such a young age." She began, "However what I will say is that I've always wanted a son."

She always wanted a son. What does that even mean?

"But I'm not your son," Alexander said with a nervous scratch to his cheek. "I don't mind playing pretend, but with renouncing my family, I'm just a regular kid now, right?"

Béatrice chuckled softly as her eyes slightly widened. "I said you'd become my child, but I meant that you would simply act it, you'll be an experiment."

"An experiment?"

Béatrice nodded. "Indeed, an example I shall follow when either Louise or myself produce the next male heir of the Nova Household."

Alexander felt a strange sense of relief from Béatrice's blunt honesty. She essentially made it known that she didn't care for him, only what he could provide.

Given his skill in pleasing people, Alexander believed it to be easy to navigate his strange situation. 

"Come along now child." Béatrice said as she took her seat, "I will not stand and discuss matters as nuanced as this."

"Yes ma'am," Alexander replied as he moved to sit across from her.

As he sat down across from her, Alexander could feel Béatrice's gaze weighing upon him. "So," she began, her tone neutral yet firm, "what were your duties before the demise of your house?"

Alexander sat up as he placed his hands together. 

I guess this is going to be like an interview.

"Uhm, I didn't do much." Alexander answered honestly, "I trained with a pathfinder named Elise, and recently my father… until the invasion."

Béatrice nodded. "I see, I'm assuming you had an older brother?"

Alexander nodded. "Two." He said, raising two fingers. 

"Well that explains it," she said with a nod as she crossed her legs. "So your training, did you do well?"

Alexander shook his head. "No ma'am, I was terrible, lazy, uncoordinated, and slow."

Béatrice nodded. "Hmm, and you came to this conclusion yourself?"

"No ma'am, your husband Napoleon evaluated me before he died, It's what he said."

"Ahh," Béatrice said as she brought her hands together, intertwining her fingers.

A small smile found its way on Béatrice lips as she opened her mouth to speak once more. "You are quite intelligent and honest, especially for your age."

Alexander nodded. "Thank you."

Béatrice then sighed as she looked around her study, "well, I suppose we should get down to business," she said before returning her attention to Alexander. "As my son, I expect nothing short of excellence."

— — —

A week had passed since Ben and Alexander fled the Fallen kingdom and moved in with the Novas.

Alexander found himself adjusting to his new life fairly quickly. With Béatrice breaking his day down into a routine he was to follow every day, he didn't have much time to think about his displacement or loss of his family. 

How his day started was simple.

He would wake up each day at six o'clock every morning. He would get washed up and changed, before making his way to the main dining hall to eat breakfast with Béatrice and Louise. 

Louise was often quiet during breakfast, silently picking at her food as she occasionally took a glance at either Alexander or her mother. 

The only time she did speak was when her mother asked her a question. 

Most of the questions Béatrice would ask were fairly straightforward. She would ask about Louise's studies and classes with private tutors.

Louise's answers would often be short.

After a brief conversation with Louise, Béatrice would turn her attention to Alexander. 

The questions she asked him were similar to the ones she asked Louise. 

"How was your training?" She would ask.

"It's well ma'am, sergeant Claire has been pushing me to better understand world energy and its enhancing benefits." He would answer.

"How are your classes with you tutors?"

"Fine ma'am, they've all expressed their satisfaction with my progress, especially in history."

Béatrice would nod approvingly, her expression rarely showing any glimpse into her thoughts. Breakfast would usually conclude with Béatrice Reminding both children of their duties and her expectations.

After breakfast, Alexander would train with Sergeant Claire. Her lessons were usually long and rigorous, filled with various lessons and techniques that she ensured he learned. 

The most important lesson she continued to stress was world energy manipulation, stating that it was the difference between great pathfinders and the dead.

Alexander tried his best to follow Claire's teachings, manipulating his essence to his benefit. Though besides the few tricks he had learned earlier, he struggled to show an significant process. 

After about an hour of that, she would move to more physical training. This Alexander did significantly better in, not because he suddenly is less lazy, but because of Claire's threats of violence if he failed.

It was a great motivator.

In the afternoons Alexander would have a quick lunch before attending classes with his tutors. The subjects he was taught ranged from mathematics and strategy to politics and philosophy. 

He had a different tutor for each subject, with each one of them giving their suggestions, advice, and ideas of the subjects they taught. Alexander absorbed as much of the information he could because apart from the basics of math and science, most of what he learned was entirely new and native to the world he now inhabited.

In the evenings, after the last of his classes had ended. Alexander had a small amount of free time right after dinner and just before he went to bed.

In that time, he and Ben would chat about their respective day. While Alexander told Ben of his exhaustion in training and learning, Ben would talk about Antoinette and his time with the Nova pathfinders. His skills and connection with Antoinette allowed him to seamlessly integrate.

After spending a short time with Ben, Alexander would reflect on the day and prepare for the next, before falling asleep.

His routine remained largely unchanged, until one day, while he was in the courtyard training with Claire, a carriage rolled onto the estate grounds and parked near the fountain. 

Pausing in his training with Claire, both Alexander and her looked towards the carriage with curious faces.