Meeting the royals.

The driver of the Carriage hopped down from the driver's bench, both her boots smacking against the ground and creating a clapping sound. 

The driver was a woman dressed in black Pathfinder robes. She had long black hair that was curly and tied into a bun. 

Her eyes were covered by a thin black cloth that wrapped around her head, and her right cheek had a tattoo of a strange symbol.

On her hip was a short sword, Mauser pistol, and a rapier.

Alexander stared curiously at the woman as she looked around the area, her eyes hidden behind the black cloth. 

With a quick scan of the immediate area, she began to make her way towards the cabin of the carriage. 

As she walked, Alexander couldn't help but stare in awe of her powerful presence. She was tall, toned, and well-defined. 

She radiated an intense aura that rivaled Béatrice, if not outright superior!

The woman opened the door of the carriage, and that's why Alexander caught a glimpse of the passengers inside.

There were three in total.

An adult woman, and two children who looked to be a few years apart. 

The woman in the black robes reached her hand into the carriage, and the first to take it was the older woman. 

As she was guided out of the carriage, Alexander was able to get a better look at her. 

She was dressed in a long red and black dress that had a simple yet elegant design to it.

Her hair was a radiant white, it was formed in two braids that formed in the back to create a neat bun. 

Her eyes were a bright and vibrant pink, her lips painted cherry red, alongside her nails. 

Her skin was smooth and fair.

As she stepped out of the carriage, her eyes curiously gazed around the courtyard until they eventually landed on Alexander and Claire.

Claire immediately moved to salute. "Your majesty." She said in a tone of reverence and humility.

Alexander, who was still enraptured by the strangers who had arrived, barely moved a muscle. 

His curiosity deepened as Claire saluted the woman. It was clear that she held significant importance, but as to what or who, Alexander simply couldn't fathom it. 

He continued to look over the woman's features, studying them closely as he tried to guess who she could be. 

"Ahh, Claire is it?" The woman said with a polite point as she stepped away from the carriage and towards Claire. " 

"Yes, your majesty," Claire said with a nod. 

The woman nodded as her gaze fell upon Alexander. Her expression was curious as she brought her hands to her hips. 

Feeling the woman staring down at him, Alexander's heart began to race a little. 

He attempted to stare back at her briefly, but her striking pink eyes and high authority made him uncomfortable.

"Hmm, now that's interesting." The woman said to her softly as she studied Alexander. "Who is this boy?" The woman asked as she looked back at Claire with a tilted head. 

"He is Lady Béatrice's son, lord Alexander du Nova, and his common name, Alexander Dematray."

"Dematray." The woman said to herself softly as she looked back at Alexander, her expression was that of intrigue. 

Alexander was growing increasingly uncomfortable and confused by the woman's blatant staring. 

However, out of fear of what might happen if he offended the woman, he remained still and silent. 

Luckily, the woman's attention was drawn away from him by a voice emerging from the carriage. "Ugh, what an utter waste of time, I had better things to do than this." A voice said in a sassy and snappy tone.

"Awe, but we get to see Louise!" A lighter, more enthusiastic voice followed shortly after the first. 

Alexander, his curiosity overshadowing his fear, moved to see where the voices came from. 

What he saw were the two young girls from earlier standing outside the carriage.

The two girls were dressed in gray and blue respectively. They both had white coats and hair, and just like the woman who stood before him, they had bright pink eyes. 

Sister's maybe?

The younger sister looked to be similar in age to Alexander, with a bright smile plastered across her lips as she looked around.

While the older sister had a frown stretched across her lips and had her arms crossed. She looked to be twelve or thirteen. 

Total opposites.

It wasn't long before the two girls spotted Alexander. 

The younger sister's smile widened as she noticed Alexander. Without hesitation, she immediately began to approach with a bounce in her step. "Mother who is that!" The young girl asked as she reached her mother's side, her voice full of excitement and curiosity.

The woman smiled as she looked over to her daughter. "This is Alexander, apparently he's her new son." She said with a chuckle.

The young girl's eyes widened in disbelief. "But that's impossible, mother, he's too old to be her son!" She explained, pointing at Alexander, "Look, he's my age."

The woman continued to chuckle, "That's what confuses me." She said, turning back to Alexander. 

"Where did you come from Alexander?" She asked curiously. 

Alexander gulped nervously as he began to fumble with his fingers. First, there was lady béatrice and now this mess, Alexander felt as if he couldn't catch a break. 

However, now wasn't the time to be overcome with nerves.

Standing like an idiot wouldn't make this situation any easier, so pushing aside his anxiety, Alexander straightened him up to speak. 

"I uhh, I come from the Fallen Kingdom, from house Daname…" Alexander said with a nervous chuckle.

Though her expression remained largely unchanged, Alexander did notice the woman's eyes widening slightly. 

The young girl, for her part, had a sympathetic expression befall her face. "Oh no." She said, her tone soft. "I heard your kingdom was attacked, Alexander, is that why you're here?"

Alexander nodded. "Yeah, my home was destroyed, so I was brought here." 

The young girl simply shook her head. "That's so sad Alexander, but I'm glad you're safe."

Alexander opened his mouth to speak but was suddenly cut off by Lady béatrice, who stood at the main entrance of her estate. 

"Queen Charlotte, you certainly know how to make a surprise visit," Béatrice said in a slightly annoyed tone. "For what do I owe the pleasure?"

The woman– Charlotte, looked over to béatrice, with a sympathetic look. "I came to give my condolences béatrice, losing your husband and daughter couldn't have been easy on you." She said, her arms spread out slightly.

Béatrice rolled her eyes as she stepped into the courtyard. "I'm sure you have all the sympathy in the kingdom Charlotte, though it's a shame you can't spread it to those who need it."

A small grin dance on Charlotte's lips as she brought her hands together. "Yes, it truly is a tragedy." 

Her expression then turned somewhat serious. "But, on a more serious note, I came to discuss future plans with you regarding the Western empire and the war as a whole, time is of the essence."

Béatrice sighed softly as she reached Charlotte. "Very well, we can meet in my study to further discuss such things." 

Charlotte nodded, "of course, but may I ask where Louise is?"

Béatrice frowned. "She's studying, now with the death of Camilla, I cannot risk Louise falling behind in her role as heir to this house."

Charlotte nodded. "I see, then what of your son here," she said with hand gestures towards Alexander.

Béatrice briefly glanced at Alexander. "What of him?" She asked.

Charlotte smiled softly. "Well, my daughters will need company, if Louise is too busy then surely Alexander…"

Béatrice's frown grew. "If you want the boy to entertain your daughter then simply ask him, I am not one for your games."

Charlotte chuckled lightly as she turned to look towards Alexander.

As she looked at him, Alexander's eyes went wide. 

Wait, wait, wait, what the fuck!

Alexander couldn't believe what was about to happen. Was he seriously about to be thrust into the role of hosting literal princesses?

He could barely host Marcia, and she was just a street kid!

"Alexander," Charlotte said softly as she placed a hand behind her younger daughter's head. "Would you mind playing with my daughters Elizabeth and Victoria?" She asked warmly.

Alexander felt as if his heart almost drop. 

"Uhh…" he said nervously as he turned his gaze from Charlotte to the young girl, who seemed eager and excited, to her sister, who seemed bored and uninterested, and lastly Charlotte, who looked at him with a warm and kind gaze.

His mind raced with questions.

Could he entertain royalty?

What would happen if he failed?

Would they kill him?

Round and round his mind went until finally, he cracked under the pressure and answered, "…sure?" He said, his tone anything but.

Charlotte's smile brightened, her eyes wrinkling at the corners as the smile reached her eyes. "Excellent," she said in delight. 

Then, with a gentle push on the back of the younger girl's head, Charlotte began to introduce her daughters. 

"This is Elizabeth." She said as the younger girl- Elizabeth, stepped forward. 

"Hi, Alexander!" Elizabeth said excitedly as she moved to grab his hand, her grip tightened around it. "I'm Elizabeth!"

Alexander nodded. "Yeah…"

Charlotte then pointed towards the older girl, who stood with her arms crossed. "And that is Victoria, my oldest."

With a sigh, Victoria rolled her eyes. "Hey." She said, her tone indifferent.

"And that is Donna," Charlotte said with a point to the woman in black, who leaned against the carriage with her arms crossed. 

Alexander looked towards Donna, and she looked towards him. 

Though her couldn't see her eyes, her gaze felt oppressive and intense. "Keep staring like that and something might happen," Donna said with a spine-chilling smirk.