Cracking Project Hemlock...

"Very good Mr. Sahil, I would like to take your opinion on the subject that what would be the motive of a hacker while carrying out any hacking", the reporter of that news channel looked at Sahil and asked a tricky question. 

"Four primary purposes have been proposed as possibilities for why hackers attempt to break into computers and networks...First, hacking systems with the specific purpose of stealing credit card numbers or manipulating banking systems. There is a criminal financial gain occurring. ..Second, many hackers thrive by increasing their reputation within the hacker subculture and leave their handles on websites they defaced or leave some other evidence as evidence that they performed a specific hack. Involved in... Third, corporate espionage allows companies to gain information about products or services that can be stolen or used as leverage within the marketplace... Finally, state-sponsored attacks provide nation states with both wartime and intelligence collection options, conducted on or through cyberspace", Sahil told the news channel's reporter about the four main purposes of hacking. Look, while explaining to him, he said... The reporter looks at him smiling. 

"Okay Mr. Sahil, finally one last question... How many types of hackers are there... This is a question about which all our youth wants to know... From the beginning, I have also been curious to know how many types of hackers there are," the reporter of that news channel asked, looking at Sahil. 

"See, there are three main types of hackers… The first of which is White Hat, these are the hackers who work to keep the data safe from other hackers by finding the weaknesses of the system which can be reduced. .. White hats are usually employed by the owner of the target system and are usually paid for their work (sometimes quite well)... their work is not illegal because it is done with the consent of the system owner ... The second is black hat hackers, black hats or crackers are hackers with malicious intentions...they often steal, exploit and sell data, and are usually motivated by personal gain... Their work is usually illegal, a cracker is like a black hat hacker, but specifically someone who is very skilled and strives to make profits or profit through hacking, not just To sabotage... Crackers find exploits for system vulnerabilities and often use them to their advantage by selling fixes to the system owner or selling the exploit to other black hat hackers, who in turn use it to steal information or gain royalties. .. Third are gray hat hackers, a gray hat is a computer hacker or computer security expert who may sometimes violate laws or specific ethical standards, but does not have the same malicious intent as a black hat hacker", Sahil said. Explaining everything to the reporter in detail, he saidHe ended the interview laughing and got up from there and walked towards his car... From there he went straight towards his elder brother Sagar's house so that he could keep an eye on his sister-in-law, because it was his brother's life and death. There was a question of. 

"Look... there must be no mistakes this time, I want all the information about Project Hemlock... it could prove to be a huge loss for us if we fail... I don't want to take any risks this time. I am here, so I don't want any mistakes, invite the best hackers... Whoever completes this work will be given Rs 500 crores... Well, what happened to the hacker who was caught by the police, has he opened his mouth yet", an unknown person asked while looking at his special someone. 

"Why not boss... I send an invitation to hackers all over the world that whoever does this work for us will be given Rs 500 crore... That previous hacker has not opened his mouth and told anything about us till now, you tell us what to do with him", his special person present there agreed to his statement and gave information about the previous hacker, who was working in Sagar's pharmaceuticals. He was caught hacking the computer present in the company's lab. 

"I say, wipe out both those bastards because they have failed to do our work and have been caught. Tomorrow the police will come to our neck, finish all the work of both of them... To do this work, send one of your special men to the hospital and the other one to the jail to complete the work of that hacker, so that our raising fingers are broken forever", the unknown person said while ordering his special man and His man nods and walks away to complete these tasks. 

"All the best hackers of the world are at your service, Boss... Whatever you order will happen." To steal Sagar's Venom and its formula, the same person, obeying the orders of his boss, called hackers from all over the world to steal Sagar's venom and its formula. Presented in service. 

"Good job... Panther, we liked your work... So gentle men, all of you have been called here so that you all can hack the world's best software... because it contains the world's deadliest poison. There is a formula store... I want it at any cost, for this you will be given Rs 500 crores. ..All of you must have seen and heard the discussion of that software on every news channel... I need a great suggestion on how to break this software designed by Sahil Mathew of India", as usual, the unknown person, keeping himself anonymous in the dark corner of the hall, praised his special person present there. Addressing hackers across the world, SahilAsked for suggestions to break the software. 

"Whoever you are boss, I would like to tell you that this is the most advanced computer system ever... which requires a very advanced system to break... This advanced software can destroy any person as soon as it enters their system. Detects the virus and starts sending signals... For this we will need three special hackers, White Hat Hacker, Gray Hat Hacker and lastly Black Hat Hacker who will actually hack that system... Actually let me explain to you what we will have to do... First of all, with the help of white hat hacker, we will get every detail of the mobiles of Mr. Sagar and Sahil, so that we will be able to connect to that system and then we will continue to get every information which is related to the mobiles or communication systems of both of them. .. White hat hacker will carry out this work in a legal manner so that no one will have any doubt… Through that system, we will be able to connect only through gray hat hacker and finally, black hat hacker will do his work… because of this advanced system. He will have a hand in breaking the last firewall of... This is the easiest way to break this system... So this work is not in the capacity of any one person, so 500 crores will not be enough... 600 crores will have to be given so that it can be divided into three parts", said one present in that hall. The young hacker gave a suggestion and said... There is silence all around. 

"So can you accomplish this task, young man… what is your name?" the voice of that unknown person echoed again from the dark corner of the hall. 

"My name is Carlos and I am from America," the hacker replied. 

"I was thinking that you are an Indian… what is this all about America", the unknown person asked, showing his reaction after hearing the answer of the young hacker. 

"Carlos is my nickname because this is my identity in the world of hacking... I have grown up in America since childhood and my father was an Indian... I can only give you this much information about myself, my question is. Yes, it is useful, I can complete this work with my team... Now, as you wish", the young hacker Carlos said while introducing himself, looking towards the darkness coming from the direction of the unknown person. 

"It's very good... I like your confidence, you can ask whatever you want from my special man... You try to complete this task as soon as possible", the voice of the unknown person coming from that dark corner. Praising the young hacker in a loud voice, he ordered him to carry out this work. 

"The toxins in poisonous plants affect herbivores, and prevent them from eating the plants...Plants cannot move to escape their predators, so they must have other means of protecting themselves from herbivores ... Some plants have physical defenses such as thorns and prickles, but by far the most common type of defense is chemical... Over millennia, through the process of natural selection, plants have evolved the means to produce a vast and complex array of chemical compounds to deter herbivores... For example, tannin is a defensive compound that emerged relatively early in the evolutionary history of plants, while more complex molecules such as polyacetylene are found in smaller groups of plants such as the Asterales... Many of the known plant defense compounds defend primarily against consumption by insects, although other animals, including humans, who consume such plants may also experience negative effects ranging from mild discomfort to death. .. Many of these poisonous compounds also have important medicinal benefits, one such poison has been prepared by our scientists together and the name of this project is Hemlock and this venom has been created from the chemicals of a poisonous plant called Hemlock... This is going to change the history of medical science because with the help of this poison, medicines for many incurable diseases are also going to be made... This is the deadliest poison ever created in the history of mankind, just one gram of which can kill millions, but as long as it is in safe hands, it will be used for the good of mankind only. Project Hemlock has been in the making for almost two years and through difficult conditions and hard work, we have got positive results... Till now this poison has not been given any special name so we just call it by the name of Project Hemlock or Venom , soon we will also give a good name to this special poison... Presently, special work is going on on the positive results obtained from it so that the beneficial results obtained from it can help as many people as possible and its results can give a befitting reply to every major disease", Sagar said in a press release. Your speech to address reporters at the conferenceSaid while giving.