Perfect Betrayed...

" I want positive results of this medicine as soon as possible, without testing we cannot reach any conclusion, this is the first medicine prepared using Venom which is being made for HIV infected patients. .. We will not allow this medicine to be launched in the market in any form until we reach its positive results, hence we will have to be extremely cautious... Even before this, a failed attempt has been made to steal the venom in the lab of our pharmaceutical company. Is... I do not want to take any kind of risk, so I have allowed only a special team of scientists to conduct tests on this venom, to lead this team, I have appointed Mr. Sagar as our lab in-charge because he Venom was invented under supervision... So gentle men, from now on you all will have to follow the special rules of the lab", the owner of the pharmaceutical company said while making a special announcement among his staff members... As soon as he made the announcement, everyone understood that this Why are special precautions being taken? 

"Susan's truth will have to be revealed to brother by any means... But how, brother loves her more than himself... But something has to be done, if Susan is betraying her brother and she only wants to get the Venom that her brother has invented, then it means that her family will also be involved in this conspiracy... It seems that I will know the truth about Suzanne through her only, but if I talk to her directly then everyone will come to know and the real culprit will be out of our hands, hence I will have to take the step very thoughtfully", Sahil said in his office. Sitting in the cabin, he thinks about Susan and then gets up and goes somewhere. 

"I have understood your problem Mr. Sahil... Now you do not need to worry because now you have handed over this case to me i.e. Ranjeet... You know that last year, our private detective agency for your father detected the diversion of medicines and caught the real culprit... Rest assured, we will not let you down", Ranjeet, owner of a private detective agency and an ex-army man, said after listening to Sahil, assuring him. 

"Look Mr. Ranjeet... I don't want even a little news of this matter to be leaked here and there, that's why I have come to you... Don't worry about money at all, I am ready to pay whatever amount is required. I just want all the details against this family... Who are these people and what are they doing here, and who do they associate with, I need all this information... You will have to carry out this task with great caution", Sahil said, looking at Ranjeet, reminding him once again that it was important for him to find out whether Sussanne's family was his real family or it was someone else's. It is a fake family created to carry out a conspiracy. 

"Okay... I will keep sending you updates as the case progresses, no one will be aware that this family is being stalked... Now you can go home with peace of mind, we will start our work from tomorrow itself", Ranjeet said assuring Sahil and then Sahil walks out of his agency. 

"So what is the progress of our work Mr. Carlos... Is your team ready... I want to meet your fellow hackers who are going to support you in this hacking work... So that you people do not face any problem, I have arranged an operating room for you where you can sit and carry out this hacking work… This operating room is very safe and any satellite in the world can track it. Can't do it... Now explain your plans, if any changes are required then you can discuss this matter with my special man Panther", keeping himself secret like always, the unknown person got ready to steal Sagar's Venom. Discussed the same topic with one of my hacker friends, Carlos. 

"My remaining two friends are ready... Actually, I would like to tell you that the white hat hacker will carry out this hacking with his own special operating system and that too from outside because his work is legal, hence we will not face any kind of problem. ... Although a gray hat hacker and I will carry out the hacking work from your operating room... I will give the list of special equipment used for this work to your partner so that there is no problem... Just that our two hacker friends wanted some money in advance so that they could carry out this work conveniently", Carlos presented his words and gave all the information to the unknown person and asked for some money in advance. 

"Why not, Mister Carlos... This job is full of risks because you will be trying to steal the most deadly poison in the world, so you will need money so that you can reduce those risks a bit... Some will be sold for money. We will help you but the rest depends on you... Panther will give you Rs 100 crore in advance so that you can use them properly... You give your list to him so that he can arrange the right equipment for you people... As soon as you are fully prepared to carry out this task, please update my special man Panther so that our special team is also ready to steal that Venom", the unknown person agreed with Carlos. While there, he agreed to give him Rs 100 crore and signaled to his partner. So that she could go with Carlos and show him the operating room. Now, just a few days later, the world's deadliest poison was about to be stolen... 

"No... No... How can this happen, how can someone commit such a big betrayal, every dream of my brother will be shattered... Is this news confirmed Mr. Ranjeet", Sahil asked Ranjeet. Looking away he asked. 

"Yes... I am absolutely right... I have thoroughly investigated this entire matter for about four days and have collected many such evidences which prove that Mr. Sagar was cheated a lot. Happening... And many well-known people of the country are also involved in this conspiracy, taking any kind of risk in this matter can prove to be very fatal... We will have to act very cautiously", Private Detective Ranjeet said while giving all the information to Sahil and after listening to his words, Sahil gets immersed in deep thought because he himself could not understand how Sagar was saved from this whirlpool. Should be removed. 

"We have three ways to hack Sagar's mobile... Either we create a fake Wi-Fi network, and as soon as Sagar connects it to his phone, it will redirect him to malicious sites... Or through SIM swap we transfer Sagar's phone number to our device and gain access to his account... Or through phishing email or text message we email him with a malicious link and click on it Let's try to trick him into doing... Such emails or texts can seem very real, and sometimes it can be complicated to differentiate between a malicious site and a legitimate site", said Carlos's white hat hacker while giving him his tip. 

"You have suggested a good way Mike, but remember one thing that Sagar is not a next door neighbor whose mobile would be so easy to hack... I found your SIM swap idea interesting, this is an easy way to hack his mobile. What to do... Phishing emails or fake WiFi can get caught... But since he is a busy person, SIM swap is the easiest way to get all the information about his mobile… We will work on this plan", Carlos said with the advice of his white hat hacker partner Mike aka Mikka Singh. Said while agreeing and laying out his further plan. 

"I also find the SIM swap method appropriate because mobiles of many high profile people have been hacked using this method... Through this, all the information about their mobiles is obtained, even from bank details to Many more personal information can also be obtained... In this, by simply blocking Sagar's SIM, we will get all the information through cloned SIM, as you said that he is a busy person, so he must be using his mobile less... This will be enough time for us and we will be able to capture Venom", the third person in the same room, a gray hat hacker, says, agreeing with both of them. 

"Come... Come... Son Sagar, everything is fine, our daughter doesn't bother us much... By the way, how did you come here?" Suzanne's mother asked when Sagar suddenly arrived. . 

"Yes... Actually, I have come to invite you all... We are having a small party tomorrow to celebrate the positive test results of Venom, so we thought of having a small party... All my friends who work with me are coming, if you all join us in our happiness then our happiness will double and Suzanne will also get company... So we will wait for you tomorrow evening, you guys will definitely have to come", Sagar hugged his mother-in-law lovingly and requested her to tell her the real reason for his coming. 

"Hey... why don't we come to our son-in-law's success party... We will definitely come and not in the evening, but I will reach in the afternoon to help Susan... After all, it is our daughter's question, brother, we will reach before time", Suzanne's mother said, agreeing to join her son-in-law's happiness. 

"This is what I expected from you, Mom... By the way, Papa is nowhere to be seen, has he gone out somewhere?" Sagar asked while looking at his mother-in-law... The expression on Suzanne's mother's face changed a little. She was a little nervous on this question of Sagar. 

"What should I tell you now, Sagar son… You know how difficult it is to maintain relationships with relatives… It was just yesterday that one of our relatives had called him to find a solution to one of his problems. Just set out to solve that issue... But we will be back by tonight", Suzanne's mother replied with a smile, hiding the frown on her forehead so that Sagar would not know the real reason. 

"Oh... only then should I say that why does this house feel so lonely without Papa ji... As soon as he returns, please give him the news that he will have to come to our place tomorrow under any circumstances and without any excuse. It won't do, otherwise I will come myself to take you guys... Okay, now I am leaving, please allow me, I have some important work to finish", Sagar said, folding his hands in front of his mother-in-law and asking for her permission to go. 

"Hey... you have just come and left without having any tea or breakfast, you could have sat for a while longer", Suzanne's mother said looking at her son-in-law. 

"No... some other time mummy, it is very important to go to my lab right now because there is some special work and my friend Arman's call has come several times, his house is on the way, so I am telling you about tomorrow's date." Came to give invitation... Now I have to go", Sagar told his mother-in-law the reason for leaving early and left from there, but as soon as he left, Susan's mother heaved a sigh of relief as if a big trouble had been averted from her head.