Chapter Forty-Nine

Once my first year of college was over Raiven, Aiden and I pulled up to my pack house. During the year I stayed at the college and went to class. I barely did anything else but hang with my boys.

Even though I wasn't very happy about it Aiden did make friends with that Cameron dude. I couldn't do anything about it since it was Aiden's choice to befriend him. He was one of Aiden's few friends and I didn't want anything to do with keeping them apart, just as long as that's all it was.

"Are you sure about this sweetheart?" Aiden asked just as Raiven parked.

I sighed. "Yes. Now stop asking me that. You've been asking every five minutes." I nearly growled.

I opened the door and got out without another word. I walked up to the door and walked in. I looked around. I didn't see any of my family. Since I didn't see anyone I knew where to find my dad. I walked up the stairs and down the hall. I stopped in front of my dads office.

I walked in without knocking. Dad was sitting at his desk doing some paperwork. I ran over to him and jumped into his lap, surprising him.

"Killian." He smiled. "How's my boy?"

I smiled up at him. "Good. There's something I want to talk to you about." I stood up and walked over to the chairs and sat down. Just then, Raiven and Aiden walked in and stood behind me.

"Susurisen." I watched my dad's face as I said it.

His face went from confused to realization. "Ah yes. Are you ready to tell me?"

I tilted my head. "You knew? How long?"

Dad chuckled. "Yes. I knew from the beginning. How else do you think you got such a sweet deal?"

"How?" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I've been watching you since you were born. I may not have always been there but I have always kept an eye out. I knew when you got into game development. I knew your style. I was the one that found your first game. I liked it so much that I had my developing teams put out a request."

"I never knew. I thought only a few people knew. I didn't think you were part of those people." I looked down at my lap. I could feel a tear trying to escape.

"Yes. Why do you think no one ever went to your hall? Your rooms are the only ones being used in that hall."

I looked back up at him. "I thought it was because of hiding my true second gender. I thought it was because you didn't want anyone finding out the truth."

He nodded. "Yes. That was part of it but it was mainly because I knew you needed your privacy."

I jumped up and ran around the desk and threw my arms around his neck. "Thanks daddy." I sobbed into his shoulder.

He rubbed my back. "You're welcome Son. I'll do anything for my kids. Now tell me why you tell me now."

"I've been thinking about coming out to the company. Walk into the company and go to my office." I leaned back a little bit to look my dad in the face.

Dad nodded. "Ok. When do you want to do that?"

I stood up and started walking toward the door. "Tomorrow." I stopped in front of the door with my hand on the knob. "Can you greet me and show me where my office is Dad?"

I heard some rustling and then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Dad. "Of course. I'll do anything to make you feel welcome."

I smiled at him. "Thanks Dad." I then walked out with Raiven and Aiden on my heels.

Once I walked into my room I was pressed against the wall. I looked up with wide eyes. I was not expecting that.

Aiden had me pressed against the wall. He was looking down at me with a frown. "Did you seriously feel jealous because of Cameron? How many times do Raiven and I have to tell you that you're the only one we see?"

I gulped. "You knew?"

"Of course I knew. We can feel your emotions and read your thoughts just like you can with us." He pressed his body against mine more. He was so close I could feel his member rubbing against mine. He slid his hands down my arms until he grabbed my wrists and lifted them above my head.

I turned my head away. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I forgot we could do that. I tried not to do it. I liked to let them have their privacy.

Aiden took hold of my wrists with one hand and then grabbed my chin with his index and thumb. He turned my head so I had to look at him. "Should I show you?"

I nodded. I wanted him so bad.

Aiden looked down at me. He could feel how much I wanted him. He tilted his head and then stepped back. "Not tonight. You need all the energy you can get for tomorrow. We'll do it after."

I reached out to him. He moved out of my reach. "Aiden." I whined.

He wagged a finger at me. "No. Go to bed."

I looked toward the bed. Raiven was already laying down waiting for us. When he noticed me looking at him he patted the spot next to him. I sighed and walked over to the bed.

I quickly stripped and then slid into bed. Raiven pulled me into him. "Don't worry. Just go to sleep. We will give you what you need after going to the office tomorrow."

I stared up at him. I gave him a slow nod. I slowly curled into him and closed my eyes. I soon felt Aiden press into my back. I slowly fell asleep with Raiven running his fingers through my hair and Aiden rubbing my arm.

The next morning I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders. I cracked my eyes open to see Raiven hovering over me.

"Time to wake up Lil bit. Let's take a shower and get ready for the day." He said once he noticed I woke up.

I whined and burrowed deeper into the covers. Suddenly I felt my body get lifted up. I peeked an eye open and whined again.

Raiven chuckled. "None of that. We need to get ready to go to the office." He walked into the bathroom and set me down on the counter and turned to turn on the shower. When he had it running he turned back to me. He lifted me up again and then walked under the spray.

I shivered as the water ran down my back. It felt good. A shower first thing in the morning always woke me up and made my body energized.

Raiven washed my body before he did his. Normally I would wash his body when he did mine but my body felt limp. I could barely move. Once he was done he lifted me up once again and walked out of the shower.

He then dried my body and his and then walked over to the closet. He set me down on the couch inside and picked out an outfit for me. He dressed me in a black silk button up and black slacks.

He put a navy blue blazer next to me. He slipped shiny black dress shoes on my feet. He dressed in a similar fashion but he had a white button up and a black blazer. He put a black tie on while he left the top two buttons undone on me.

I looked around. I haven't seen Aiden. "Where's Aiden?" I asked Raiven.

He looked over at me. "He's getting the car."

I nodded. Soon I'll be revealing myself at the office.