Chapter 88: The Moment of Consumption, Financial Title!

Buck wasn't far from him, and he didn't take long to meet up with the main force. His squad was the most aggressive and had gone the farthest. The other squads were all around Buck, now following him to clean up while replenishing their guns with the bug corpses around them, as well as searching for possible wounded.

"Kid, nicely done!"

"When I notified the other units to retreat earlier, many of them got discouraged."

"The units targeting the starship bugs were numerous, they were even close to attacking the coastline, but you were faster than all of them!"

"And you guys, as new recruits, your performance was simply perfect. The Hunter Corps needs tough guys like you!"

Seeing Zhou Yuan return with his team smoothly, Buck was extremely excited.

He gave Zhou Yuan a tight hug and then patted the shoulders of Zhou Yuan's team members one by one, encouraging them with words one after another.

"Major Buck, massacre at your service."

Zhou Yuan saluted solemnly, then performed a gentleman's bow and recited Laser Bird's lines.

"Get lost!"

Buck laughed and cursed, lightly punching Zhou Yuan in the stomach, then covered his mouth and said, "Keep it low-key, I won't be a major for another couple of days."

Although he covered his mouth, his voice wasn't quiet at all. At least everyone around heard it.


"Major Buck, my anus can also serve you!"

"Shit, Shete, you've ruined the classic line of massacre."

The crowd shouted and played around, each one stepping forward to give Buck a high-five in celebration.

"Alright, alright, this isn't an entertainment room. Get back to your positions, we still have work to do."

"The third squad can rest in place, it's the treatment heroes deserve."

Buck gave his team members a short break and then sent them away, leaving only Zhou Yuan's third squad.

"Commander, what do we do next?" Zhou Yuan asked puzzled.

"Prepare for evacuation!"

Buck pointed around and explained, "We've turned this place into a stinking sewer. We can't have too many transport planes landing at once."

"The bugs around us are increasing, and we don't have time to queue for evacuation, so the Strategic Intelligence Department has arranged a starship for us."


After listening to Buck's words, Zhou Yuan suddenly realized.

The beach and coastline had been heavily bombed, and now there were explosion craters everywhere, filled with seawater. The transport planes couldn't land at all.

... ...

Two minutes later, a starship descended from the sky and landed on the beach. Over thirty special operations teams boarded the starship, successfully completing their mission. However, instead of immediately leaving, the starship crossed over the beach and entered the airspace above the mountains.

It was then that Zhou Yuan realized why the battle on the beach had gone so smoothly. Behind the beach and the mountainous region, there was a relatively flat hilly area where a massive swarm of creatures, impossible to estimate in number, had gathered. The swarm covered the land completely and was marching towards the mountains. 

Above the hilly region, a fleet unleashed its firepower. Pulse cannons and missiles were fired relentlessly, as if they were unlimited. Wave after wave of attacks bombarded the surface, while a squadron of bombers provided additional support. The overwhelming firepower kept the swarm of creatures from advancing out of the hilly area.

This was the reason why the beachfront battle had been waiting for reinforcements that never arrived. 

"Magic immunity is really annoying," Zhou Yuan muttered as he watched the scene by the space window, feeling overwhelmed. When dealing with the creature swarm, the starship's energy weapons were not very effective. Pulse cannons were beam-type weapons that focused on penetration, but their lethality and cost-effectiveness were far inferior to tactical nuclear bombs. The fleet must have deployed such a strategy to create an advantage for the battlefield on the beach, utilizing all available means of attack.

"Hmm... Do I still need to rely on gunpowder bullets if I develop mechas in the future? That would be so outdated. Maybe I should equip them with small missiles instead," Zhou Yuan pondered to himself. "I should visit the store later and see if there are any cool weapons available."

As he continued watching the battle, Zhou Yuan's attention shifted back to the system. After exchanging greetings with Buck, he left the space corridor.

... ...

One minute later, Zhou Yuan strolled into the restroom. With nothing else to do at the moment, he decided to sort out his gains from this trip before returning to Mars.

"Fortune Riches, 2000 Soul Points, not bad."

"Top-tier mounts... damn, Starship Creatures, you're such a waste!"

"Trial title... the level is still a bit low."

"Curse title, wait until there's a mecha and then I can try it out. Then I can go out and lure monsters to solo kill them."

Zhou Yuan first checked his achievements and found that he had activated nine new achievements today, but unfortunately, none of the rewards were useful. The best reward was the "Top Tier Bullhorse" title from the Starship Bug, which could increase jump and endurance by 5 points. However, jump and endurance were useless to him at the moment, only applicable in special terrains and situations. The remaining titles and rewards were quite ordinary, not requiring much brainpower to remember, with only the 2300 soul points being worthwhile.


Zhou Yuan opened the store and directly found the Genetic Evolution Fluid.

[Genetic Evolution Fluid: When injected, it can awaken the dormant life factors in the body, activate the biological energy treasure, and break through one's own life limits.]


"Purchase successful, soul points deducted, obtained Genetic Evolution Fluid."

"Congratulations, host unlocked the 'Splurge' achievement."

"Oh no, I'm in a hurry!"

Just after spending, Zhou Yuan remembered that he had forgotten something. Once the soul point balance exceeded 1 million, the store's section for items priced between 1 million and 100 million would become available. He had acted too quickly and now couldn't afford anything in this new section.

"Forget it! The starting price is a million for the goods section, there's no point in looking."

Zhou Yuan consoled himself with a smile, not taking it too seriously. He opened the achievement panel and looked at the 'Splurge' achievement.

After activating this achievement, he could claim the 'Sustainable Development' title.

'Sustainable Development': To become a mature soul hunter, one needs to be able to spend and earn, gaining 1 soul point per minute.

"What the...?"

After seeing the title effect, Zhou Yuan immediately equipped it.

Host: Zhou Yuan

Identity: Federal Ensign, 18-year-old male enhanced human

Attributes: Strength 3, Speed 2.5, Jump 2.5, Agility 2.5, Endurance 3, Defense 3, Self-recovery 3, Skill 1.6, Brain Function 5.5

Skills: Telepathy, Mind Communication, Telekinesis, Rapid Learning...

Items: Jump Frog, Heavy Atomic Flight Wing Suit, Laser Bird, Purgatory Grenade...

Title: Sustainable Development - Gain 1 soul point per minute

Soul Points:

Gaining 1 soul point per minute means 60 per hour, 1440 per day, and so on for a month and a year. This means that even if he does nothing in the future, doesn't kill a single bug, he can still earn at least 500,000 soul points in a year.

500,000 in a year may not be much for him now, as he could earn that from just a few bug waves. But this is free! No one can refuse something for free!


Please give me a free little gift, otherwise I really have to eat dirt. I can't keep up with the clicks for more reads, and the reading revenue is very low. The author only needs a free little gift!