Chapter 89: Injection of Evolution Fluid, Superhuman!

Finally, the climax arrived.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath and retrieved the genetic evolution fluid from the purchased warehouse.

"This looks pretty neat."

The genetic evolution fluid resembled military adrenaline injections. It had a common glass casing with a spiral glass tube inside. The ends were covered with alloy lids that could be unscrewed for injection.

The fluid had a soft, slightly aquamarine color, but it looked a bit strange for a medication.


"Let's put it off for now!"

Just as the needle was about to pierce his skin, Zhou Yuan abruptly stopped and closed the lid of the genetic evolution fluid. When he injected the Super Soldier Serum before, he slept for 20 hours.

This genetic evolution fluid was even more potent than the Super Soldier Serum. A single injection might make him sleep for a whole day and night. To avoid unnecessary trouble, he decided to endure it for now and wait until he returned to Mars to administer the injection.

Thinking about this, Zhou Yuan left the restroom and prepared to ask Buck about the return time.

When he returned to the team, before he could ask Buck, he witnessed the answer he was seeking with his own eyes.

The fleet had stopped battling the insect swarm and was now preparing to leave Haidora.

Upon careful consideration, this was reasonable. Their target was the Starship Bugs, and now that the Starship Bugs were dead, there was no need for the fleet to waste ammunition. Leaving early would also help them avoid unexpected accidents. After all, this was the GJ-1 galaxy, the territory of the bugs. The fact that they managed to catch up and kill the Starship Bugs was already a great victory, but they shouldn't get too cocky and turn things around.

After a short wait, the fleet arrived and stopped above the ocean.

Compared to the atmosphere above the land and outer space, the atmosphere above the ocean was the safest since the giant plasma worms' plasma cannons couldn't reach this area.

"Let's go. We're heading back to Mars."

Buck beckoned and led the team to the boarding area.

This time, many special operations forces had arrived. These forces didn't all come from the same base or even the same planet. They would be separated here and transferred to their respective starships to return to their stationed planets.

... ...

Transfer to the starship first, then disembark upon arrival at Mars.

When the transport aircraft carrying the Hunter Corps returned to the Talassis Fortress, more than half an hour had already passed.

"Captain, do we have any tasks today?"

"I'm a bit tired and want to find a temporary single-person dormitory to get a good rest."

When they disembarked, Zhou Yuan approached Buck and asked.

He wanted to inject the genetic evolution fluid today, but he was afraid something might come up in the meantime, like having to report, and so on.

"Go ahead, get some rest."

"Angus, the boss, went to the headquarters of the Earth Federation for a meeting. He probably won't be back for a few days, so we won't receive any tasks," Buck understood Zhou Yuan's concerns and smiled, shaking his head.

"Okay," Zhou Yuan nodded and walked away from the team with heavy steps towards the single-person dormitory area.

The single-person dormitory area can also be called the officer's dormitory area or the command dormitory area, and can only be applied for after reaching the rank of Second Lieutenant.

However, generally no one applies for a single-person dormitory. Everyone prefers to live with their comrades, and only couples will apply for a single-person dormitory.

Not long after, Zhou Yuan registered at the work hall and obtained a single-person dormitory.


He casually closed the door and immediately undressed, climbing into bed and taking out the genetic evolution liquid from his waist.

"It feels quite comfortable..."

After injecting the genetic evolution liquid, Zhou Yuan felt somewhat surprised. 

His lower back was cool, without any sense of pain. It was completely different from the experience of injecting the super soldier serum.

Lying quietly for about five minutes, Zhou Yuan finally felt the changes in his body. 

He felt a strange chill emerging from his body, as if he had fallen into an ice hole.

Although he didn't feel any pain, this chill made him increasingly drowsy. His eyelids couldn't stay open for long and closed completely, falling into a deep sleep.

... ...

"Is it done?"

When Zhou Yuan opened his eyes again, the chill in his body had completely disappeared, and only four hours had passed.

Zhou Yuan slowly got out of bed and sat on the edge, gently clenching his hand.

It still felt familiar.

There was a newfound lightness in his body, and the strength of his muscles surged, as if he could turn into a rocket and ascend with a light stomp.

Host: Zhou Yuan

Identity: Federation Lieutenant, Superhuman

Attributes: Strength 13, Speed 12.5, Jumping 12.5, Agility 12.5, Endurance 13, Defense 13, Self-healing 13, Skill 1.6, Brain Function 15.5

Skills: Mind Sensing, Mind Communication, Telekinesis, Mind Hypnosis, Mind Control, Rapid Learning...

Equipment: Jump Frog, Heavy Atomic Wingsuit, Laser Bird, Inferno Grenade...

Title: Financial Guru - Gain 1 Soul Point per minute

Soul Points:

As expected, he was right. After being enhanced, he became a superhuman.

The effect of the genetic evolution liquid was very strong, raising all attributes by 10 points except for skill.


"Mind Hypnosis? Mind Control?"

As he looked at it, Zhou Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up. He gained two additional sub-skills of mind sensing.

He was quite familiar with these two skills.

Mind Hypnosis can induce a target into a highly suggestive state, causing them to believe the suggested information to be true.

Mind Manipulation, even more extravagant, allows one to directly control a target's mind with powerful telepathic abilities, similar to brainwashing.

As for how he knows about these two superpowers...

All future Carls have them!

Carl is born with superhuman abilities and his telepathic powers grow stronger as he ages, reaching incredible levels.

... ...

[Ding, new skill detected in host!]

[Skill bar updated, new skills added: Mind Hypnosis, Mind Manipulation.]

[Congratulations on awakening new skills, you have received 6 Level 3 Soul Boxes, 4 Level 2 Soul Boxes, and 2 Level 1 Soul Boxes. Would you like to open them?]

Opening the prompt panel, he realized that once again, upon awakening a new skill, the system had gifted him with a batch of boxes.

"What a pleasant surprise! Let's try out a new title!"

With a smile on his face, Zhou Yuan changed his title to "Exceptional Intelligence," boosting his cognitive function to 20.5 points.

Unfortunately, the system remained silent.

It seemed that his telepathic abilities had encountered a bottleneck.

To awaken the next skill, he might need to break through to 25 or even 30 points of cognitive function.

However, Zhou Yuan was not disappointed because he was already quite satisfied.

He never expected the gene evolution liquid to be so effective, allowing him to awaken two new skills and obtain a batch of boxes.

... ...