Stare, Bobby, and Joel arrived together for the next class. With the assistance of the Academy AI, they successfully located the classroom and were currently on their way there.

Fortunately, all the classrooms for their lessons were housed in a single building, unlike their dorms or the cafeteria, which each had their own separate buildings. This arrangement made it much quicker to reach them.

Stare observed on the way to the next class that they received a couple of looks, most of which seemed to be directed at him.

A few students approached him to make acquaintances, but Stare politely declined. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the Path and his current situation and plans, he couldn't afford the luxury of randomly making friends or acquaintances. Yet, not all the looks he received seemed non-hostile or curious; he also encountered his fair share of angry and threatening glares.

He could understand the reason for this. After all, he had publicly challenged a figure that some groups likely viewed as an idol. Not that he truly cared either way, as long as his actions hadn't attracted unnecessary attention from the other Elites.

They soon arrived at a large, plain white metal door, much like the one for the previous class, except this one was labeled "Fief Training."

Pushing the door open, the trio were momentarily stunned. Unlike the previous class, there weren't any slightly hovering student desks, so the students had to stand. However, the hall was still quite spacious, though not as large as the previous classroom.

There weren't many furnishings in this classroom, and the only notable features were probably the two doors at the end of both the left and right sides.

Excited chattering could be heard here and there in the hall, with most of the students already speculating on how the class would proceed and why the classroom seemed rather peculiar.

Bobby, in particular, appeared very enthusiastic. This was the first intense emotion Stare had observed in the kid since they had met at the Academy.

"You seem quite happy," Stare remarked, eliciting a smile from Bobby's face.

"Well, this class is probably meant to train us in using our fiefs, and being able to control our fiefs is a major factor in becoming a Hero... so yeah, I guess I'm pretty excited, especially considering it's been my dream for a long time to be a Hero."

Stare nodded after hearing this. He could understand the kid's passion and dreams, and he was even rooting for him to at least achieve it.

Stare wasn't particularly interested in the chit-chat happening in the hall, so he decided to seize the opportunity to locate Y-204.

However, just before he could make any progress, his attention was abruptly drawn to the classroom door opening unexpectedly.

Two individuals entered, a male and a female, both dressed in costumes that Stare recognized as superhero attire.

While he couldn't discern whether they were genuine heroes or merely cosplaying, judging by the expressions on most of the students' faces as they stared at them, he felt it was more probable they were the former.

The man was clad in a suit seemingly tailored to overly showcase his muscles, which it did with remarkable success.

The suit was entirely red, adorned with flaming stripe designs and a logo resembling a burning human silhouette on its chest. The man himself had red hair with subtle traces of orange, giving the impression of amateurish hair dye. Despite appearing to be in his early twenties, his well-defined and chiseled face only enhanced his attractiveness.

However, his female companion wasn't clad in the typical superhero attire; her outfit appeared more like everyday wear. Nonetheless, Stare recognized it as such because, like the man, she also sported a logo on the chest of her outfit, a characteristic possessed by most superhero outfits.

She wore what appeared to be an average amber-colored gown, with the exception of a logo resembling a glowing light bulb on her chest and matching gloves. She also appeared to be in her early twenties, and a small serene smile graced her face, instantly enhancing her already remarkable beauty.

As they continued walking, the students watched in awe at the gathering.

By now, it was already evident that they were likely the lecturers for this course.

Curious and still knowing basically nothing about the two, Stare decided to ask Bobby, who also appeared awestruck by their presence.

At first, Bobby seemed shocked that Stare had no idea who the two were, but eventually, he provided an answer.

"They're the prodigy Orion and Luna, currently the youngest Tier III Primes and quite popular heroes as well," Bobby's tone was infused with excitement as he spoke.

Now, Stare could understand why most of the students, even the Elites, had looks of awe when gazing at the two. Although he wasn't completely knowledgeable about the power levels of this era, he did know that ascending higher on the power table required a considerable amount of struggle and hard work. This was a principle that applied even in his previous cycles.

The two presumed lecturers stepped to the front of the crowd of students. The red-haired man, seemingly reveling in the students' admiration, remained silent for a few moments, sporting a proud grin on his face. His companion, the lady, stood behind him with a serene smile and a tablet in her hand.

After a brief pause, the man moved forward slightly, silently scanning the students for a moment before finally breaking his silence.

"This won't be your typical class lecture, newbies."