Orion was on the verge of saying something, oblivious to the curiosity now emanating from the students' eyes around him.

Many students had already anticipated something out of the ordinary for that class, so his announcement didn't seem to surprise them much.

However, his next words were interrupted by what sounded like a deliberate clearing of the throat from the elegant lady standing behind him.

Though no words were exchanged between them, the man instantly grasped her implication.His expression shifted noticeably, replacing his previous smile with a frown.

"It seems the Academy's staff is determined to ensure every teacher formally introduces themselves to their students, even someone as well-known as myself…"

"As many of you should already know, I'm Orion Brasken, the youngest Tier III Prime known…at just 23 years old by the way, and yeah, I usually go by the alias 'Hottest Flame.' But to you guys, I'll be known as your Idol," Orion introduced, simultaneously and casually conjuring two blue balls of flames in both his hands before extinguishing them just as casually as he had created them.

Stare's expression instantly cringed upon hearing the man's awkward introduction paired with his display.

At this point, he was starting to think the Academy probably had a thing for untrustworthy-looking lecturers with peculiar behaviors. However, he didn't find the guy's already overbearing attitude too surprising, considering he was, after all, the youngest Tier III Prime currently and in the whole of New Earth. Perhaps he deserved a bit of pride.

Unfortunately, it appeared that Stare was the only one slightly put off by the man's attitude, as the students around him seemed completely unfazed by it, including Bobby and Joel. He had no choice but to continue listening to the man, who had at some point begun even listing awards he had won and luxurious properties he owned.

After what felt like an eternity of boasting, the man appeared to have finally garnered enough satisfaction from his introduction. He paused for a few seconds, scanning the gathering of students once more.

"Now that's out of the way, we can begin…"

"First off it's important for you to understand that there are two classes of heroes in this society. There are the main class heroes, the ones who are meant to have the hero spotlight, the gifted Primes - heroes like me. And then there is the supporting hero class, which isn't inherently bad but simply not at the same level as the main class. It's called the supporting class for a reason. Personally, I prefer to call the heroes in this class 'sidekicks,' since they're rarely in the spotlight and have the sole responsibility of assisting main class heroes in achieving their full potential of greatness."

"I want you to understand that these classes also apply to you as students in the Academy. You're being trained for either of these classes, and I know many of you are wondering what these classes have to do with your fief training. Well, these classes are assigned based on the fief you have awakened."

"For example, someone with a flames fief would definitely be assigned to the Main Hero Class, while someone with the ability to, let's say, read minds might end up in the supporting class. So, in other words, it simply depends on how your fief can be utilized in a hero's line of work."

This time, Stare noticed expressions of discomfort and anxiety on the students around him, which wasn't surprising given what Imma had just said.

Essentially, their fief determined their career path as heroes. They could either become popular supers who independently saved people and bask in their praises, or they could end up as shadows to other heroes, receiving little to no recognition or respect.

Stare personally felt a slight disgust with the process of classifying heroes based on their fiefs, which were known to be bestowed randomly by Algos rather than based on performance, moral compass, and determination.

Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be much he could do, especially since this seemed like a process established years before now. Plus, in all honesty, he wasn't really bothered by the classes, as being a hero wasn't part of his plan.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for most of the other students, people like Bobby.

"With that being said, before we can actually begin your fief training, we'll have to first classify each and every one of you," Orion proceeded, disregarding the sullen expressions on some students.

"The Academy has already prepared a list, detailing each of your awakened fiefs, so it should be easier to assign your classes."

"With that said..." Orion paused and turned around to face the lady who had been quietly standing slightly behind him. She stepped forward, tapping the tablet in her hand and scanning it for a couple of seconds before beginning to call out what was most likely the contents she had been reviewing.

"Ares Voltstorm... Main Class."

The Elites were the first names to be called out, and as expected, each of them was assigned to the Main Hero Class. After all, they had already been rumored to be the New Earth's future hope.

Abruptly, the lady paused for a long while, her eyes filled with fright. However, this fearful look didn't last long, as she soon returned to wearing a small smile.

After several seconds of silence, she finally called out the name "Raziel Erebus... Main Class."

Stare immediately noticed that almost all the students' eyes were fixed on a single person the moment the name was called, including both the teachers, although their gaze didn't linger for more than a few seconds.

The person was someone Stare instantly recognized. It was the incarnation of Y-204 in this cycle, the pale white-haired kid he had seen in the last class.

'Raziel Erebus? Quite a fancy name,' Stare quipped inwardly.

'It's almost as though this f*cker landed himself some dignitary position in this cycle. I wonder what fief he must have awakened.'

"Was it something known to oppose teleportation, or something similar in a way, or entirely different?"

After moments of trying to come up with a guess for Raziel's fief, Stare eventually paused with the thought, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Not like it actually mattered though," He finally muttered.

After Raziel's name was called, the list seemed to become more volatile, with occurrences of students who had been assigned the Supporting Hero Class.

Stare also noticed something odd: the watches the students wore seemed to react to the classes they were assigned. The display screen turned green for the main class and yellow for the supporting class.

Something Stare instantly recognized might pose quite a problem in the near future, especially for those with the yellow display.

Joel was assigned the Main Hero Class, and luckily, Stare received the same.

However, just when everything seemed to be going well for the group, the next words that left the lady's mouth instantly shattered that idea.

"Bobby Astor... Supporting Class."