Chapter 5: A Day in Foosha Village

Author: As you can read the novel has restarted from scratch, how is it going until now leave a comment. 

And at the end of next week, my next fanfic start about Naruto.


The sun was just beginning to rise over the peaceful waters of Foosha Village as Garp prepared to leave. He stood near the edge of the clearing, stretching his arms and yawning loudly as Vulcan stood beside him, looking up with a mix of admiration and disappointment.

"Gahahaha! You're gonna be just fine, Vulcan!" Garp said, patting his grandson on the head with his usual heavy hand. "I've gotta get back to Marineford, but I'll be back before you know it. Keep up with your training while I'm gone!"

Vulcan nodded, his blonde hair bouncing slightly with the motion. "I will, Grandpa," he said, his voice steady but warm. "I'll keep getting stronger."

Garp grinned, ruffling Vulcan's hair one last time. "That's the spirit! Now don't get into too much trouble, huh?"

With a final laugh and wave, Garp turned and began walking down the path toward the coast, where his ship was waiting. Vulcan watched him go, standing silently for a few moments until Garp disappeared over the horizon.

Though he would miss his grandfather, Vulcan wasn't sad. Garp always came and went, and in the meantime, Vulcan knew he had plenty of training to do on his own.

But today wasn't just about training. Foosha Village awaited, and Vulcan decided to take a short break and visit the town. He loved going there—it was a peaceful place, filled with familiar faces. The locals had grown used to seeing Vulcan around, and though they didn't know much about him, they had grown fond of the bright-eyed boy with the wild blonde hair.

Foosha Village: The Bar

The village was bustling as Vulcan walked through the dirt streets, his small feet kicking up dust as he made his way toward the local bar. The scent of saltwater filled the air, and the sound of waves gently lapping against the shore provided a calming backdrop to the lively chatter of the villagers going about their day.

The bar itself was small but cozy, a gathering place for the locals to relax and share stories over drinks. As Vulcan pushed open the wooden door, he was greeted by a familiar face—Makino, a kind and cheerful young woman who had recently taken over running the bar. She was a few years older than Vulcan, but they had struck up a friendship over the years, and Vulcan often stopped by to visit whenever he was in town.

"Good morning, Vulcan!" Makino called from behind the bar, her gentle smile lighting up her face. She was wiping down the counter, her long dark hair tied back in a simple ponytail. "What brings you to the village today?"

Vulcan grinned as he hopped up onto one of the stools. "Grandpa left this morning, so I thought I'd come hang out for a bit before doing some training."

Makino's smile faltered slightly, and her brow furrowed as she leaned forward, concern flickering in her eyes. "Training?" she asked, her voice soft but worried. "Vulcan, aren't you a bit too young to be thinking about training so seriously? You should be playing and having fun with the other kids your age."

Vulcan shrugged, his expression calm. "I want to get stronger. Grandpa says if I keep training, I'll be a Marine like him one day."

Makino sighed softly, shaking her head. "You've got plenty of time to get stronger, Vulcan. You don't have to push yourself so hard now."

Vulcan smiled at her, his usual warmth shining through. "I know, but I like it. Besides, I've got a lot to learn if I want to be as strong as Grandpa."

Makino gave him a sympathetic look but didn't press further. She knew Vulcan was determined, and while she was concerned about how much pressure he was putting on himself, she couldn't help but admire his resolve.

"Well, just promise me you'll take care of yourself, okay?" Makino said, pouring him a glass of juice and setting it on the counter. "I don't want to see you getting hurt."

"I promise!" Vulcan replied, beaming up at her before taking a sip of the juice.

A few of the regulars sitting at the bar chuckled at the conversation. They were used to seeing Vulcan around, and though they didn't know the full extent of his connection to Garp or his background, they could tell the boy was destined for something great.

"Hey, Vulcan!" one of the older villagers called from a nearby table, raising his mug of ale in a mock toast. "When are you gonna stop running around the forest and join us for a real drink?"

Makino rolled her eyes playfully. "He's still a bit too young for that, don't you think?" she teased, giving the old man a knowing look. "Let him stick to his juice for now."

Vulcan laughed, shaking his head. "I don't think I'm ready for that yet!"

The conversation flowed easily, with Vulcan joining in on the jokes and light banter that filled the bar. He liked spending time with the villagers—they treated him like one of their own, and he always felt at home in Foosha. He listened to their stories, asked questions, and laughed at their jokes, all while sipping on his juice.

A Curious Spirit

After spending some time at the bar, Vulcan thanked Makino for the drink and said his goodbyes to the villagers before heading back outside. The sun was higher in the sky now, casting warm light over the village as Vulcan made his way toward the forest on the outskirts of town.

Even though Garp wasn't around to train him today, Vulcan wasn't one to sit still for long. He had grown up with a natural sense of curiosity about the world, always wanting to explore and push his limits. Whether it was climbing trees, exploring caves, or finding new places to test his strength, Vulcan always found something to challenge himself with.

Today was no different.

He wandered into the forest, his mind already buzzing with ideas for how he could train. The trees were tall and sturdy, their thick trunks perfect for climbing, and the forest floor was littered with rocks of all sizes—ideal for lifting or jumping over. Vulcan's calm and focused demeanor made him methodical in his approach to training, even at such a young age. He never rushed into things, always observing and thinking before acting.

After a few moments of scouting the area, Vulcan found what he was looking for—a small clearing with a large, flat boulder in the center. The boulder looked heavy, but not too large for him to lift. It was perfect for strength training.

He crouched down and grabbed the boulder with both hands, his small fingers gripping the rough surface as he prepared to lift. His muscles tensed as he heaved upward, gritting his teeth as the rock slowly lifted off the ground.

It was heavy, heavier than he expected, but Vulcan didn't back down. His feet dug into the ground as he held the boulder above his head for a few seconds before carefully lowering it back down.

"Not bad…" Vulcan muttered to himself, wiping the sweat from his brow. "But I can do better."

He continued training in the clearing for the next few hours, alternating between lifting rocks, climbing trees, and running through the forest. Though his body was tired from the previous week's training with Garp, Vulcan's calm determination kept him going. He had a goal in mind, and every day was another step toward achieving it.

Pushing Himself Further

As the afternoon wore on, Vulcan found himself drawn to a large tree at the edge of the clearing. Its branches were thick and strong, stretching high above the forest floor. Climbing it would be a challenge, but Vulcan had always liked challenges.

Without hesitation, he grabbed the lowest branch and began pulling himself upward. His small frame allowed him to slip through the gaps in the branches, and his natural agility made it easier to find footholds as he climbed higher and higher.

About halfway up the tree, Vulcan paused for a moment, catching his breath as he looked out over the forest. The view from up here was incredible—the rolling hills, the distant village, and the sparkling sea beyond all stretched out before him. A cool breeze rustled the leaves around him, and for a moment, Vulcan closed his eyes, simply enjoying the peace of it all.

But as much as he enjoyed the view, he wasn't done yet. He continued climbing, his hands gripping the branches tightly as he pushed himself higher. When he finally reached the top, he let out a small cheer, standing proudly on the highest branch and looking out over the world below.

"I did it!" Vulcan said to himself, smiling broadly.

A Return to the Clearing

After climbing down, Vulcan returned to the clearing to finish his training for the day. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the forest, but Vulcan didn't stop until he had completed every exercise he had set for himself.

Finally, after hours of training, he collapsed onto the soft grass, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. His body was exhausted, but his heart was light. He felt stronger today than he had yesterday, and that sense of progress was what drove him forward every day.

As the stars began to twinkle overhead and the village lights flickered in the distance, Vulcan smiled up at the sky.

"I'll be stronger tomorrow," he whispered to himself.

And with that, he closed his eyes, letting the cool night air wash over him as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.