Six years had passed since Garp had left Vulcan with Dadan and her bandits. In that time, Vulcan had grown stronger, his training paying off as he became faster and more agile. At six years old, he had developed a powerful sense of calm and responsibility, his body lean from the exercises Garp had drilled into him. But his heart remained warm, as steady as the strength he continued to build.
Vulcan's life had fallen into a rhythm of daily training, spending time in Foosha Village, and quietly pushing himself further. He'd gotten used to the peace and simplicity of the bandit camp, but today, that familiar calm was broken by a surprise visit.
Garp's Return
The sound of approaching footsteps reached Vulcan's ears as he took a break from his training. He turned toward the forest path, recognizing the heavy, familiar gait long before the figure came into view.
"Gahahaha! Looks like you're still alive!" Garp's voice boomed through the trees as he appeared, his wide grin as unmistakable as always.
Vulcan's face lit up as he stood, running toward his grandfather. "Grandpa!" he called out, his excitement clear in his voice.
Garp laughed heartily as Vulcan sprinted toward him. The Vice Admiral bent down and scooped Vulcan up into the air by the collar with his usual casual strength. "You've gotten bigger! And stronger, I bet. Been keeping up with your training?"
Vulcan nodded eagerly, his blonde hair bouncing as Garp set him back down. "Yeah, Grandpa! I've been training every day!"
"Good! That's what I like to hear!" Garp ruffled his hair with his large hand before stepping aside, revealing something Vulcan hadn't expected to see—a small bundle wrapped tightly in Garp's arm.
"Vulcan," Garp began, his voice softening for once, "I've brought someone for you to meet."
Vulcan blinked, confused, before his eyes drifted down to the bundle. Garp lowered it slightly, and Vulcan's breath caught when he saw what—or rather, who—was inside. Nestled in the blankets was a tiny baby, no more than a few months old. He had a shock of dark hair and small hands that occasionally wriggled from under the covers.
Vulcan stared at the baby, then looked up at Garp. "Who… is he?"
Garp's expression grew more serious. "This little one's name is Ace. From now on, Vulcan, he's your little brother."
"Brother?" Vulcan repeated, glancing back at the tiny figure. The baby stirred slightly, his eyes closed as he slept peacefully in Garp's arms.
"That's right," Garp said, his tone firm but not unkind. "Ace's parents aren't around to take care of him. So now, you're his big brother. And as his big brother, it's your job to look after him. Protect him. Keep him safe."
Vulcan looked up at Garp, his heart pounding. He hadn't expected this. For so long, his focus had been on training, on growing stronger for himself. But now, Garp was asking him to take on something new—someone else's safety. The weight of the responsibility hit him all at once, but something else stirred inside him as well.
"I'll take care of him, Grandpa," Vulcan said quietly, his calm and steady voice returning. "I'll protect Ace."
Garp grinned, ruffling Vulcan's hair again. "I knew you would. You've got a good heart, kid. Ace is in good hands."
With that, Garp gently handed the tiny bundle over to Vulcan. Vulcan carefully cradled Ace in his arms, his eyes wide with wonder as he stared down at the baby. Ace was so small, so fragile, yet there was a warmth that spread through Vulcan's chest as he held his new brother for the first time.
Ace stirred slightly in his sleep, letting out a soft, babyish sigh, and Vulcan couldn't help but smile.
"You'll be safe with me," Vulcan whispered, his voice filled with quiet determination.
Becoming a Big Brother
Over the next few days, Vulcan adapted to his new role as Ace's protector. At first, it felt strange—he had never cared for a baby before. But his natural calmness made him patient, and his kind heart quickly grew fond of Ace.
Dadan and her bandits, while rough around the edges, helped with taking care of the baby, though Vulcan rarely let Ace out of his sight. He had taken Garp's words to heart—he was the big brother now, and Ace's safety was his responsibility.
Even when he trained, Vulcan kept an eye on Ace, who was usually lying nearby, swaddled in a blanket on a soft patch of grass. Whenever Ace cried, Vulcan would stop whatever he was doing, rushing over to check on him and calm him down. He didn't mind the interruptions. In fact, he welcomed them. Each time Ace smiled at him, something warm blossomed in Vulcan's chest, a feeling stronger than anything he'd felt before.
Though Ace was still too young to understand much, Vulcan liked talking to him while he trained. As he ran through the forest or lifted rocks, he would glance over at his brother and say things like, "One day, you'll be training with me." Or, "Don't worry, Ace. I'll get strong enough to protect both of us."
Training with Renewed Vigor
The arrival of Ace gave Vulcan's training a new sense of urgency. Before, he had trained to become stronger simply because he wanted to follow in Garp's footsteps. But now, there was more at stake. Ace was small and helpless, and it was Vulcan's duty to protect him.
Every morning, Vulcan woke up earlier than usual, sneaking out of the hideout while Ace was still asleep. He started with running through the forest, his legs pumping harder than ever as he darted between trees. The burns in his muscles reminded him of his purpose—he had to get stronger, faster. For Ace.
After his runs, Vulcan moved on to strength training. He added more rocks to his lifting routine, testing his limits by hoisting larger and heavier stones. His arms and legs ached, but he never slowed down. Every lift, every push-up, every climb was done with a single goal in mind—becoming strong enough to keep Ace safe.
But Vulcan wasn't just training for himself anymore. He often thought about the future—what would happen when Ace grew older? When he was big enough to join Vulcan in his training? Vulcan wanted to be ready. He wanted to be a brother Ace could look up to, a protector strong enough to shield him from any danger.
Caring for Ace
In the afternoons, after finishing his training, Vulcan would return to the hideout to check on Ace. Sometimes, he would find Dadan or one of the bandits holding the baby, awkwardly bouncing him on their knee to keep him from crying. As soon as Vulcan appeared, though, Ace's cries would quiet, and the baby would smile at the sight of his brother.
"Guess the little brat likes you best," Dadan grumbled one afternoon, handing Ace over to Vulcan. "I don't know how you do it."
Vulcan just smiled, holding Ace close as he gently rocked him back and forth. "I guess he just knows I'm here to take care of him."
Ace gurgled happily, his tiny hands reaching up toward Vulcan's face. Vulcan chuckled, letting the baby grab onto his fingers.
The bandits had grown used to the sight of Vulcan cradling Ace, and though they teased him occasionally, they couldn't deny the strength of the bond that was already forming between the two brothers. Even Dadan, as tough as she was, couldn't help but smile whenever she saw how gently Vulcan cared for Ace.
A Quiet Night
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Vulcan sat outside the hideout, cradling Ace in his arms. The fire crackled softly in front of them, casting a warm glow over the clearing. Ace was drifting off to sleep, his small body nestled comfortably against Vulcan's chest.
Vulcan looked down at his brother, his expression calm but thoughtful. He had never imagined what it would be like to have a sibling, let alone be responsible for one. But now, holding Ace in his arms, he couldn't imagine his life without him.
"Don't worry, Ace," Vulcan whispered, his voice barely audible over the crackling fire. "I'll always protect you. No matter what."
As the stars appeared in the darkening sky and the forest around them grew quiet, Vulcan felt a deep sense of peace settle over him. He didn't know what the future held for him and Ace, but one thing was certain—he would do whatever it took to keep his brother safe.
And with that thought, Vulcan leaned back against the tree, closing his eyes as the fire flickered softly beside him, the weight of responsibility settling into his heart.