Silver Hair

It was a simple word yet the headmaster felt immensely pressured from it. 

His chanting halted midway while his body stopped resisting the pressure. It was as if the speaker himself was a divine being. 

When the hand was just meters away from the house, the fingers of the hand slowly descended before pressing themselves onto the walls and foundation of the small house. 

The headmaster wanted to scream "Stop!" but no matter how he tried, no voice came out of his mouth. 

Seconds later, the giant hand began lifting up the small house, causing the face of the headmaster to turn pale white from fright. 

He promised Ivan's parents that he'd take care of the young child when they were gone. He already lost a sister, he can't lose her son too.

Just then, the small house in the palm of the giant hand began to glow brightly like there was sun in the house. 

"Boom!" Then, the small house suddenly exploded from the inside, forcing the giant hand to let go of the house. 

Squinting his eyes to find Ivan amidst the rubble, the headmaster widened his eyes when he saw a young boy floating in the air while wielding an iron sword in his right hand. 

The young boy in the sky was shrouded in white, divine light while his silver hair fluttered freely despite the lack of wind. 

This young boy was clearly Ivan, but something seemed off about him. 

The giant hand seemed to notice this too. 

Without wasting another breath, the once destroyed dark dragon appeared in the palm of the giant hand before flying straight for Ivan. 

It seemed as though the giant hand wanted to get rid of the young boy immediately with this ferocious mythical beast's help. 

When the dark dragon was only a few meters away from the young boy however, the divine light around Ivan began shining with greater intensity. 

As a result, the dark dragon had its eyes burned away, blinding the dark dragon in a matter of moments. 

Following up on that, Ivan seemed to have leaped through the air with just his strength before releasing sword slashes at the dark dragon with an unrecognizable fluid sword style.

"What the? How is the boy doing that?" The headmaster was flabbergasted as he watched Ivan fly freely in the sky while using unknown magic to fight the dark dragon. 

He had watched the boy grow up ever since the death of his parents and was certain that his student couldn't even conjure up the smallest balls of mana due to having crippled mana veins. 

Him being able to float in the air was already mind blowing enough, but Ivan was flying? The headmaster just couldn't wrap his head around this reality. 

Sword slash after sword slash, the dark dragon was constantly bombarded by peerless sword slashes till the dark dragon was littered with deep cuts and missing limbs. 

As for the final cut, the white divine light around Ivan began to intensify again as the young boy began to do a series of sword thrusts and slashes in a set pattern. 

From afar, one wouldn't think of his sword dance as anything but beautiful. 

But when the dark dragon saw the young boy's new movements, ignoring its heavily injured body, the dark dragon began letting out sorrowful roars as though it knew its time had come.

"The Dark Dragon of Disasters is…afraid of Ivan?" When Headmaster Na heard the sorrows of the dark dragon, he immediately understood its meaning but couldn't believe it himself. "This is a surprise, the Harbinger of Storms knows fear too?" 

After letting out a few more sorrowful roars at Ivan, the dark dragon suddenly stopped for a moment before deciding to charge straight for the young boy with a ferocious gaze. 

The dark dragon seemed to have steeled its resolve of taking down its opponent even if it was going to die too.

But at that point, Ivan had already completed most of the steps for his sword dance and was merely waiting for the final blow. 

Seeing that the dark dragon was eager enough to present its head to him, he couldn't help but lightly smile before refocusing his gaze on his opponent. 

Just as the dark dragon was about to slam into the young boy, Ivan took a deep breath to calm his mind before taking a step to the side. 

And when the dark dragon's head just barely missed him, Ivan executed the last step of his sword dance.

"Sword Dance of the Firmaments, Dragon Slayer." After successfully avoiding the dark dragon with a simple side step to his left, Ivan calmly followed it up with a sword thrust into the dark dragon's neck. 

Although there wasn't any power to the sword thrust, the sword still pierced the dark dragon's neck easily as though it was cutting through tofu. 

As for the Dark Dragon of Disasters, after having its neck pierced by a child, it crashed into the side of a mountain with a loud bang. 

Failing to get the iron sword embedded in its neck out, the dark dragon let out one final roar before it finally laid limp on the ground, the light in its eyes fading away as well. 

"The mythical Dark Dragon of Disasters…was defeated by a 10 year old child who can't use magic...Heh, the other Wizard Kings are going to flip when they hear about this." 

Even after witnessing that extraordinary clash between his student and a mythical beast first hand, Headmaster Na still couldn't believe it. 

Even he, a world renowned Wizard King in the magic circle, had a hard time killing the dark dragon. 

Yet his student killed the beast easily without using any spells. 

"I guess the saying is true. The new generation shall always surpass the previous generations." The headmaster chuckled.

Just then, the mysterious pressure that was suppressing the headmaster eased noticeably as the same heavenly voice from before spoke once again. "Interesting."