Thunder Spirit

From the happy go lucky mood that permeated the elementary school grounds for the entire morning, to a space crack appearing on the school field like a beast had woken up.

Everything was moving so fast.

Monsters started rushing out of the space crack.

Teachers started to fall like flies.

Parents carried their children away to the school's safehouse.

Fear engulfed Ivan's mind as the young boy saw several of his old teachers burn into ashes.

"This…I'm…I'm scared!" Feeling overwhelmed, Ivan knelt on the ground while covering his eyes and ears with shaking hands.

"This…this isn't fun at all. I'm scared…someone, anyone, please save–" [Ivan]

"Boom!" The sound of thunder and lighting suddenly resounded in everyone's ears.

As Liew Weng persuaded his colleagues to join him in battle, a pure energy being emerged from the green portal, emitting thunder and lightning that struck everything in its path.

Upon recognizing the being made out of pure energy, one of the casters who was proficient in Interdimensional Beast Identification Study suddenly shouted in shock.

"Liew Weng, you idiot! That's not a Grade 5 Lightning Fire Demon...that's a Grade 6 Thunder Spirit!"

"A Thunder Spirit? You mean the thunder elementalist that guards the inner circle of the Ruins of Jupiter? What's it doing here?!"

The teachers had gaping mouths and shock filled eyes as they watched a boss monster 5x stronger than the Green Fire Poison Dragon strut towards them calmly.

And before anyone could react, the thunder spirit flashed away before reappearing in front of a dumbfounded caster.

The thunder spirit extended a finger towards the caster, shocking the teacher to ashes within an instant.

It was only after the shocking death of his colleague that Liew Weng came back to his senses and retaliated.

With his saber in hand, Liew Weng buffed himself with shock resistant magic first before he swung his weapon at the thunder spirit with great strength.

The thunder spirit, being an entity of high intelligence, simply took a step back to dodge the saber slash before releasing an attack of his own, Thunder Claw at Liew Weng.

"Protection buff, Barrier!"

Before the thunder spirit's Thunder Claw could reach Liew Weng, a protective barrier appeared. 

It was a shimmering shield, crafted with arcane patterns at the perfect time and place – Liew Weng's only defense.

The clash between the thunder spirit's attack and the small but powerful barrier caused a deafening explosion. 

Shockwaves rippled through the surroundings, leaving an electric tingle in the air.

Liew Weng staggered, disoriented, as the Thunder Spirit, momentarily pushed back, prepared for another assault. 

The shattered barrier revealed vulnerability, and the colleagues exchanged worried glances, realizing the danger.

The magical skirmish had just begun, with the thunder spirit undeterred and the air filled with anticipation for more powerful spells to come.

'Thanks!' The thunder spirit rejoiced in its heart when it saw the weakened human.

It gathered up thunder elements in the air into his fist, ready to give Liew Weng the finishing blow.

"Ice Spear!"

"Wood Hammer!"

"Nether Flame!"

But before it could follow through with its attack, the thunder spirit was suddenly hit by a chunk of sharpened ice.

Following that, the thunder spirit was also bonked on the head by a large tree trunk before it got engulfed in blue flames.

'These pesky insects are so annoying!' The thunder spirit silently cursed in its heart as it swept away the blue flames with a simple wave of his arm.

Despite having a higher intelligence and greater awareness compared to his fellow thunder and lightning spirit clansmen, this thunder spirit still lacked a certain amount of insight for it to learn human language.

Then again, even if the thunder spirit didn't have any ways to express its frustrations, the teachers of Basic Elementary School who were present at the scene could see that the thunder spirit was about to enter its 2nd phase.


"The thunder spirit was unharmed?"


"Those were our most advanced spells!"

Slicing noises could be heard right after the teachers shouted in shock.

Turning his head towards the sound, Liew Weng's face paled significantly while his back became soak with sweat.

Seconds after his colleagues exclaimed somewhat dramatically, the thunder spirit had already cleanly sliced off their heads with a lightning fast horizontal chop to the 4 teachers' heads.

Liew Weng saw this and became alarmed.

"Knights, archers, casters! Charge!"

With a shout, Liew Weng raised his saber at the thunder spirit and charged forward like an angry bull.

"Thunder Spirit, you fuck! I'm going to kill you to avenge my fallen comrades!!" Liew Weng ferociously roared.

On the other hand, the thunder spirit looked at the human charging at him with disdain.

'Heh, despite knowing that I can kill him with a blink of an eye, this pesky little bug still dares to charge at me like a maniac? Very well, I will play along with their little games.' [Thunder Spirit]

Just as Liew Weng's saber was about to hit the thunder spirit from above, the thunder spirit decided to side step his attack before retaliating with a thunder punch of its own.

"Gah!" Upon having his saber attack miss his target before getting hit by a lightning quick punch by a Grade 6 Interdimensional Rift Boss, Liew Weng's armor couldn't help but shattered into dust while blood violently gushed out of his seven orifices.

"Liew Weng!"

"Senior Liew!"

"Phys Ed Liew!"

Shouts of concern and fear continuously rang out as the thunder spirit continued its merciless assault on the half-dead Liew Weng.

'This pesky bug is already half dead after only eating one punch of mine? How weak~.' 

The thunder spirit was expressionless but with just a tilt of its head, Liew Weng understood that the thunder spirit was looking at him with disdain.

Following its snide remark, the thunder spirit was just about to unleash a flurry of elemental attacks on Liew Weng to finish the job when the Green Fire Poison Dragon sent him a telepathic message.

'Oi, Thunder Spirit. Don't you dare kill that human, he's my prey.' [Green Fire Poison Dragon]

'No way fam, I've already set my eyes on this human. Go breathe your green poisonous flame somewhere else, you green gecko.' [Thunder Spirit]

'What did you call me??' [Green Fire Poison Dragon]

'A green gecko.' [Thunder Spirit]

'Foolish lightbulb, now you have angered me! No one in their right minds would dare call me, the great Green Fire Poison Dragon, a green gecko!' [Green Fire Poison Dragon]

'And no Rift Leader below Grade 6 would dare call me a lightbulb…Are you picking a fight with me, green gecko?' [Thunder Spirit]

'You bet I am! Taste my strongest flame, Green Poison Nether Flame!' [Green Fire Poison Dragon]