The Misfortune of the Golden Finger...

"The store near the house is not as comprehensive as the mall, and the groceries there are of much better quality," Lily explained lightly.

"Ahahahh... But Lily, it seems like the car can't fit more additional items..." he said embarrassedly, scratching his head.

"I understand, Master, so I'll go alone using a taxi!" Lily responded cheerfully.

"Is that okay for you?"

"No problem, Master, this morning I also used a taxi to go there!" she replied happily.

"Well then... Alright, it's not a problem," he responded with a nod.

"Okay, then see you later, Master!" Lily bid farewell before walking towards a taxi parked not far from Louis's car.

Oh, and Lily also didn't forget to bring her favorite mask and hat to disguise herself.

Well, even though it couldn't hide her beautiful figure!

"Alright Lily, be careful on the road!"

Louis waited there until Lily got into the taxi and left the parking lot.

When the taxi disappeared from his sight, Louis sighed with relief.

Hahh... Finally, maybe I can use this opportunity to follow that damn protagonist.

He then got out of the car.

It would attract too much attention if I followed him in this car; maybe it's better if I take a taxi.

With that in mind, Louis observed Yang Jian from a distance.

At this moment, Yang Jian had just exited the coffee shop.

His face looked gloomy, either because of his disappointment with his beloved or because of the price tag he tore off.

"Urghh... I regret inviting that slut to meet..."

"How was I supposed to know she had been defiled by another man...?" he muttered in a low voice, his left side also turning red from the slap.

"Moreover... I have to buy this outfit because I tore off the price tag, and it's also very expensive..."

"Heishh... This might be my second biggest regret after failing to enter a prestigious university in Beijing because of my carelessness..."

At this point, Yang Jian walked back towards his apartment.

But before that, he had to go to a clothing store to negotiate about the torn price tag.

Louis, seeing that Yang Jian didn't order a taxi and was just walking, felt puzzled.

"Is his home nearby? Is that why he invited Lily to meet at Xin Yu's cafe?" Louis wondered.

Louis then returned to his car to get the hat and mask Lily bought, using them for disguise.

As Yang Jian started walking away from the cafe, Louis followed him from behind.

Walking through many small alleys that turned out to be a shortcut to reach the main road, Yang Jian finally arrived at the store he intended.

"Kuhuhuhh... Maybe the fun is about to begin..." Louis chuckled with a wide grin on his face.

He was currently 100 meters away from the store Yang Jian entered. To observe from a distance, Louis also brought binoculars, which he had previously used to check the price tag.

After a few minutes, Yang Jian finally emerged, still wearing the same clothes as before.

However, this time, his face looked much worse than before.

Actually, Yang Jian failed to negotiate with the store owner.

The reasoning was that the torn price tag meant the clothes were now the responsibility of the renter, even though there was no such agreement when he rented them.

Well, even though... Unwritten legalities often allowed sellers to use the excuse of 'losses.'

And now, he had spent tens of thousands of yuan on a set of clothes he didn't really need!

"Maybe I have to complete missions more diligently for some time to make up for all that money..." he regretted with a sigh.

Continuing his journey for a few more minutes, Yang Jian finally arrived in front of his apartment building.

After entering the building, Yang Jian climbed the stairs and headed to his apartment.

At this point, the location between Louis and Yang Jian was indeed very close, but Yang Jian was completely unaware of it as he was still brooding over everything that happened today.

With a few turns after reaching the apartment floor, he opened the door to his apartment.

"My guess was correct, but I didn't really need to guess. I could easily tell from the System's assessment."

[You're a stalker.]

"This is the easiest way to find out the location of Yang Jian's residence. Besides, I'm a bit curious."

Most importantly, I've marked the protagonist's apartment; all that's left is to execute the next plan for Yang Jian.

After Yang Jian entered his apartment, Louis left the building and walked away.

Beforehand, I left my car in the parking lot with the remaining belongings still intact.

Fortunately, the parking lot was secure, with CCTV cameras and several security guards diligently guarding my car and its contents.

"Of course, they would guard it rigorously. If anything goes missing, they can be sure to be fired by the parking lot owner because, undoubtedly, the parking lot owner will be sued heavily. The loss to the parking lot owner will also have a devastating impact because customer trust in them will plummet horrifically."

[Host, your plan is too elaborate...]

"I don't care what you think. While others make one or two steps of planning ahead, I will make ten plans—no, I will make a hundred plans for the future!"

[Don't continue your nonsense.]

"Tch...! You're boring."