A cliché plot again!?

After walking for a while and chatting with the System, Louis felt confused when he tried to recall the path.

"Didn't I pass through here earlier...? But why does the path look slightly different from before?"

Wait... Maybe I took the wrong turn while chatting with the System?

Yes, that could be it.

With that thought in mind, Louis walked back to the alley he had previously passed.

"This way... No, maybe I should have gone left."

He walked for a bit, but the path he chose led to a dead end.

"Damn... Isn't this too complicated for just an alley?"

Luckily, I don't have any pressing matters right now. Maybe playing around here could be a bit fun?

"Heishh... I'd better use my phone to check the map of this damn alley!"

Retrieving his phone from his pocket, Louis turned it on and opened the city map through the internet.

"I'm not in a hurry, but instead of fooling around here, I'd better spend my time learning about business while lying at home with a hot cup of coffee by my side... Or maybe enjoying Lily's cooking, playing games with her, or even teasing her..."

Yeah, that's the best.

Which way is it?

Louis tried to orient the map with the corresponding cardinal directions.

"Hahh...? I went the wrong way?!"

It turned out Louis was going the wrong way!

The alley was indeed confusing for outsiders, and only the locals understood its layout.

That's why, even though the alley could save travel time, it was rarely used by anyone.

"Aiyoo... Forget it!"

Louis decided to casually follow the path indicated by his phone.

Passing several alley intersections, Louis was almost reaching the main road if he took a dozen more turns.

However, as he passed a fork in the alley, he suddenly saw two people in the distance, about 150 meters away from where he stood.

Simultaneously, Louis quickly hid behind a wall to avoid being noticed.

"Why are they in such a deserted alley!"

Wait, but it seems like I see some strange behavior from both of them.

Where's my binoculars...

After grabbing his binoculars, he shifted his body and turned to observe them, using the binoculars to get a clearer view.

"A man... and a woman?"

"Hmm... The man is quite handsome, though he has a somewhat stern face."

"And as for the woman... Isn't she around my age? With her short skirt revealing her thighs and her petite figure..."

"Old man trying to eat the very young grass! It's so unfair!"

"Do they want to engage in intimate activities in this alley...?"

In Louis's perspective, he saw a man seemingly holding a young woman against a wall.

However, something seemed off...

Why does the woman appear to be reluctant about something?

And she's wearing that sad expression...

When Louis witnessed the scene, the man suddenly said to the distressed woman, "If you don't obey, you'll face the consequences! I really dislike disobedience!" with a dominating tone.

As Louis observed the situation, he was instantly frozen.

He remembered something very familiar.

But it seems he had a shouted exclamation ready to burst out of his mouth.

"Damn! This is a cliché plot!"


[Detected that the Host has identified a cliché plot in progress!]


[Detected that the Protagonist of this cliché plot is a woman!]

Hey...! A woman? Seriously?

[Of course, the Host must be familiar with something like this, right?]

Yes, of course, I'm not unfamiliar with this plot. As far as I remember, most of the novels with such stories are written by housewives with unimaginable imagination.

But strangely, many of those novels become extremely popular on a certain platform!

Well... Even though they're only famous within the housewives' community, and for international readers? Don't even think about it, as international readers might be fed up with repetitive cliché romantic stories.

Forget my nonsense, then... How should I deal with this?

[Adjust it according to the Host's thoughts.]

[After all, you are the Main Character, and the System is just an Assistant, so use your experiences, Host.]

[The System only helps provide information and powers for you to make decisions in the storyline; it's up to you to decide.]

Me again? Alright...

After a brief discussion with the System, Louis began to formulate a plan to handle the troublesome situation.

After thinking for a moment, Louis took out his phone and turned it on. He wouldn't open any social media right now, but he opened his camera app.

Gathering primary evidence is what a law-abiding citizen should do when witnessing a crime!

Enlarging his camera, he aimed it towards the two of them, and then Louis started taking pictures.




He took several photos in succession, making sure to focus on the man's face for clarity.

After taking dozens of photos, Louis put his phone back into his pocket and opened an app on his phone before putting it away.

Although his phone also had a long-distance zoom feature like binoculars, he felt more comfortable using actual binoculars for long-range observation.

Apart from the comfort factor, binoculars were also more practical in usage, with features much better than using his phone camera.

Since I've captured it on my phone, the next steps might be relatively easy.

Louis then decided to walk towards the two of them casually, as if he didn't see them at all.





As they were both focused on each other, suddenly they heard the sound of footsteps indicating someone approaching.

For the man, this might be quite annoying.

But for the woman, it was the only hope to save her!

Turning towards the sound, they saw a young man with a very strong and masculine figure.

With a hat and a mask covering his face, but it couldn't hide his charming appearance.

Upon seeing him, the woman immediately revolted strongly.

"Sir! P-please help me...! I'm being kidnapped by this man! Hiks~... Hiks~..." she cried while trying to release the grip on her neck and hands.

"Hey, buddy, I suggest you better not interfere, or you'll face the consequences...!" the man shouted at Louis, who was now turning to look at him and the woman.