Unknown Protagonist's Disturbance of Lily?

When both of them finished eating and pushed all the bowls aside, as it was the right time for him to talk to Shi Yin, Louis then initiated the conversation with her.


"Hey Shi Yin, I want to ask again, do you have any issues with what we did earlier?" Louis asked to confirm.


"Huhh... I've said multiple times that I have no problem with it," Shi Yin grumbled in response to Louis' question.


"Haha... Yeah, could it be that you enjoyed it too?" teased Louis as he carried all the dirty bowls to the sink to wash.


"Emm... You're right! Because it feels really relieving!" exclaimed Shi Yin unabashedly.


The side effects of using the aphrodisiac also provided maximum satisfaction when the user engaged in intimate activities.


And it made Shi Yin feel a much more enjoyable satisfaction than she should have.


"Oh, by the way, where do you go to college, Shi Yin?" Louis started some small talk.


"Hmm...? Ahh... I go to a University not far from here, well... Although it's only a second-tier University, I still enjoy it!" Shi Yin said happily.


For her, all the Universities in the Capital were the same, the only differences were the costs and facilities provided by each University.




"Got it..." Louis responded as he washed the dishes and utensils.


After a while, Louis finished washing all the tableware.


"Alright, Shi Yin, because you've messed with someone with power like Tang Chen. So, it's better for you to move out and not work for a while," said Louis as he took out his phone. "I'll send you money for that."


When Shi Yin heard this, she looked at Louis with slightly judgmental eyes while stroking her chin. "Hmmm... I see you as a rich kid. Well... Alright, send me a lot of money for that!" she exclaimed while showing him her Line contact.


After exchanging contacts and giving consent, Louis sent 1 million yuan to the girl, just to make her jaw drop wide open because she didn't expect Louis to send her such a crazy amount. "Whaaat-?!!! One million!! Damn, I underestimated you, I should have asked for more than this!"


Hearing this, Louis lightly flicked her forehead with his finger.






"You can ask for more from me later if the money runs out. Be wise in managing your finances, okay?"




After that, Louis left Shi Yin's apartment to go to the car he had left earlier.


Driving his car leisurely towards the mansion, Louis dialed Lily's number, only to discover that she had already arrived and was busy cooking food for him.


Though he had eaten his fill earlier, Louis didn't mind indulging in more of Lily's delicious cooking!


"Food's great! I'm on my way!!"




After a dinner date with Lily followed by some intimate moments and gaming sessions, Louis checked his phone while lounging on the sofa behind a tired Lily resting on the bed.


"Hmmm... So, it looks like we'll be heading to campus tomorrow. What's your plan for that, Lily?" Louis asked, turning off his phone and adjusting Lily's position.


"Hnghh...? Well, I'll just go to class as usual, I guess? But before that, won't there be an orientation session tomorrow? Maybe we'll head to the auditorium?" mumbled Lily as Louis pampered her freely.


After a moment's thought, Louis nodded in understanding. "Ahhh... I see. Then, do you want to go together with me tomorrow?"


Hearing the question, Lily's eyes sparkled with surprise, and she eagerly replied, "Yes! No problem!"


"Kuhuhuhhh... Alright! Let's continue our game until the end!"


"Yes! Until the end!"


The mischievous couple continued their activities until midnight, after Lily passed out from sheer bliss.


[Sighh... It feels pointless to guide such a lecherous Host...]




University in Beijing, China.


Finally, the welcoming ceremony for new students began, and all freshmen entered wearing the same ceremonial uniform, including Louis and Lily.


Their earlier arrival at the parking lot had surprised all the new students. Not only because of their luxurious and eye-catching car, but also because of the strikingly handsome couple that emerged from it.


"Wow....! Damn! What a fancy car!"


"Is that guy a Chinese tycoon? Just look at the girl he's with, she's stunning..."


"I think so...."


Seeing their reactions, Louis felt proud in his heart.


And why wouldn't he? This was an experience he had never had before in his previous life. "Kuhuhuhuhhh... So this is what it feels like to be the center of attention...?"


[What? Shouldn't you be embarrassed about that?]


'Ohh, of course. I should be proud of this!'


The System's mockery passed quickly through his ears. Then, they both went through the attendance registration and some other events.


"Lily, I'll go to the bathroom real quick, you go ahead," Louis said with a gentle smile as he walked away, leaving Lily behind.


"Okay, I'll do that!"


Entering the bathroom while humming cheerfully, Louis spoke to the system, "Isn't this a peaceful day? I really enjoy wandering around my dream campus with the gorgeous and obedient girl by my side~" His tone was slightly tinged with pleasure as he relieved himself while thinking about the events of the previous night.


[Yes, yes. That's the benefit of having the smartest AI System on the planet!]




However, as Louis washed his hands, he suddenly received a shocking notification.




[Lily's Favorability towards Another Protagonist decreased by -20! (Dislike)]


"Shit!!! What other damn protagonist is interfering with Lily?!!!"