The Perfect Singer!

Hurrying out of the bathroom and heading back to where he left Lily earlier, he now saw the girl leaning against the wall with a disgruntled expression.

"Where, where is the protagonist!"

[…. It seems he's not here anymore…]

Ignoring the system's response, Louis walked over to the girl and gently asked, "Is everything okay, Lily? Why do you look so glum?"

Upon hearing Louis' voice asking that question from afar, Lily's face suddenly lit up again, and she walked towards him. "Ah, it's nothing. Just had a bug bothering me earlier, so I smacked it. Isn't that great?"

Upon hearing that response, Louis just chuckled softly and patted the girl's head. "Yeah, yeah. That's good. So, shall we head into the auditorium now?"


After that, they arrived at the auditorium.

With over 13,000 people filling the auditorium, the event was grand and impressive. Well, that wasn't surprising for the best university in China. There should be more than what he had anticipated all this time.

After a brief introduction about the university, it was now the turn of a very beautiful and graceful-looking girl to take the stage. She introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Han Jie, I am the executive student council president of this university. Since everything has been explained earlier, I'll get straight to it. I am summoning the student with the highest entrance exam score in your batch!"

Scanning the entire podium with a face that made people wonder, Han Jie declared, "The student with the highest entrance exam score in your batch is Liu Feng! A student from the Applied Physics Program!"

Then, one of the students sitting at the far end of the new students' row stood up and walked to the podium with a very proud and arrogant expression.

Everyone looked at the man with a little surprise in their eyes because they didn't expect someone whose presence had been doubted all along to suddenly step forward as the top-scoring student.

But Louis wasn't surprised by this. However, now he was focused on the system notification that appeared in front of him!


[Detected that the Host has encountered a cliché plot unfolding!]-Ding!

[Detected that the Protagonist of said cliché plot possesses the Golden Touch!]-'Fck—!!!! Is he another protagonist in this university?!!! Can't you let me live peacefully for even a day?!!' Louis was truly feeling very angry about this. Wasn't he ever given a day off to do things like this!

[Be silent and do it! This task will greatly benefit you! Haven't you considered what you'll gain after completing the task?]-The system tried to tempt him with the rewards Louis would receive, but it seemed he didn't respond well to this. 'Tch, I won't do anything as you wish!'


[... Is that so...?]

As Liu Feng stepped forward and received a brief greeting from Han Jie, he began his address, "I want to thank this university for accepting me as one of the new students and for naming me the student with the highest entrance exam score. Even though I'm not wealthy, I managed to excel. Not like those rich students who only boast about their wealth and play around with women, am I right?"

Liu Feng made a slight sarcastic joke that made many people laugh. But, well… It was like he was mocking the wealthy people who enrolled here.

'He dares to make such lame jokes... Is he sure he can survive if a tycoon gets offended by his words…?' Louis couldn't help but feel amazed by that arrogance. But when he glanced around briefly, he could be sure that most likely the students would side with Liu Feng if that happened.

The man continued his lame jokes and a little arrogance that impressed the new students with his achievements until he continued, "Ahaa… Since I have a little time left, how about I perform a song for you all?"

Glancing at the audience, then he pointed towards Lily while asking, "Would the lady over there like to play a song with me? I'll play the piano, and you sing, how about that?"

As everyone looked towards the girl pointed out by Liu Feng, they were all slightly surprised by her beauty.

But on the other hand, when she was chosen, Lily became very upset and unconsciously gripped Louis' hand tightly.

Glancing sideways and seeing his girlfriend expressing herself like that, Louis became very angry, and veins popped out on his forehead.

"That bastard…." Louis muttered angrily while gently patting Lily's hand that was gripping him.

'System, is singing ability available in the shop?'-[Hehehe… Didn't you refuse to fight against that protagonist earlier?]-'That bastard is making me angry, and maybe many people are also offended by him…'-[Alright, here it is!]


[Do you want to purchase Singing Ability (Expert) for 700 plot points?]-'Yes, just buy it damn it!!'


[You have acquired Singing Ability (Expert)!]

After purchasing the ability, Louis stood up from his seat, attracting everyone's attention.

"Ummm… Actually, my girl here can't sing…" Louis said it with a tired, helpless expression. "… But don't worry, I can sing. I'll replace my girl to sing on stage, how about that?" He smiled flatly as if there was nothing wrong with what he said.

When Liu Feng heard that answer and everyone looked at him with curiosity and hope because of Louis' handsome appearance, he became dilemma for a moment, and reluctantly agreed if he didn't want his reputation to be tarnished, "Alright, it's fine! Please go up on stage!"

"He's the girlfriend of that girl…"

"… I won't be surprised if he gets angry because of that…"

"Isn't he the guy who brought the Pagani car earlier…?"

Many conversations were happening around as he walked with a calm expression and confident steps, as if the invitation from earlier was no big deal for him.

After stepping onto the stage and about to play his music, even before Louis could check the mic, Liu Feng had already started playing his piano.

But there was one problem here...

'Is he really trying to trap me with this….?' Louis found out that the mic had been sabotaged by Liu Feng without anyone's knowledge. Because the melody of the song had already started and it was impossible for Louis to stop this stage event because of the damaged mic, it would only be a mockery from the other new students that he couldn't sing or something.

'If it's already like this, what else can I do….'

[Do it…?]

'Do it-!!!'

Swiftly tossing his mic to the side of the stage, Louis immediately began singing with a voice so loud even without a mic, while gesturing his singing, like a soprano humming her song with her evenly spaced notes and beautiful melodies.

Initially, all the audience was surprised as to why Louis threw his mic to the side, but then they were captivated as Louis started singing with his beautiful and powerful voice. Even though he wasn't using a mic, the entire auditorium could still hear him clearly.

"On my own~

I'll reach for the light and try to feel the spark~-But until it returns, I'll wipe~

The tears from my eyes~

As I fly~

Through the dark…~"

His voice was so deep and melodious with the deep and beautiful resonance, causing everyone who heard it to unconsciously immerse themselves in its gentle and deep sweetness.

"… Young Master…." Unconsciously, Lily also started to immerse herself in the song, Louis' gestures also left her speechless about how every word and movement intertwined.

As for Han Jie, she was just frozen in place, staring at Louis with a deeply touched expression. Unconsciously, she murmured, "…. That man… He's so amazing…."-After a few moments passed, Louis finally finished his song.

Inhale… Exhale…..

He was slightly out of breath as the song ended. Shortly after, applause began to thunder and fill the entire auditorium with cheers and applause!

Clap! Clap! Clap!!

"Woahhhh!! Dude, that was an amazing voice!!"

"Are you a singer—no, you must be a singer!!!"

"Hahahaha-!!! I've recorded it and uploaded it on my social media!!"

Thousands of applause and cheers made Louis feel immensely proud in his heart.