Emperor Jiang


"So this is the place..."

"Indeed, my Emperor."

A handsome man who appeared to be around 25 years old, with a distinctly masculine physique, descended from a helicopter landing atop a skyscraper with a stoic expression. He was dressed in the characteristic dark green uniform of a general adorned with numerous insignias, and also wore a black robe with golden embroidery at the back symbolizing a golden dragon.

"Very well, Emperor Jiang!"

"Is that so..."

"Of course, Your Majesty," the young general responded respectfully as he accompanied Emperor Jiang into the inner part of the beautiful skyscraper.

As they walked through the bustling corridors of the building, Emperor Jiang's presence commanded respect from all who crossed their path. His posture was straight, his gaze unwavering, embodying the authority of a true leader.

They finally arrived at a grand room where Jiang was met by a gathering of officers dressed similarly to himself, though not adorned with as many insignias. The room fell silent as all rose to their feet, acknowledging their sovereign with deep bows and reverent greetings.

"Salutations, Emperor Jiang!"

"Please, be seated."

After they all took their seats, Emperor Jiang also sat down and then commenced the meeting.

The meeting began with a deep dive into the intricacies of defense strategies and tactical maneuvers. Emperor Jiang listened intently, occasionally interjecting with astute observations or decisive directives. Despite the mundane nature of the discussions, his keen interest never wavered.

"Isn't that so?"

"Yes, you might realize it after arriving in that remote area."

There, they discussed some rather mundane defense-related matters until 5 hours passed.

After what felt like an eternity of deliberations, the meeting drew to a close. As the officers began to disperse, one of the generals approached Emperor Jiang with a question that stirred memories of the past.

"Emperor, do you still remember your engagement to Shi Qiuyue?" The general's tone was respectful yet probing, seeking insight into the Emperor's thoughts.

Turning to face the man, Emperor Jiang's brow furrowed slightly in contemplation. "Shi Qiuyue?"

"Yes, she's the girl betrothed to you by the Supreme General previously. Would you like to meet her?" The general's words hung in the air, laden with implications of duty and tradition.

"I'm rather busy--" Emperor Jiang began, but the general anticipated his response.

"You can meet her at the upcoming Feast, Your Majesty. I'll arrange for you to travel together when you both arrive. What do you think?" The general's proposal was delivered with a blend of deference and assurance.

Pausing to stroke his chin thoughtfully, Emperor Jiang weighed his options. The prospect of rekindling an old acquaintance was intriguing, yet his duties weighed heavily on his mind.

"Very well. But if the girl disappoints me, then I will leave her," Emperor Jiang declared firmly, his resolve unwavering.

"Of course, Your Majesty," the general responded, bowing respectfully before taking his leave.


Louis stood on the threshold of understanding, grappling with the mysterious summons from his grandfather. "What does my grandfather really want to convey?"

"I'm not entirely sure. However, you will soon have the opportunity to speak directly with him, and you can ask him about it later, right?" The servant's response was less clear, leaving Louis with more questions than answers.

Despite his uncertainty, Louis followed the servant through the labyrinthine corridors until they reached a building on the coastline. Ascending to the top floor, Louis was confronted with a solitary door right in front of him.

There was only one room on this floor, and it belonged entirely to his grandfather. Louis gleaned much from the servant's explanations, which left him eager to learn more about his grandfather's intentions.

As Louis entered the room, he encountered his grandfather sitting in his chair, facing away as if gazing at the clear sky with a touch of serenity by his side.