Episode 384: Kennel (3)

BDSM. She revealed her true form in the thick salt water.

"Hohoho- I'm surprised."

The youthful cheeks were disappearing from the corner of her mouth as she winked at Bikir.

What took its place was a flower in full bloom.

Bikir was purely surprised and amazed.

"… … Seaweed-type Ent? "I never thought something like that would actually exist."

I heard a lot of stories about Ents living in the forest when I lived in the waters of the Red and Black Mountains.

So naturally, I guess there was a prejudice that Treants were beings that only lived in forests.

However, Ents also live in seaweed forests deep under the sea.

Just as the genealogy of beastmen is divided into various animal series, Ents are also divided into various plant series. In the case of BDSM, it was an Ent from the seaweed family of kelp or seaweed.

"hmm. "It doesn't work out as I thought."

Dragging BDSM into the seawater actually turned into a fatal handshake and grabbed Vikir's ankle.

When common plants come into contact with salt, their leaves turn black and die, but in the case of seaweed, they become more vibrant.

… Pakang!

Vikir kicked away the flying seaweed chains.

The round, hard lumps on the seaweed gave me the feeling of kicking a bowling ball with all my might when it touched the top of my foot.

'… … 'It's a hassle.'

Bikir tried to climb to the surface, brushing away the leaves that were sticking to his arms.

But BDSM did not let Bikir escape out of the water.

"Hoho- where are you going? "I just came in, so let's hang out some more~"

Tough and chewy seaweed stems flew in like sea snakes.


The black seaweed sprouting from the bottom of the balloon eel farm moved like BDSM's limbs and grabbed Vikir's ankles.

Chararalalak- wow...

Above it, long, huge leaves of seaweed were spreading out diagonally, horizontally and vertically, creating a grid pattern.

Snake net, fishing net, square net, gill net, drift net, cast net, drag net, trawl net… … All kinds of nets were spread out targeting just one Bikir.

It was a terrifying restraint that not only confined, but also constricted.

Spears of seaweed with sharp, curled ends rushed towards Vikir as if they would pierce his entire body as he was frozen.

They tie it with a net, stab it with a spear, and once it touches it, it can't even use mana or power.

It was a winning pattern that turned BDSM into an invincible monster.

Puff puff puff!

Blood, flesh, and internal organs explode like firecrackers. The water instantly turned black.

"… … "Hmm."

However, BDSM narrowed its eyes as if it was displeased with the situation.

Countless spears of seaweed ultimately failed to reach Vikir.

At a critical moment, Bikir pulled the tail of a balloon eel passing by and used it as a shield.

Puff! puck! Pow!

The seaweed spears that flew in late were also blocked by the balloon eels pulled by Bikir, causing only accidental misfires.

"Ugh! It takes several years to raise just one balloon eel! "If Dordium and Suware find out, there will be an uproar."

Bubbles began to boil all over BDSM's angry body.

Bubbly, bubbling... …

As expected from a plant, BDSM was spewing out a huge amount of oxygen from its body.

Vikir saw that and nodded.

'I understand why everyone was so overprotective of BDSM.'

BDSM plays a very important role in addition to producing BDSM restraints that restrain prisoners' mana and power.

This means supplying oxygen to the inside of the prison.

In addition to the ability to block mana and physical force, she had the strange ability to eat things like sulfur or oil vapor and turn them into oxygen.

So, without BDSM, there is no Nouvelle Vague.

This is because there is no separate source of oxygen within the mucus dome surrounded by flubber.

"You're a friend I like even more. "I think it will be useful in many ways."

Vikir threw away the balloon eel he was using as a shield and climbed on top of the next balloon eel.


The moment when the spear of seaweed rising rapidly from below pierces the upper and lower jaws of the balloon maw at the same time.

… thud!

Bikir also abandoned the balloon eel and landed on the floor of the cage.

"Hohohoho- you want to go down deeper? "It would be suicidal, right?"

BDSM spread long seaweeds like a net, completely blocking the path to the surface.

Now Vikir was stuck at the bottom of the pool.

Getting out is a problem, but breathing is a problem right now.



Even BDSM, who was in an overwhelmingly advantageous environment, couldn't help but flinch at the strange phenomenon taking place in Vikir's right hand.

A water current flowing in a strange direction. It was slowly being sucked towards Vikir's right hand.

'what? 'Is there a hole over there?'

Unless there is a water leak, there is no reason for a water flow to occur in that direction.

The moment when BDSM feels something is strange.


The strength of the water current suddenly increased.

A current of water being sucked in at an incredible speed, as if there was a leak somewhere.

Not only the surrounding seaweed, but even BDSM was caught in the current and almost dragged away.


An ominous premonition unique to plants passed through her mind.

I thought that I shouldn't be caught by Bikir's outstretched right hand.

It was a warning desperately shouted by instinct.

'Famine and drought'.

Characteristics of the daylily of the demonic tree. The power to dry up anything that contains moisture.

Bikir was going to dry up all the moisture in the puddle.

Then, new water filled the empty space where the water dried up and dried up again, creating a violent water current.

Bikir radiated an aura through Beelzebub.

Like a fire rising backwards through pouring oil, Vikir's aura spewed out in the reverse direction along the swirling water current.

The target was, of course, BDSM.


BDSM was astonished by the eight teeth flying in, tearing apart the space filled with water.

black sheep. A small but dense and heavy black sun was rising from beneath the sea.


The black sun was growing in size at an incredible speed, sucking in everything around it.

This black sheep, which was originally Bikir's special move, had destructive power, but did not have the power to attract things around it.

However, the fact that this place was under water and that Vikir knew how to use the power of drought and drought of the Blood Water Daylily made the linkage effect work properly.

'Um, that bastard!? I was aiming for this from the beginning and went into the water... … !'

Only then did BDSM realize that it had been completely caught up in Vikir's scheme.

That black sphere is actually a collection of countless teeth, and it is obvious what will happen if you are dragged into the center.

The entire body will disintegrate without leaving a single piece of flesh behind.


BDSM struggled to somehow escape the water current.

All available seaweed was pulled up and sent, but all of it was sucked in from the center of the black sun and turned into firewood.

The shredded seaweed became impossible to salvage even the fragments.

Strangely enough, the aura emitted by that monster-like thing did not fade even when it touched BDSM's seaweed.

If the people of Nouvelle Vague saw BDSM's seaweed, which nullifies all mana and physical power, being torn apart so helplessly, like a cheap piece of paper, they would probably be horrified.

But it wasn't completely fruitless.

Grumbling… … Kuruk! Gurgling!

As a result of the large amount of water plants being hit by the black sun, the water flow became slightly looser.

So BDSM was barely able to escape the water current and rise to the surface.


BDSM broke the surface and came out, looking back with a white complexion.

"Okay, I need to get out of here quickly. I have to tell this to Dordium and Suware... … ."

but. Before she had even taken seven steps, she felt her body start to sway.

"… … uh?"

My vision is spinning. She thought she was taking a straight step, but before she knew it, her foot was twisted.

… thud!

BDSM fell to the floor and struggled.



'Why am I like this?'

'Why doesn't my body listen?'

'What happens to me now?'

'What is going on?'

'Quick, we need to run away right now... … '

Only unresolved questions fill my head.

And around that time.


Bikir also broke the surface and came out.

"Maybe because it's seaweed, it drinks a lot of water."

Bikir spoke in a dry voice to BDSM, black blood drops dripping from the tips of his fingers.

Madame's poison.

Bikir had secretly released his own blood into the water when BDSM slaughtered the balloon eels and caused a bloody storm.

Afterwards, as a vortex was formed due to the water current, BDSM unknowingly inhaled a large amount of poison throughout its body.

Because it was a poison diluted with water, the effects appeared late, but once symptoms appeared, the results were obvious.

"… … omg! Huh! "Wow!"

BDSM crawled on the floor, holding his neck with one hand and his chest with the other.


The body temperature rises rapidly due to the poison, and moisture evaporates from the body.

Spots, signs of death, began to bloom all over the body.

BDSM, who had changed from a girl to the appearance of an adult woman, was now changing into the appearance of a shriveled old man.

"Oh, no, no…" … If I die... … Prisoners' restraints and iron bars... … Everyone loses their power... … That's it... … That's it... … ."

And in front of her in pain.

Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk-

The hound of the night, or rather of the Nouvelle Vague, began to take steps.

Even in the deep sea, where not a single ray of light shines, the shadow of death seems to be cast.