Episode 385: Nouvelle Vague's Grumpy Dog (1)

Early morning the next day.

An unprecedented uproar occurred in the Nouvelle Vague.

"What the hell is this!?"

A thunderous roar shook Level Nine on the 9th floor.

Colonel Dordium di Dorcdayl. One of the leading candidates to be the next prison director.

He turned his head with an expression full of anger.

Lieutenant colonel-level officials, including Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, were bowing their heads with their backs turned.

It was because of the 'Night Hound' prison escape incident that occurred last night.

After hearing the report that Vikir had disappeared last night, Colonel Dordium furiously scolded his subordinates.

However, nothing was reported other than the information that an unidentified doctor left the inmate area under the pretext of quarantine work.

The reason the siege was so lax in the first place was because of the mysterious explosive discovered in the Level 1 area and the unreasonable instructions of Colonel Dordium, who changed the deployment of the guards to force construction even by bypassing it, so he could not be openly angry.

"Nothing unusual happened last night! "How can no one know until something happens like this!"

When Colonel Dordium questioned him, all the guards lowered their heads and said nothing.

at that time. An urgent message came in.

"Great, Colonel! "I think you should go to the 5th floor!"

Dordium's thick eyebrows quirked up at the report of his subordinate who came running out of breath.

Eventually, Dordium ran up the stairs to the 5th floor and was shocked.

"What the hell is this… … ."

The first thing you see is a huge hole in the wall of the balloon eel farm.

The next thing I saw was the sight of numerous dead balloon eels floating on the water.

It was impossible to estimate the damage as so many eels were swept out of the water.

Fortunately, the flood damage was not significant because the bubble eels filled the holes, but it was painful to see that many balloon eels lost their lives.

It is very difficult to raise balloon eels, and even in the process of becoming an adult, sudden or mysterious deaths occur frequently.

The growth rate itself is extreme.

Accordingly, the price of an adult balloon eel was equivalent to that of a ship, but as they died in a hurry, the damage was so great that it could not be described.

… … However, Colonel Dordium's focus was elsewhere.

Right now, I can't even see the balloon eel.

The problem is the girl who is squatting in the corner of the balloon eel enclosure and shivering.

She was BDSM, wrapped in a towel covered by guards and drinking warm sea cow milk!

"… … "How did this happen?"

Dordium asked with an expression of complete bewilderment.

BDSM then sniffled and responded.

"I tried to catch an escaped convict last night, but I missed it."

"No, why are you here in the first place…" … under."

Dordium placed his hand on his forehead and sighed.

At that time, there was someone talking to Dordium.

"What are you doing now? "It explodes slowly."

Colonel Suware. She was watching Dordium with a sneer on her face.

"So you can become the prison warden?"

"Shut up, Suware. "I was off duty last night, which is once a year."

"Aha, so there was no news while I was taking care of the flood damage, the balloon eel death, and BDSM's personal safety?"

"… … ."

Dordium did not answer.

However, they just grind their teeth at a rate that makes them feel like they are all worn out.

Suware looked around and said.

"It was fortunate that Brigadier General Plover took emergency measures to resolve the hole in the wall. There is some water damage, but it can be easily repaired even with level 1 prisoners working as laborers. The death of balloon eels is painful, but what can we do? I should be satisfied that BDSM is safe. "If we had not done so, an unprecedentedly large-scale accident could have occurred."

"… … "Where are the escaped convicts?"

"Why are you asking me that? It's not even my jurisdiction. "I only repair the damage."

That is correct.

It was Dordium's responsibility to apprehend escaped prisoners, and it was Suware's responsibility to torture and imprison the prisoners he caught in solitary confinement.

Dordium had no choice but to ask BDSM, who was shivering.

"Where did the escaped convict go?"

Then BDSM shouted, more surprised than necessary.

"Lord, he's dead!"

"… … "He died?"

Dordium was silent for a moment.

It is highly unlikely that anyone could escape from the Nouvelle Vague.

Since he is wearing a BDSM restraint, his mana and strength are limited, and his body is weakened by poor diet and harsh labor, so it is impossible to escape from this harsh environment.

Moreover, isn't this a 10,000 meter deep seabed?

But the work had to be done clearly.

"Then where is the body?"

When Dordium asked in a stiff tone, BDSM slightly averted his gaze.

"… … "He went out to the deep sea on a balloon eel."

"Then you're not dead."

"You're as good as dead!"

What BDSM said made sense.

In fact, riding a balloon eel was not the way to get to the surface.

This was a secret fact that the prisoners never knew, and was a military secret known only to the guards.

The 5th floor of Nouvelle Vague, where the balloon eel breeding farm is located, is in contact with over 3,000 circulating ocean currents, but only one of these currents leads to the ground.

In other words, the key is which point to push the eel to, but when the exact route is not known and the route is selected at random, the probability of going to land is only 0.00033101622%.

If the remaining route is chosen, the balloon eel wanders around in the deep sea, leaving itself to the currents, and then returns to its original place. The voyage takes about 100 years, and when the eel returns, the person in the boat has already died. Only bones remain.

"It seemed like he had no idea what the circulating ocean currents that lead to the surface were. So he has no choice but to get caught in the trap current. "He would have been trapped in the deep sea for the rest of his life."

"… … Did it happen? "It certainly sounds like you haven't seen it."

"It's done! It's done! Wow, I definitely saw it! "I want him to climb out of the hole in the wall on the balloon eel before he passes out!"

BDSM desperately made an excuse.

Dordium was silent for a long time with his arms crossed.

"… … "You really witnessed his end, right?"

"Oh, that's right! What are you looking at me for? And no matter what, I'm the one who cares… … "Don't look at me like that!"

BDSM broke into a cold sweat.

Because she was lying now.

'You can never say that when you come to your senses after fainting, it's gone!'

If that were the case, it would not end in confinement.

I didn't know that when the Orca prison director came back, I would be locked up like a prisoner.

'okay. There was definitely a hole in the wall! I also tried to drag the eel out. Probably went out on an eel. By now, you're probably lost and wandering aimlessly somewhere. Damn you!'

BDSM rationalized itself. He said it was something that could not be helped.

And Suwaret's testimony coincidentally supported BDSM's words.

"Now that I think about it, the guy who came into solitary confinement said something strange? That guy on the 8th floor of level 8 is acting like a slut or something. He said the 'Hound of the Night' would soon break out?"

"Clean? "The plague leper?"

"huh. He said that a guy named Bikir had warned him of a prison escape. "He thought it was bullshit and ignored it, but it turned out exactly as he said."

The testimony given by Sikt de Leviathan, who is currently in solitary confinement for causing a recent riot, was quite conclusive.

BDSM was eventually cleared of the charge of missing an escaped convict.

"Is this done now? "I'm going to go back to my room."

Fearing being reprimanded by the prison warden and being looked down on by his subordinates, BDSM decided not to think deeply about this issue and kept his mouth shut.

Dordium felt suspicious in many ways, but decided that it could not proceed with the investigation any further.

A hole in the wall. The balloon eel disappeared. BDSM's solid testimony.

In the end, Dordium had no choice but to nod.

"The Hound of the Night died while trying to escape from the Nouvelle Vague. "It would be okay to handle it that way."

"Well, I agree. "He was a pretty attractive kid, but it's a shame."

Even Suware expressed his agreement.

Dordium found Vikir's name in the list he was carrying and traced it out with a pen.

With this, the Night Hound was officially treated as having died in the Nouvelle Vague.

"Send a mana telegram to the ground and have it recorded."

Dordium roughly threw the list with Vikir's name erased to a low-ranking guard next to him.

"yes. "Colonel."

The junior guard bowed his head and accepted the list with both hands.

Then he turned and walked away to carry out Dordium's orders.

At that time, Suware looked at the profile of a low-ranking guard passing by him.

A guard's cap worn tightly, messy hair, and a large burn scar covering his face.

And a clean uniform that looks like new.

The name tag on the chest, which seemed to have been newly sewn, had the name 'Garm Nord' written on it.

'The atmosphere is strange? Was there a guy like that among your subordinates?'

However, Suware soon shook off his random thoughts.

'Hey, what's there to know?'

There's no way she, who has the rank of colonel and is aiming to become the next prison director, would remember the names and faces of such idiots.

Now, it was more important for Suware to correct the mistakes made by his political opponent Dordium and show as much condescension as possible.

"anyway. Let's end the situation with this. "I'll report it to the top."

"… … "Sigh."

Dordium just smokes a cigar.

The Nouvelle Vague prison break, which could have been an unprecedented event in history, ended somewhat in vain like this.