Episode 387: Nouvelle Vague's dirty dog ​​(3)

"You bastards! You want me to eat something like this!? it's crazy!?"

"How can people work in a place like this!"

"Why don't you at least give us some time to rest!"

"When can I start visiting my family!"

"Prisoners are people too! "There are human rights!"

The prisoners on the first floor of the level were gathered together and causing a commotion.

They were newcomers to Nouvelle Vague who had recently arrived, one-day puppies who had not yet adapted to the ecosystem in this chaotic atmosphere.

"what the. Did you hear? "I heard a prison escapee came out yesterday?"

"Nouvelle Vague is surprisingly not that special."

"Seeing the guards on duty, it looks like it's full of holes."

"Kkekekekeuk- it looks sloppy. Should I try escaping from prison?"

They were low-level prisoners who could not pay proper attention to the guards because they were busy, and were fortunate enough to be located in a blind spot of military discipline, so they were unable to understand the atmosphere yet.

at that time.

Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk-

The sounds of military fire were heard loudly.

Level 1 prisoners can be easily cleaned up by low-level guards.

Lieutenant and middle-ranking guards lined up against the inmates of Level One.

Each person was holding a club, a sword, a whip, an ax, etc. in their hands.

"… … What, what? "What about those bloody weapons?"

"Are you sure you're going to kill us?"

"it's crazy? Are you going to wield something like that? To us in handcuffs?"

"Jeez, you guys are out of your mind… … ."

The prisoners seemed intimidated just by the sight of the guards holding weapons.

That's because they are young chicks.

The major-ranked guard at the front spoke to the second lieutenant and lieutenant-ranked guards at the back.

"listen carefully. "The floor where most riots occur in the Nouvelle Vague is surprisingly Level 1 or Level 2."

You can see as much as you know. This is an eternal truth.

In the Nouvelle Vague, lower-level prisoners tended to riot more, and higher-level prisoners tended to riot less often.

The higher the level of inmates, the more they feel the fear of this place deep in their bones and become more fearful, but the lower level inmates can be braver because they have no eyes to see.

"In particular, there are many cases of prisoners on the first floor not knowing that one-day puppy tigers are scary. "Particularly, those who have just entered the prison and are less socially out of touch, start riots, saying things like human rights, organized protests, and profanity."

The junior guards were calmly listening to what their superiors were saying.

The guard with the rank of major grinned and continued.

"And we are quietly condoning, or rather encouraging, riots to occur in the lower levels, such as Level 1 and Level 2. Sometimes, it is created artificially using planted fragments. Although today was a spontaneous riot. "This is all for your practical experience."

The major's words had a strange nuance.

An atmosphere that instills confidence in lower-level guards and at the same time makes prisoners feel intimidated.

The prisoners stopped screaming and looked at each other, wondering if what they had done was actually the guards' evil plan.

From the moment it was thought that Frakchi was hiding inside, the bond was already disintegrating.

In such a situation, the major was driven into a wedge.

"Although they are Level 1 prisoners, they are still criminals who made a name for themselves when they were on the ground, and they are strong people who withstood the transfer process to the New Vague and the admission process. Even though you are wearing BDSM handcuffs, never let down your guard! Do you understand?"


The junior guards shouted in unison.

And soon, the bloody suppression began.

It was a common daily life in the Nouvelle Vague.

* * *

Blood and chunks of flesh fly into the air.

The guards were mercilessly trampling and squeezing the prisoners with maces and truncheons.

No matter how low-level the guards are, they can easily surpass the level of prisoners on the first floor wearing BDSM restraints.

"Hi!? "This is a violation of human rights!"

"Human rights? Why are you looking for that 10,000 meters below the sea?"

One of the guards crushed the crying prisoner's face with a military bullet.

Lieutenant Kirko. She raised her head without even wiping the blood splattered on her face.

A cold, dreary gaze scans the criminals.

"You have no such thing as human rights. Garbage that cannot be rehabilitated and cannot be reformed. "What kind of human rights are these black-haired beasts that not only live on the social system diligently built by ordinary citizens but also threaten their safety?"

Prisoners who meet Cirko's gaze shrivel like squid thrown onto a fire.

Right then.


There was a chain hitting Kirko's back from behind.

A Level 1 prisoner wearing BDSM handcuffs and restraints was glaring at Kirko with bloodshot eyes.


He was a man with an impressive cross-shaped scar drawn on his forehead.

"Hehehe, you know who this body is, right?"

He spoke confidently.

But Kirko only frowned as he touched his throbbing back.

"no. "I have no idea."

"what? "You don't know me?"

He gritted his teeth once and shouted loudly.

"I am attendance number 8… … No, it's Pal Eusphere, the 'monster of the crossroads'!"

He is 'Pal Youspear', a prisoner who was imprisoned on the first floor of the level not long ago.

If there is a career that sets him apart from other prisoners, it is that he was originally a student at a prestigious university.

While attending the 'Colosseo Academy', the best university in the empire, he fell into the path of crime at some point, and from then on, he continued to follow a crooked path and was imprisoned in the Nouvelle Vague.

"Damn it. After messing with the second generation of high-ranking nobles inside the Naraksu tree, he was retaliated against outside... … Who would have thought that Naraksu would disappear so suddenly?"

He was trapped inside the abyss that suddenly appeared at the Colosseo Academy.

In the process of reorganizing all existing powers and orders of power, he was lucky enough to get off to a good start, and later used the stats and items he acquired to abuse his power against high-ranking officials whom he had never dared to look at before.

Dolores. In particular, her You Spear, who was targeting her, was building up her notoriety by harming many of her classmates, but then suddenly her number in the underworld disappeared and she returned to her original world.

"damn. I thought Naraksu would last forever... … .

Naturally, many people who had been wronged by him in the tower did not forget their debt and repaid him.

After being expelled from school, Yousphere fell into crime and was eventually imprisoned here in the Nouvelle Vague.

However, because he had good stats accumulated in the Maw Tree, he did not suffer much loss of combat power even after wearing the BDSM restraint.

"Die, you bitch!"

Yousphere wrapped the chain stretched between the handcuffs on both wrists around Cirko's neck.


Kirko lost sight of the long sword he was holding in his hand.

I had no idea that there was a prisoner with this much power on the first floor of the level.

This guy is a being with such strong power that he needs to be at least level 2 and up to level 3.

It was highly likely that he had been hiding his powers all this time.

"… … !"

Kirko gritted his teeth and turned around.

However, Yusphere was determined to capture only her.

If you are rolling around on the floor like this in a melee with numerous prisoners and guards, you will disappear from sight in an instant.

Even now, there was no guard around to help Cirko.

"Hehe- Were there women like this in Nouvelle Vague? "Let's unpack some of the things that have accumulated for the first time in a while."

Yousphere looked down at Cirko and licked his lips.

Kirko closed his eyes tightly.

While living as a guard in the Nouvelle Vague, I always knew that one day I would face some hardships.

That determination was always sharpened, even when lying in bed, watching alone in a quiet guard post, taking a shower, or eating.

'Is today the day?'

The consequences of letting one's guard down for a moment can be so scary. That is the life of a guard working in the Nouvelle Vague.

Cirko decided to accept and endure whatever was to come to him in the future.

… … Right at that moment.

Pow! Patter-patter-patter- Patter-

Some hot liquid was sprayed onto Kirko's face.

"… … ?"

Kirko narrowed his eyes, not knowing what the sticky liquid covering his face was.

It was bright red blood.

Blood bursting from the mouth of Yusphere, who was on top of her body.

"… … Whoa!? Ugh! laugh!?"

Yusphere was struggling with his head raised, looking very embarrassed.

That's because there was a thick, hard, and long stick that forced his mouth open and stuck deep into his throat.

Three step pole.

It tore off Yuspear's upper and lower lips, pulled out all of his front teeth behind them, and even penetrated his esophagus.

It was natural that all the flesh in the mouth and uvula were crushed in the process.

"Ugh! Whoop! Oh my! "Nine times!"

Yusphere struggled to spit out the triple stick that had been forced into his mouth, but there was no way he could.

This is because the hand holding the triple pole was carrying tremendous force and weight.

"… … "Are you okay?"

A man with a three-tiered baton asks Kirko how he is doing in a dry voice.

He was someone she knew well.

Garm Nord.

My age is twenty-one. The rank is so-called. He is a low-ranking guard in the Nouvelle Vague and Circo's classmate.

Garm was responding to Kirko with an expressionless face.


A three-stage baton came out of Yusphere's mouth.

"Wow! Gweeee! … … "Wow!"

When the three-stage baton, which had almost entered his stomach, came out, Yusphere vomited, shedding blood, tears, snot, and sweat.


Even then, he fainted immediately due to the bullet that was trampling on the back of his head.

"… … you you?"

Kirko stuttered before opening his mouth.

I never thought the day would come when I would receive help from Garum, who was called 'stupid Garum' and 'stupid dog'.

'No, is this already the second time?'

In the past, I unintentionally received help during a Sikkeot riot.

It felt a little different back then than it does now.

at that time.


Cirko realized that now was not the time for him to be lost in thought.

Currently, we are in the middle of a melee and a prisoner riot is intensifying.

So Kirko hurriedly shouted.

"This is not the time to be like this, Garm! What happened to the area you were in charge of that brought you here!? Before you can help me, you must first subdue the prisoners in your area... … !"

But she couldn't finish speaking.

This is because Garum opened his mouth and answered briefly.

"does not exist."

"… … what?"

For a moment, Kirko couldn't believe his ears.

But it soon turned out that her good ears did their job well.

A three-tiered baton bent into an L shape and dripping blood.

Behind him, more than a dozen prisoners were lying covered in blood and writhing.

"There are more prisoners to suppress."

Garum's short-ranging words made not only Kirko but also other classmates who had just come running behind him look blank.