Episode 388: Nouvelle Vague's dirty dog ​​(4)

"… … ."

Kirko raised his head with a blank expression.

Normally, Garm would have been shy and avoided his gaze, but for some reason he didn't pay any attention to Cirko looking up at him.

But that was natural.

Garum's true identity was Vikir, who had disguised his identity.

An escaped convict who became a prison guard overnight.

Bikir was now standing here in the shoes of the dead Garm.

"It's dangerous, so stay back."

Bikir's words were not for Kirko's sake, but to respect Garum's inner thoughts, which he learned through the diary.

-I want to show her the outside world.

-If only I could show you the blue sky, the salt-free lake, and the wild animals running in the fields where I was born... …

His wish can now never be fulfilled.

Bikir knew the wish that Garm had left behind in his palm-sized diary, pressed tightly against the old, damp note so as not to smudge it.

And at the same time, I knew very well that it was impossible.

Because Garum is already dead.

'but… … 'You can help this woman you've wanted to keep until the end get her way to the ground.'

Kirko, as Vikir sees it, is a person with tremendous talent and potential, and if he grows up in the future, he could make a great contribution to the human union.

So Bikir decided to protect Kirko as much as possible.

It was intended to be raised as a sword to deal with demons in the future and as a secret weapon of the Human Alliance.

'In my past life, I probably died somewhere without a name... … It won't happen that way in this life.'

That will be a way to respect the will Garum left behind. It was a win-win strategy.

Soon, Bikir started swinging the truncheon so hard that it was bent and hitting the prisoners in front of him.

Wow! Sigh! Quageek-

The heads and eyeballs of the prisoners who were running towards Kirko exploded.

There were many people who had their teeth pulled out or their tongues cut out.

At that time, Vikir suddenly noticed the face of a prisoner rolling on the floor.


Vikir saw that and nodded.

'hmm? 'It's been a while since this guy?'

There was no way he couldn't remember the stigma he had once received.

'Was his name Pal Youthphere?'

It was a bad experience I encountered several times while working at Colosseo Academy.

Starting with the time I scolded Piggy for teasing him at the freshman learning center, and the fight he had with Vikir when he was in dog form, I remembered at least his face and name.

'I heard that you were retaliated against after causing a disturbance in Naraksu.'

Although he was struggling inside the Naraksu Tower, outside of the tower he was acting viciously against his cool classmates and seems to have suffered harsh political retaliation.

I knew he had a personality problem to begin with, but I never thought I'd see him again at Nouvelle Vague.

'Still, I'm glad to see you as a classmate.'

Vikir happily kicked Yuspear in the stomach once more.

I felt my internal organs bursting through my toes, but I didn't care at all.

From then on, Bikir continued to wield the trireme.

At first, I didn't have time to control my strength, but now that I've gotten used to it, I was able to suppress it with moderate care.

Moderate suppression that involves breaking a few teeth and fingers, or only dislocating the joints of limbs.

Prisoners who fought back crushed their toes with the heels of their military boots, making it impossible for them to stand at all.

All of this happened naturally, like water.

Bikir passed like a shadow between the fiercely fighting guards and prisoners, gently swinging his trifecta.

More than a dozen prisoners have already been reduced to blood clots by Bikir's triple pole, which silently burrowed into their sides or crotches like a snake.

The problem is that both the fallen prisoners and the guards who knocked them down were so blinded by excitement that they did not see who had subdued so many prisoners.

… … but.

Just one person. There was someone who watched Bikir's actions from beginning to end.

Kirko. She was watching Bikir's every move with mesmerized eyes.

'W-what is it? Was the cut originally that strong?'

Until now, I had never seen Garum truly engage in suppression.

He was born gentle and kind, so he couldn't do anything that would harm others.

Every time I happened to see him, I thought, 'That guy doesn't seem suited to be a jailer.'

If that's the case, I don't understand why he came here and is going through such trouble, and I don't sympathize with him.

Kirko was even feeling a little pathetic.

… … However, the separation seen with the naked eye now was completely different from the previous images.

Has there been any awakening since the Sikkeot riots?

The sight of him beating up prisoners with an expressionless face is truly a veteran of veterans.

I felt like I was seeing a crazy dog ​​who had lived his whole life only harming others.

Those secret movements, the bursting violence, the swirling power, the outstanding combat power... … But still, that dull attitude that seems to have no inspiration whatsoever!

All of this made Kirko shiver.

The idea of ​​a prison guard, if a perfect prison guard existed in the world, wouldn't he probably look like this?


She got up from her seat and held on tightly to the handle of the knife.

My back and legs were throbbing, but I couldn't afford to rest like this.

As long as he's an ace, he can't lose to the stupid dog of Nouvelle Vague.


She joined the melee with a strong spirit and followed closely behind Garum.

Blood was pouring in once again.

* * *

About 20 minutes later. The situation was completely suppressed.

The organizers of the riot were bound by bigger and heavier BDSM handcuffs and headed to their cells one by one, while the rest were thrown into their original cells, their bodies in rags.

Of course, there is no such thing as treatment or meals. The same labor will be imposed tomorrow at 4 am.

… … If you can't endure it, you have no choice but to die.

The major who commanded the suppression from the rear nodded with a satisfied expression.

"It was truly a complete suppression. In the beginning, I felt a little overwhelmed by the insanity of the prisoners, but things changed drastically in the middle. "Thank you for your hard work, guys!"

The major especially praised the left wing of the suppression team.

"The early suppression was possible because Group B of the left wing performed well. Well done indeed! "Who's in Group B?"

The major walked past the blood-covered and gasping junior guards to the area where today's top contributors, Group B, were located.

And in Group B, Cirko was standing.

The major shouted the moment he saw Cirko.

"I knew you would be there! Your skills are better than before! Thanks to your tremendous speed in suppressing the prisoners on the left wing, the support team was able to spread out to both wings in time. "Thank you for your hard work!"

Hearing the major's praise, all the lower-ranking guards around looked at Kirko with envious eyes.


"… … "I didn't do it."

Kirko shook his head and denied the truth.

"There are other people who have been active. Over there... … ."

Kirko, who was about to look back at Garm, paused for a moment.

Garm was not where he was supposed to be standing.

Behind them, the cleaning crew was cleaning up blood stains and stone debris.

This was something that was usually done by guards whose achievements were so minimal that they were excluded from public affairs.

"No, why is that guy over there…" … ."

The moment when Kirko was about to open his mouth in bewilderment.

"It's good to be humble enough to give credit to your colleagues! "You really deserve to be a role model for others!"

The major nodded as if he was convinced that Cirko was the protagonist of this activity.

Meanwhile, the other junior guards behind him were also saying something.

"As expected, it's Cirko. "Every time there's a riot, you always show off your musou."

"But this riot was a bit strong, but it managed to break a new record. "I mean Circo."

"You're basically a genius. Our level is different. "He'll be promoted to captain in at least three years, right?"

"That's right. Oh, by the way, where did this guy go again?"

They soon began looking for easy targets to harass.

Separate. This time too, there is someone behind the scenes who is just taking care of things.

The lower-ranking guards quarreled with Garum in a grumpy manner.

"Hey, you didn't do anything this time either, right?"

"Didn't you catch another prisoner?"

"Anyway, I heard you're holding on to Kirko's ankles."

"Kirko was truly amazing for being unrivaled even with such an idiot."

They kept giggling and started arguing with Garm.

Doing things like hitting the back, arm, or back of the head with a fist or stroking the head.

… … but. Garm's reaction was a little different from before.

"… … ."

The three-stage baton was bent because it had been hit so many times and swung so many times.

In the blink of an eye, it swept over the lower abdomen of the lower-level guards, even though the prisoners' blood had not yet dried.

Puff puff puff!

A sound similar to that made when a large snail is hit with a hammer.





Four junior guards sat down, clutching their stomachs.

"What is there?"

Where the major turned his head, there was Garum holding his stomach and supporting his four fallen comrades.

"It appears to be an acute stomach ache. I think it's because I'm relaxed... … "I'll take you to the medical unit."

"Tsk tsk - I can't believe you're that nervous about this little protest. "You idiots."

The major soon lost interest in the circumstances of the lower-ranking guards.

And Garum dragged his classmates who had been laughing at him and headed to a dark place.

"Come on, guys. "Let's forget what happened so far and discuss what happens in the future."

The same look in his eyes as when he was suppressing the prisoners earlier.

It was as if he had no intention of hiding his power or any room for mercy.

And Kirko, who was looking at Garum's back, could only quietly mutter to himself.

"… … As expected, something is strange.