Episode 395: The worst torture (6)

Four months have passed since then.

"Today is a happy day! "I can now welcome many new and capable subordinates!"

A small Nouvelle Vague event was taking place while Lieutenant Colonel Bastille was shedding tears of joy.

It is a 'promotion ceremony'.

Although it was not a formal promotion ceremony held once a quarter, it had everything needed for a simple promotion ceremony.

Amid applause from everyone, those eligible for this promotion move to the front of the podium.

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, who was in charge of the promotion ceremony, shed tears and hugged each and every one of the promotionees.

And among them all, the person that Lieutenant Colonel Bastille hugged most strongly and for the longest was Garm, or rather, Bikir.

"Congratulations, Captain Garm Nord!"

Garm Nord, who was originally a lieutenant, advanced two ranks to become a captain.

It was an unprecedented appointment among low-level guards.

But what was even more surprising was that even though Garum was promoted from second lieutenant to captain in no time, no one thought it was unreasonable.

"Anyway, Lieutenant Garum always exceeded his work quota. "Just based on his merits, it was natural that he would be promoted to lieutenant."

"Plus, you have proven your resourcefulness by suppressing the rampage of a Level 8 prisoner four months ago. "I think he did enough to be promoted to captain."

"Anyway, promotion to two ranks would have been natural over time… … "Lieutenant Colonel Bastille is showing off at this moment."

"I don't know. In principle, special examinations for both classes require a background investigation and a complete investigation into one's past life. Not only would it take several months, but it would involve an incredible amount of detail. "Colonel Bastille was so kind to that young fellow that he skipped those steps."

Everyone is welcoming the new intermediate guard, Captain Garm Nord.

This is because there were countless people who escaped disciplinary action or demotion due to Sikkeot's riots.

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille said as he personally pinned a captain rank insignia with three diamonds on Bikir's chest.

"After your actions, the prisoner was locked in solitary confinement for three months. And since he came out, he has been working very diligently."

"That's a good thing. "I think this is the result of everyone's courageous efforts."

"How humble. The bravest among them all was you. But… … ."

Colonel Bastille continued speaking in a subdued voice.

"What on earth did you do? If that's what you said, did that ruthless person die so quietly?"

"I didn't say anything. I just tried to convince him logically. "There is nothing good about causing trouble."

"Hmm, is that so? Huhuhu - Okay, okay. It's not something I want to talk about here. Well, I guess I'll have a chance to hear more later."

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, who is generally regarded as a good person, smiled brightly as if giving a stereotypical answer was not bad.

Soon, Bikir came down to the stage after receiving a reinforced weapon and a letter of appointment, which are only given to captains and above.

… Good!

The weapon Garum chose was, of course, a three-stage baton.

'It's nice that it fits comfortably in my hand.'

It was a weapon that the real Garm used when he was alive, but it also suited Vikir quite well.

Bikir, who had lived his entire life as an assassin or a swordsman, had little use for weapons such as a triple baton, which were made for the purpose of beating and subduing, not murder.

'But the more you use it, the more it tastes good, doesn't it?'

The cold feel of the palm, the scratchy feel of the handle, the tip that elongates with two light noises when swung once.

It was a weapon that I loved in many ways. Does it feel like you've found your second aptitude?

[human. Did you open your eyes in that direction?]

"hmm. Do you mean non-killing rather than killing? "Then it could be possible."

[no. Not that one.]


Decarabia says something incomprehensible once again.

Bikir silenced Decarabia and then came down from the stage.

It was a satisfactory result as I achieved the rank of captain I wanted.

* * *


Bikir closed the door.

As I was promoted to captain, the newly assigned private room was much more comfortable than the room I used before.

Say goodbye to the caves where people lived crowded together like a swarm of ants in a narrow and dirty place.

The interior of the 15 pyeong stone room was neatly organized.

There was still some salty dampness, but it was nothing compared to the rooms of low-level guards, as it had a window to the outside and a separate shower facility.

Bikir went to the window and looked outside.

Behind the thin bubble film created by the mysterious slime substance Flubber, the dark deep sea spreads out.

However, there was a coral reef area with a faint luminous light in the lower part and a colony of luminous jellyfish, so visibility was quite good.

I saw a huge shadow swimming in the distance.

"… … ."

Bikir stood at the window and watched the unknown deep-sea fish swimming around for a long time.

at that time.


There was a knock on the door.

"Captain. "Can I come in?"

A cold, solid voice.

As Bikir said nothing else, the door was soon opened.

A woman in uniform standing outside the threshold. She was Lieutenant Kirko.

After Bikir received the rank of captain, Lieutenant Kirko became his adjutant.

Cirko himself said that the appointment was a natural result, but Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's testimony was slightly different.

'Lieutenant Cirko, who has always refused to be someone's adjutant, for some reason did not specifically refuse the executive order to become your adjutant. Huhuhu-'

I remember Lieutenant Colonel Bastille looking at me with happy eyes for an unknown reason.

Bikir took his eyes off the scenery outside the window and turned his head.

"What's going on?"

The relationship was natural, as if it had been a superior-subordinate relationship from the beginning.

However, Kirko also accepted this change for granted.

"The prisoner on level 8, Sikde Leviathan, has had another seizure."

"Is this your first time in solitary confinement?"

"yes. That's right."

After receiving Kirko's report, Bikir nodded.

Eventually, Bikir took his trinket and left the room.

at that time.

"… … ah."

Bikir turned around as if he had forgotten something.


Kirko tilted his head.

What Vikir brought out of the room when he turned around was a thick rune Bible.

Kirko saw that and opened his mouth with a strange expression.



"Do you believe in religion?"

"To some extent."

"I've never been to earth, so I don't know what religion is like on earth… … I heard there is quite a lot of corruption. "They say they will forgive your sins in exchange for money."

"What do you want to say?"

"So what I'm saying is, I'd like to ask if it would help calm the prisoner down. "That book."

In response to Kirko's question, Bikir smiled dryly.


The answer was short.

Eventually, Bikir went down the steep spiral stairs and reached the 8th floor.

From the entrance of the prison, you can feel the stone walls and floor humming.

"I can't believe I'm being executed! Where is something like that! After your solitary confinement, you worked hard! That blue lump in the Level 1 construction area has also swelled enormously! That's not all the result of me using a pickaxe! Aaaah!"

A faint voice echoed throughout the corridor.

I thought it was meant as a protest against the death penalty sentence.

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille is, to put it in a good way, a good man, but in a bad way, he is a safety-minded person.

He is a person who wants to have as few variables as possible during his upcoming promotion.

To Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, he is nothing more than a thorn in his eye.

He was a variable and dangerous molecule who never knew when an accident might occur again.

'… … 'It's worth trying to execute him quietly and informally.'

Bikir clicked his tongue inwardly.

Doing your own thing ahead of time is excellent.

Meanwhile, Shikkeok continued to run amok.

By spreading a poison made by mixing water mold, sulfur, and several types of soil.

"I finally met 'him' in solitary confinement! How long do you think I'll be trapped here forever!? I'm leaving here soon! But execution! Cancel it now you bastards! I worked diligently, so what's the problem? "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

Shikkeot runs wild, foaming at the mouth.

Right then.

"… … !"

The turbulent times suddenly became calmer.

Because of this, the guards who were struggling to pull the BDSM chain were also startled and turned their heads to look at him.

Bikir was standing there.

"Seniors. "Could you please give up your seat for a moment?"

At Bikir's polite request, all the guards nod and step back.

But Kirko was still standing close to Bikir.

Bikir said to Kirko:

"You too, stay back."

"It's not possible."

"What's wrong?"

"I am Captain Garm's adjutant. "I have a duty to assist you at all times."

Kirko's firm will and stubbornness were evident in his attitude as he answered like a machine without changing his facial expression.

Bikir shook his head once.

Eventually, Bikir stood in front of the iron cage where he was imprisoned.

"You will be executed in a week."

"… … ."

"This is the result of reckless behavior, so accept it with ease."

To Bikir's cold voice, Shikseot couldn't reply and just watched his eyes.

The guards were fully prepared behind the scenes, not knowing when another explosion might occur.

at that time.

Bikir handed something through the bars.

It was a rune Bible.

"Read that before execution. And repent."

"… … ."

I accepted the Bible with trembling hands.

And with his bloodshot eyes fixed on the book, he began turning the pages.


"… … !"

Shikkeot's pupils were dilated.

There is a small text written on the middle page of the Bible.

'There is not much time left. D-7'

A secretly hidden push.

Seeing this, Sikyot sat down in a calm manner and began to shed tears.

"I admit my guilt. "I will take everything in stride."

Shikkeot's words came as a shock to all the guards present.

"Oh my god, that crazy guy suddenly became so calm… … ."

"I can't believe it when I see it with my own eyes."

"Garm! "What on earth did you do?"

The guards, who were destined to receive his punishment for the next week, breathed a sigh of relief as if they had endured it for ten years.

Then they came rushing in and started asking Bikir what method he had used.

Bikir answered in a dry voice.

"It's no big deal. "It just gave me hope."

Of course, that hope is false.

A week later, he is executed. There will be no surprises whatsoever.

'… … 'The torture of hope is the worst torture.'

As a human being who lived through the era of destruction, Bikir knew this painfully well.

There is no such thing as salvation by the hands of others.

The only one who can save you is yourself.

Bikir turned around with his back turned calm.

While planning a 'real' prison escape, not the fake one promised to Sikkeok.

'… … A prison escape from the Nouvelle Vague is not just a prison break.'

It was just as Bikir said.

When the night hounds are released from the Nouvelle Vague, many things in the world will change.

It is an 'entrance sign' to a world where demons have begun to appear.

It will be humanity's declaration of war announcing the beginning of a full-scale era of destruction.