Episode 396 Dead Man Walking (1)

A week passed quickly.

… Grumble!

Bikir burned all of Garm's diaries.

I had already acquired all the necessary information, and I was also able to perfectly follow handwriting.

'The font forgery I learned from my Chihuahua has come in handy again.'

Now, you can no longer hesitate in places where you need to draw a line or use your handwriting.

It was a fortunate thing.

'I want to get out of here. 'With her.'

Vikir stared at the burning white pages of the diary.

Garum's wish to leave this place will never come true.

It just turns into black and white ash and sinks to the bottom of the dark deep sea.

"… … ."

Bikir watched dozens of notebooks turn to ashes from beginning to end.

It was a small and shabby ending for a story about a young man's life.

'Still, I was able to obtain a lot of information. 'Thank you.'

Bikir meditated and thought about Garm. Until all the smoke from burning the diary disappears.

at that time.


There was a knock on the door.

When I opened the door, I saw Cirko standing there with an expressionless face.

"It's three hours before the execution ceremony."

"… … "Why did you come so early?"

"I just wanted to let you know in advance."

"… … is it."

Kirko stood motionless in front of the door, as if waiting for Bikir to finish getting ready and come out.

Bikir got dressed even though he thought it was a bit burdensome to see those staring eyes that made it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

at that time.


Kirko opened his mouth.

When Bikir turned her head, she took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

"Can I have a word with you before you go to the execution ceremony?"

It was a somewhat unexpected request.

Since there was no particular reason to refuse, Bikir nodded and indicated his intention to do so.

Then Kirko continued speaking in a serious tone.

"As you know, Captain, I was born in the Nouvelle Vague."

"… … ."

"Once upon a time, there was an incident where a prisoner raped a guard, and this resulted in me being born."

At Kirko's blunt words, Bikir stopped buttoning up his buttons.

'I warn you in advance, you may be summarily executed. Because of an 'unsavory incident' between a guard and a prisoner that happened 19 years ago, Ha Geuk-sang is strictly controlled and punished.'

I still remembered what Colonel Dordium had said when Vikir refused to work for some reason.

Kirko continued speaking in a calm tone.

"Afterwards, my biological father and mother were both referred to the disciplinary committee and disappeared. I guess he probably escaped from prison... … Anyway, so I don't know who my parents are. "Of course, I've never been to earth."

"Why are you telling me that now?"

Bikir asked.

Then Cirko hesitated for a moment and then confessed his true feelings.

"That's because I hated you, Captain, because of my personal past, which I mentioned earlier."

Cirko did not like Garm. No, he hated it.

This was a separate reason from the fact that he was dull and slow, and his nature was kind and soft, so he was always full of mistakes.

A classmate of the same age who has parents to miss and who calls earth their home.

But Garm had both things that Cirko did not have.

"Captain, you have a hometown and parents on earth. When we first met, he said he came here because he wanted to help his parents with their hardships, right? He also said that he missed the mountains, streams, and lakes of his hometown."

"… … ."

"Maybe I was jealous of that. No, it's an inferiority complex. So whenever the Captain made a mistake, he made up for his lack of self-esteem by viewing it as pathetic and despising it."

Garm probably didn't know that Kirko had such thoughts until the very end.

'No, even if I knew, nothing would have changed.'

Vikir glanced at Kirko.

So the look in his eyes seemed to be asking what he wanted to say.

Kirko took a deep breath and then opened his mouth.

"I wanted to be honest about this and apologize. "You shouldn't have such petty, old feelings toward the superior you are supposed to serve in the future."

"So you decided to become my lieutenant?"

"… … "I didn't say it myself."


Vikir nodded.

at that time.

Kirko opened his mouth, looking even more hesitant than before.

"Captain, do you have anything to say to me?"

"… … ?"

When Bikir raised his head, Cirko showed a rare stutter.

"That is, when you saved me from the rampage of the prisoners on the 8th floor."


"It's not like I don't have ears to hear either!"

"… … ?"

Vikir frowned.

An attitude that makes you feel like you don't know what's going on.

Then Kirko started to sweat a little.

My earlobes were already red to the limit.

"Well, all the seniors around me are saying something."


"At that time, during the prisoner rampage on the 8th floor. As for why you became a hostage instead of me... … !"

Only then did Bikir understand what Kirko wanted to say.

'You guy. 'Do you like that bitch that much?'

'A guy risks his life just for a girl. Doesn't he know what it means to be held hostage by me?'

'joy. but. He was so absorbed that he didn't even care about such things, so he must have smoked a cigarette with my blood on it. 'Crazy guy.'

'Did Garm like Kirko?'

'Didn't you know? That bastard always looked at Kirkko a lot during roll call.'

'But anyway, isn't that too reckless?'

'Wow, he's a real man. 'You risk your life for the woman you have a crush on.'

The words I said in a sarcastic way pass through my mind.

As for the whispers of other guards,

"I would like to make it clear that the fact that I became your adjutant was simply the result of a natural appointment, and was in no way like that. Well, public and private life should be separated, but if a superior and a subordinate have such a bad relationship, what can I say, there could be a setback in public affairs... … also… … uh?"

But Cirko could not finish speaking.

Before I knew it, Bikir, fully dressed in uniform, had left the room.

* * *


An underground passage that looks like the throat of a giant monster.

Salty water droplets fall from the corrugated ceiling.

Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk-

The sound of Bikir's combat boots is heavy.


The sound of Bikir's quick steps following closely behind was also loud.

"How can you just walk away like that while the adjutant is speaking?"

It was Circo.

Toward Kirko, who was grumbling, Vikir raised his index finger and placed it on her lips.

"Shh. "There are a lot of people now."

"… … ."

Bikir and Kirko had come down to level 5 to attend the execution ceremony.

There were numerous guards and prisoners gathered there, and today's protagonist stood in the center, clearly tied up.

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, who was on the podium, spoke to Shikkeot.

"This is not an official execution. "You will forever be recorded as alive in the ledger."

He scolded Shikkeok and many other prisoners in a chilling voice.

But Shikkeok showed no particular reaction.

He just glanced between the guards with slightly anxious eyes.

at that time.

"… … !"

Shikkeot's expression brightened noticeably when he saw Vikir among the group of guards.

Soon, the guards conducting the execution ceremony came forward.

The main one was Bikir.

Bikir dragged his eyes and headed towards the cliff in front of him.

At the end of the cliff, there was a rock that jutted out sharply, and Shikkeok was standing precariously on the edge.

"Don't be agitated until the end."

Bikir, standing behind Sikkeok, spoke in a low voice.

"The moment you fall off the cliff, a rescue operation begins. Do you understand?"

"All right."

He answered with a calm face.

Being thrown off this distant cliff is the 'unofficial execution ceremony' of the Nouvelle Vague.

Whoosh... …

Bikir noticed that Sikkeok's legs were shaking slightly.

"Pathetic guy. "Are you scared?"

"Well, is that possible?"

"Don't worry. Do you see the guards and prisoners over there? "Everyone is included."

Bikir pointed to the left and right sides of the cliff with his chin.

I looked back in the direction pointed by Vikir.

Indeed, among the guards and prisoners, there are those whose postures are subtly stiff or crooked.

It looks suspicious to anyone.

"These are the insiders who will help you. "They will come running as soon as I give the order."

"Well, as expected. As expected, you are amazing. "When did you recruit so many people?"

"… … ."

Bikir didn't bother to answer.

In fact, the guards that Bikir pointed to were just ordinary guards and prisoners.

It was nothing more than taking advantage of the mentality that people who are cornered see what they want to see.

Shikkeot stood at the end of Baekcheok Gandu (百尺竿頭) with unfounded hopes.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I have no regrets about life anymore. Do whatever you want, you bastards!"

After shouting triumphantly at the guards around him, he turned his head and narrowed his eyes in Bikir's direction.

And soon, he jumped down the cliff.


A prisoner falling into a deep, deep abyss, into a pitch black space.


The guards' expressions had not yet relaxed.

This is because the execution does not end just because you jump off the cliff.

… … yet.


The 'real' execution ceremony began.


I didn't even know that he was being executed.

And it was my first time seeing Bikir in person as well.


A long line was being drawn in the darkness.

It opened its huge and expansive maw as if it were alive, revealing a wealth of unpleasant-looking, misshapen teeth protruding from within.

The mouth opens endlessly, drawing a long arc.

A huge face was looking up, smiling broadly and baring its teeth.

"Uh, what!? What is that!?"

Shikkeot's face turns pale.

At the same time, Bikir also swallowed his sleep.

Among the five major guards representing Nouvelle Vague, his identity is the most shrouded in mystery.

'… … I heard it wasn't human, but I never thought it looked like that.'

It was the appearance of Brigadier General Flubber.