Episode 397 Dead Man Walking (2)

Bikir recalled what Garm had said when he first entered Nouvelle Vague.

'What is this! What is this news about? This is just dog death! 'Isn't this a virtual execution ceremony?'

'It can't be. 'The execution ceremony of the Nouvelle Vague is different, and it is incomparably more terrible than this.'

Garum responded calmly to the words of a prisoner who was shocked upon hearing the news of his admission.

Only then did Bikir realize why Garm had said such a thing.


A mouth appeared in the middle of the abyss.

The huge maw twisted the empty space, revealing another space nested within it.

Square, triangle, circle… … The mouth is filled with crooked, unruly, misshapen teeth, without any order or balance.

The two eyeballs, cloudy and swollen like the eyes of a drowned body, were clearly reacting to the 'prey' falling from above.

Bikir thought.

'… … Of the five wardens, the most mysterious person was 'Brigadier General Flubber.'

I heard that his identity is presumed to be a 'Gwataechung-type beastman'.

However, that was just a classification, and nothing was known about which group, order, or class this strange creature belonged to.

'I don't even know why it's called a beastman in the first place. It doesn't look human at all.'

Age unknown. Gender unknown. Race unknown. It is unclear where it came from and where it is going.

The rank of brigadier general is also just a social title that humans arbitrarily gave to this creature.

An ancient ancestral creature that originally lived here a long time ago, that is, when humans first discovered Nouvelle Vague.

No one knows what this creature is or how it came to live here.

No matter how much I searched through the oldest documents in the Nouvelle Vague, the only record I could find about Brigadier General Fluber was that he 'existed from the beginning.'

'… … Well, anyway. Is this guy the core force responsible for the security of Nouvelle Vague along with BDSM?'

Vikir thought as he looked at that huge, grotesque creature with its mouth open at the bottom of the abyss.

BDSM that binds the prisoners' mana and power.

A flubber that covers the entire castle with mucus to prevent flooding.

These two are the two key ingredients that sustain the Nouvelle Vague.

Woooooooo… …

At that time, Brigadier General Flubber started making strange noises.

A long, thick tongue protruded from a crack in the abyss.

A sticky mucus called 'flubber' was oozing from under the root of the tongue.

That was the identity of the bubble film covering the doors and windows of the Nouvelle Vague.

And just like that, he fell into the vast, gaping maw.


It was only then that I realized the clarity.

Nouvelle Vague's first entrance ceremony, where did the stragglers who fell from the Blade Bridge go?

What was the fate of those who were listed as alive on paper in reality?

I fell into the abyss.

… with a plop!

The word 'I fell in' couldn't have been more appropriate.

Brigadier General Fluber's body was made of dark matter mixed with dark green.

It's not only not hot, but it's sticky and heavy, as if you've fallen into a molten solution made by boiling lead.

This sticky conglomerate of mucus has spread endlessly, and there is no hasty limit to its bottom.

It's like the story of the world tree and the giant that appears in ancient legends. If there was phlegm stuck in the throat of a giant that large, wouldn't it look exactly like this?

And as he fell into this terrible abyss of slime, this swamp of darkness, he let out a terrifying scream.


It was a horrifying scream that instantly filled the entire empty cavity with fear.

Even middle-level guards in Nouvelle Vague, who had experienced all the hardships of war, covered their ears and bit their lips.


"… … ."

Only one person.

Vikirman was still standing motionless at the edge of the cliff.

Looking down with a calm expression.


While my whole body was melting, I lifted my head.

And then my eyes met with Vikir, who was looking down from the edge of the cliff above the abyss.

"… … you! … … you!"

It was only then that I realized that I had been deceived.

Everything was a lie.

There was no rescue or prison break from the beginning.

There was no way there was a letter carrier in the sea in the first place.

It would be wrong to look for such a thing in this deep sea, 10,000 meters below the seafloor.

This is Nouvelle Vague. A place where there are no dreams, no hopes, no future, no nothing.

"Geuuk! "Beeroooook!"

Before he knew it, Shikkeot, whose mouth was buried in his mouth, cursed the object in front of him with all his heart.

A terrifying malice swirled around, infusing this villain's whole body with a completely new kind of vitality that even he himself could not recognize.

… … But it was already too late.

Malice, murderous intent, and revenge all have meaning only after one is alive.

The shikit that had already fallen into Brigadier General Flubber's mouth was nothing more than a piece of meat wriggling a little fresher than usual.


The wrinkling wrinkles gradually sucked in Sikkeot's large body.

The Leviathan, dragged under the pitch-black mud with no way to tell where the bottom is.

The last time he saw the light of this world, in front of it was Vikir's expressionless face.

… … Suddenly, his lips moved.

And with the superhuman observation and concentration that a person on the verge of death can demonstrate, he was able to read the faint trace drawn by Bikir's lips.

'You have to live with the understanding of whether you are a predator or a prey.'

It was exactly what I heard when we first met.

"… … ! … … ! … … ! … … !"

Shikkeot shouted, "What are you doing?"

With all my might, with a sincere and earnest heart that even I have never expressed before in my life.

Perhaps it was a person's anger or malice, or an indescribably cruel and evil curse, or perhaps it was a will of atonement or repentance so true and pure that it touched the hearts of all who watched.

… … However, that meaning was never conveyed to the world.


He disappeared beneath the black swamp with a boat horn sound similar to the laughter he usually made.

It is unknown whether he was granted the kind of rest that the dead often hear: 'Rest in peace.'

What is certain, however, is that he will never be able to get out of that abyss.

… … forever.

* * *

There was an eerie silence among the guards.

Even the bold and courageous Kirko was breaking into a cold sweat.

"… … Brigadier General Flubber's execution ceremony is always scary."

Vikir, who returned after pushing Shikyuk off the cliff, nodded quietly in response to her words.

'Brigadier General Flubber. First of all, he doesn't seem to have any intelligence, but I don't know yet what kind of variable he will be in the event of a prison escape.'

A strange creature that extends its body throughout the old castle of the Nouvelle Vague and is in charge of maintenance and repairs.

Although unofficial, this monster is considered the strongest force in Nouvelle Vague.

In fact, among the five major wardens, there was one who used his time to meet this monster whose identity was the most unknown.

Bikir began to worry about how much he should be wary of this monster and how much he should ignore it.

For the first time since entering Nouvelle Vague, I encountered a variable that could not be calculated.

… … at that time.

"Captain Garm."

There was a voice calling Bikir.

Where I turned my head, there was Lieutenant Colonel Bastille standing with a somewhat solemn expression.

Behind them were lieutenants in uniform.

"Did you call me, Colonel?"

When Bikir answered with a nod, Colonel Bastille immediately put a happy smile on his lips.

"okay. "Finally, one troublesome prisoner is gone."

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, who was busy with promotions and advancement, and line work for this, was always on the lookout for prisoner riots.

This is because it has a fatal negative impact on performance.

Therefore, Shikkeot, who was the most violent and emotionally unstable, was recently the biggest thorn in Lt. Col. Bastille's eyes.

"… … To be honest, executing a prisoner is not easy. Once a prisoner has been decided to be executed, he or she continues to resist, riots, and even plans a prison escape or terrorist attack. "Also, the trauma of the prison guard who carried out the execution cannot be ignored."

"I'm glad this case ended safely."

"yes. Thank goodness. A level 8 prisoner quietly accepted execution without any incident. There do not seem to be any significant aftereffects for the jailer who carried out the execution. … … Am I right?"

"That's right."

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille smiled even more happily at Bikir's answer.

"Charisma and resourcefulness to keep a level 8 prisoner calm until the very moment of execution, and courage and boldness to not waver even an inch while facing the terrifying execution ceremony alone."

"… … ."

"It is no exaggeration to say that all of this is your credit. The more I look at him, the more I want him to be a talented person. "It reminds me of my younger days."

Bikir was tired of continuing to listen, so in order to end the situation quickly, he gave lip service, which he did not usually do.

"I will follow you for the rest of my life, Colonel."

Those words made the smile on Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's face brighter.

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, whose specialty was standing in line, creating lines, and forming factions, seemed to clearly recognize Bikir as his person.

"good. I am different from the incompetent monarchs and generals who left a bad name in history. "Loyal and capable subordinates should be rewarded appropriately."


Bikir looked puzzled.

And Colonel Bastille held out a black box to Bikir.

"I hope you like it."

"Anything that the Colonel bestows upon me will be a great honor to me."

"Hahaha, you can open it right here."

Colonel Bastille took the gift as if it were an opportunity to boast to the world about his magnanimity, vessels, and distribution.

Eventually, in the center, where the gazes of all the guards, including Kirko next to him, were gathered.


Bikhir opened the box.


"… … !"

What was revealed inside was indeed something that made everyone's eyes widen.