Episode 406: Prison Breaker (4)

Vikir fixed his eyes on the knife in front of him.

I can't be certain about the identity of that knife, but there was something I could definitely point out.

An unprecedented great demonic beast whose notoriety extended far beyond the Demon World and into Middle Earth.

Seven ancient evil constellations called the 'Seven Great Plagues'.

And the remains of these seven demon constellations remained in this world in some form, whether material or idea, and although they were no longer in a position to interfere with the causal law, they retained some of the power they had when they were alive.

One of them was this sword 'Beelzebub'.

'But there are six more swords besides this one.'

Bikir thought as he looked at the red blade of Beelzebub protruding from his right wrist.

Humans called the seven swords made from the remains of the seven demon constellations 'Seven Demon Swords'.

This Beelzebub is one of them.

… … And that sword in front of me was also one of the magic swords included in the Seven Ghosts.

Demon sword Asmodeus. A vicious sword comparable to the magic sword Beelzebub.

It is one of the final weapons brought by demons in the later stages of the Battle of Demon Extermination.

'It was one of the official seasons of Ilbeonsi (一僠尸). But I never thought it would be here now.'

Vikir thought as he looked at the demon sword Asmodeus in front of him.

And Asmodeus' current owner, Black Tongue, was looking at the wrinkled sword body with eyes that seemed to be possessed by something.

"A long time ago. There was a leech that I loved... … No, now that I think about it, maybe it wasn't a leech. Well, anyway."

Black Tongue was now explaining how he obtained the demon sword Asmodeus.

"He had a great desire to suck blood. My greed was enormous. But as it kept sucking blood, it grew so big and strong that I couldn't control it."

The black tongue laughed as it kissed the blade of Asmodeus.

"So I used a trick and put him in solitary confinement and starved him to death. Suware had a hard time back then, I guess?"

"… … ."

"But this guy. Perhaps it was because he was so strong that no matter how long he was kept in solitary confinement, he would not die. Instead, it looks like it's hibernating in the winter, so skinny that it doesn't move. "I tried drying it with hot air for a long time, but it didn't die and just dried like a stick."

As a result, the leech, which had turned into a hard stick of meat, was ground with its black tongue against the whetstone.

"There was a ton of meat powder coming out. But as a result, it became so sharp, right? Does it look like a real knife?"

It is surprising that the demon constellation's remains did not lose its desire for blood for such a long time even after it was separated from the body of the deceased, but it is even more surprising that there is a crazy person who grinds it up and turns it into a knife.

'This is how the demon sword Asmodeus was born.'

Vikir marveled at the madness of the black tongue.

But that's just the admiration of an audience watching a show, and the hunting dog is just watching its prey with its usual lazy gaze.

"You'd better be careful. That sword does not serve an unworthy master. "They wait for an opportunity and then take it."

I saw many cases before regression.

Whether humans or demons, everyone falls prey to that sword.

But Bikir's warning was not taken for granted.

Black Tongue grinned and picked up Asmodeus.

"This guy still wants blood even after becoming such a bastard. Yes, he wants your blood so badly."

It was as he said.

Asmodeus was gradually swelling as he drank the blood of the black tongue.

It's shaking like crazy, wanting to rush towards the Bikir in front of it!



The two magic swords clashed together.

"… … ."

Bikir swallowed a groan at the feeling of weight passing through his wrist.

I don't know how dry the large piece of meat is.

Although it was obviously small in size, it was extremely heavy and its sturdiness far surpassed that of most metals.

Just as a large piece of meat becomes small and hard when it dries.


Moreover, the knife itself bends at a strange angle and digs into gaps.

The sight was like seeing a vampire itself, a leech crazy about blood.


Asmodeus was bent like a whip, avoiding friction with Beelzebub.

Puff puff!

The moment Beelzebub of Vikir stabbed Black Tongue in the chest, Asmodeus of Black Tongue also stabbed Vikir in the thigh.

"Aaaah!? You damn bastard! "You must protect your master before your own food!"

The black tongue screamed, but the mouth was smiling.

Madness. Indeed, it is the law that governs the owner.

"… … ."

Vikir frowned.

Even though the sword is running wild, it is all following a route optimized for killing.

Black Tongue also had considerable swordsmanship skills.

Perhaps, his simple combat power alone might be enough to crush Colonel Dordium or Colonel Soiret.

Tsutsutsutsu… …

Vikir tried to raise the power of famine that resided within Beelzebub, but it was somehow inferior to Asmodeus' blood-eating ability.

Moreover, Asmodeus was gulping down Vikir's blood, which contained Madame's poison.

"What a troublesome guy."

Bikir stepped back and spoke briefly.

Black Tongue laughed heartily and followed Vikir.

"Are you scared? Are you afraid? "Why are you running away?"

"… … ."

Bikir quietly retreated. His route was to go back the way he had come so far.

But the black tongue did not let Vikir run away.

"Fear blinds the eyes and ears, my friend."

at the same time.


Black Tongue's arm was bent in a more grotesque way.

"… … !"

Bikir saw that Asmodeus, who had let go of Beelzebub, was also bent at an even more severe angle.

The black tongue smiled.

"Isn't it obvious? "The more blood it sucks, the more flexible it becomes."

As dried beef jerky absorbs water, it becomes softer.

The same was true for Asmodeus.

Asmodeus twisted his body in a more varied manner than his previous trajectory and attacked Vikir's face.

"… … !"

Vikir quickly turned his head to the side, but the black tongue's mysterious sword skills succeeded in pushing Asmodeus even deeper.


Bikir's entire ear was torn off.

The injury was so serious that even the organs inside it, such as the cochlea and semicircular canals, were completely removed.


A moan escaped Vikir's lips.

Even if the cotton swab was inserted just a little deeper into the ear, it hurt, but when the entire ear was torn and pulled out, the pain was indescribable.

Tsutsutsutsu… …

The basilisk's regenerative power quickly repaired the wound, but it took time to even regenerate the complex organs within it.


When my ears were messed up, my sense of balance and sense of distance were naturally ruined.

The black tongue lunged towards the staggering Vikir with its mouth wide open all the way to the ears.

It was a smile full of madness.

"Help heep-die, Hound of the Night!"

Vikir swung his sword at the black tongue that was clinging like crazy.

Damn it!

The deafening blade swung back and forth and left and right.

But none of them touched the black tongue.

No, instead of reaching it, it flew in the wrong direction.

"Help! Hehe! "This is completely stupid!"

The black tongue laughed at Vikir, who was swinging his sword in the wrong direction.

… bang!

A black tongue fiercely presses on Bikir, and his body is more than twice as large as before due to excitement.

The leeches covering his body were bubbling, as if representing his state of excitement.

The black tongue rode on Vikir's body and taunted him, drooling.

"Is it a big deal that there's such a commotion? Dordium or Suwaret might come. Ah, maybe that old Orca man himself will come and visit me. how is it? Are you nervous? Do you have a cold sweat? "Is it spinning before your eyes?"


"hmm. "That won't work."

I don't know if it's Dordium or Suware, but Orca is burdensome.

Vikir responded briefly to the wagging black tongue.

"I wanted leeches, so I invested some time. "I don't think I have time to play anymore."

The moment the black tongue made a puzzled expression as if asking what it was saying, Vikir raised his left hand.

"… … !?"

The eyes of the black tongue swelled as if they were about to burst.

The leather bag filled with the eggs of a new species of leech was already in Vikir's hands.

"Okay then."

Bikir said a short goodbye.

at the same time.

… Quack!

Something strange happened in the hallway.

The walls, floor, and ceiling of the hallway were cracking, following the trajectory of the slashes Vikir had swung just moments ago.

Blah blah blah!

An entire section of the corridor was cut down. Also the flubber slime that covered the exterior walls of the building.

"… … uh?"

For a moment, Black Tongue felt the floor he was standing on, or rather the entire space, moving.

As if a piece of cake had fallen off, the entire space where the black tongue was located was moving away from the hallway.

Nouvelle Vague is a deep-sea castle. Of course, in the direction the sculpture faces, a distant, deep sea, a vast and open ocean awaits.


Deep sea water rushes in like crazy.

"Ugh!? Something like this! Just swim back!"

Black Tongue was very embarrassed at having suddenly fallen into the sea and was struggling with its limbs.

at that time.

"… … !"

The black tongue saw.

The eyes of a seasoned veteran, of a hunting dog preparing to leap towards him.

"That annoying guy… … ."

Vikir unleashed his saved power towards the black tongue that had been pushed out into the sea.

Baskerville Type 8. black sun.

The extremely concentrated aura creates a black sphere that absorbs everything.

… Rumbling!

The approaching seawater swirled in a vortex, and the black tongue trapped in the center was unable to move.

And the hound, with complete dominance, pronounced the final sentence.

"Get lost."

It was simple and clear.