Episode 407 Prison Breaker (5)

… Flash!

The slash fired by Vikir shoots towards the center of the vortex.

The black pillar created by the aura was drawn vertically.


The scream made by the black tongue became just ordinary foam in the water.

… Rumble!

The black bricks crumble like sponge blocks.

The black tongue caught at the end of the powerful plasma wave flew straight into the deep sea.

A section of the hallway he was standing on fell off like a piece of cake and floated out of the Nouvelle Vague.

It is impossible to survive if exposed to the water pressure of 10,000 meters deep in the sea.

Even if the Black Tongue reached the level of a superhuman, it would not have the talent to withstand it.


A transparent mucous membrane began to settle in front of my eyes.

Brigadier General Fluber's slime covers the entire nature of the Nouvelle Vague.

So, when a wound occurs in the castle, the mucous membrane spreads out and prevents water from entering.

A slime coating formed in the hallway where Vikir had cut down.

The speed at which the water came in decreased significantly, and soon the bottom was revealed.

Slurp, rippling…

All remaining seawater flowed down the spiral staircase along the corridor's ramp.

Vikir stood on the wet stone floor and looked beyond the transparent mucous membrane.

Right then.

"… … !"

Vikir's red eyes, visible through wet bangs, narrowed.

Something was coming.

From beyond the distant darkness of the deep sea, something huge approaches us.

At crazy speed!

[G-ahhh!]Black tongue! No, 'supposed' with a black tongue!

It no longer had a human shape.

A monster that has an elongated appearance with countless leeches attached to it, and strictly speaking, resembles a sea snake or deep-sea eel.

It had a crushed, melted face and sharp teeth wide open.

And they were swimming at an incredible speed, rushing towards Nouvelle Vague, to be exact, towards the area where Bikir was located.

After a closer look, Bikir decided that it was not a black tongue.

'The black tongue is dead. That would be Asmodeus' true form.'

The demon sword Asmodeus sucked all the blood from the dead black tongue whose lungs burst under the pressure of the deep sea.

And by using those desires and thoughts as nutrients, he regained his true self before he withered away.

[Gooooooooo!]A sea serpent with a bizarre appearance that cannot be found anywhere else in the world opened its mouth wide.

Gums and teeth were in full bloom, sprouting haphazardly from front to back, left, right, top and bottom.

Bikir clicked his tongue.

"This is why the magic sword that eats its owner... … ."

The demonic sword Beelzebub resonates in his right hand.

Bikir stretched out his finger and struck Beelzebub's sword.

"Don't even dream."

At the same time, the night hound emits red light from its eyes.

Baskerville's Eighth Style. Black sheep.

Eight teeth form a sphere and crush everything.

Asmodeus, who was sucked into it, let out a bizarre scream and twisted his body, but was unable to avoid the fate of being dragged into the center of the black sun.

Sigh! Wow!

Along with a loud noise, the sound of something breaking into pieces was heard.

Vikir, who was controlling the eight teeth, could tell by the sensations felt through his hands.

That the demon sword Asmodeus was completely shattered.


As the black sun subsided, a sword was seen broken into nine pieces.

silence. The momentum that had been running wild just a moment ago was gone.

They sink silently, line by line, into the darkness of the deep sea, like the remains of a shooting star that fell into the sea and cooled.

"… … "A dog that bites its owner will be boiled."

Vikir muttered coldly as he looked at the sinking remains of the sword.

It was a fact I knew well because I had experienced it myself.

In the end, the demon sword Asmodeus, one of the Seven Guitars, broke into nine pieces and sank somewhere in the deep sea.

The result was as if it had been lost forever.

One of the seven magic swords has now been destroyed, reducing the number to six.

'But it's something that can't be determined for sure. Since it is a sword with such strong vitality, it may continue to survive.'

But is there anyone who can pick it up and use it?

On this point Bikir was skeptical.

It was a bit of a waste, but it was impossible to handle more than two magic swords anyway.

Vikir completely shook off any lingering feelings about the sunken Asmodeus.

Instead, Bikir decided to focus on the actual harvest.

"Better than that, I finally got it."

Bikir raised his left hand.

The inside of the tough leather sack is quite heavy.

When I opened the pocket, the inside was full of black eggs.

This is the egg sac of a sea leech, a black egg commonly found in the shell of snow crabs.

It is a tertiary egg membrane that forms a sac within the strong foreskin until the leech larva inside hatches. It is hard and elastic, so it does not break easily.

'Is this the variant that Black Tongue put a lot of effort into?'

Bikir recalled how the leech that had once been attached to Kirko's abdomen gradually began to resemble Kirko's appearance.

Perhaps, if it had been a little later, the leech would have grown to look exactly like Cirko.

"It would be as good a secret weapon as the Blood Beast Daylily."

Vikir opened Andromalius's barrier and stored the leech eggs inside.

It will come in handy in the future.

'Now it's time to catch BDSM.'

The bell was counting down.

Bikir left without hesitation.

In order to completely collapse all systems of the Nouvelle Vague.

* * *


The 'Gate of Good and Evil', the symbol of Nouvelle Vague, has opened.

… thud! … thud! … thud! … thud! … thud! … thud! … thud!

A huge amount of sea water poured down like a waterfall from above, and countless iron maidens fell to the floor of the first floor.

And the balloon eels that had departed from the ground also just arrived through the deep-sea pier on the fifth floor.

"Open the coffin!"

At Colonel Bastille's command, the guards stepped forward and wrenched the Iron Maiden open.

Prisoners were taken out from inside.

Prisoners who have gone on a journey through the distant depths of the sea.

Most of them were drooling in their coffins with blank expressions or were already dead.

Some prisoners were left in the form of a stew mixed with thick meat porridge and blood.

"Ugh, I guess I'll have to give this to Brigadier General Flubber as food."

"oh! This guy is alive, right? Send the news right away! Huh? "He just died."

"Gather the corpses in one place. Send it to Brigadier General Flubber!"

"For crazy people, a whip is medicine! "Please bring me back to my senses!"

The sound of clubs and whips is loud everywhere.

Eventually, the surviving prisoners began to move erratically and headed to the induction ceremony site.

This time, the number of inmates was quite large, so the guards were also moving around frantically.

Right then.

… thud!

Finally, one coffin fell.

The moment the guards try to approach it.

"for a moment! "Don't touch it!"

"We will escort it ourselves!"

A loud voice came from behind.

All the guards, including Colonel Bastille, turned their heads in shock.

There were Colonel Dordium and Colonel Soiret, who had just returned to the Nouvelle Vague.

Colonel Dordium and the Soiret group grabbed the last fallen Iron Maiden from both sides and went down to the basement.

"This bitch is an inmate at Level Nine. And because the crime is so bad, he will be immediately transferred to Level 1."

At those words, all the guards swallowed their saliva with nervous expressions.

We have no idea just how dangerous this monster is that the two guards are so wary of it.

Meanwhile, Colonel Dordium spoke to Colonel Bastille.

"Director Orca is scheduled to return soon. "Prepare for the welcome ceremony."


Colonel Bastille quickly turned his head.

In this case, subordinates who are good at their work need to move quickly.

"Garm! "Where is Major Garm!"

Colonel Bastille recently visited a bright young officer he had brought into his entourage.

However, Major Garum is nowhere to be seen.

There were so many newly admitted prisoners that the guards were also busy moving around, so it was not easy to find them.

at that time.

Colonel Bastille found a guard retreating.

Captain Kirko Grimm. She, too, was a young officer whom she heard as one of her close associates.

"hey! Captain Cirko!"

Circo raised his head at Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's words.

"Hurry and get Major Garm now! The director will be back soon, so we need to prepare for the welcome ceremony! "At this point, you too should put your stamp on him!"

"yes! "I'll call you right away!"

Kirko nodded, thinking it was right.

Garum suddenly gave an order to go to the 5th floor, so I was looking for an excuse to carry it out, and it turned out to be a good thing.

She quickly left the ceremony site and ran downstairs.

The road to the 5th basement floor. In order to get to the balloon eel farm that Garum had mentioned, we had to pass through several corridors and piers.


A hallway with water droplets falling down.

As I passed through the empty corridor and over the arched bridge connecting spire to spire, I saw familiar faces.

These were classmates I had known since I was a low-level prison guard.

"oh! Captain Cirko! Loyalty!"

Old classmates salute Cirko, who has now become their distant superior.

At that time, a guard asked Cirko.

"Captain Kirko, are you going to the 5th floor too?"

"hmm? "What does that mean?"

"Major Garum also passed by here just a moment ago. What did you say? They told me to quickly get to the vicinity of the kennel because I don't have to stand guard anymore... … ."

"… … !"

For a moment, Kirko's expression hardened.

It looks like something really happened.

"Don't listen to what the major says."

Kirko left those words and ran forward.

The two junior guards standing guard quickly tried to dissuade Kirko.

"Now, just a moment, Captain!"

"From here onwards is the area where people with the rank of major can enter autonomously… … !"

But the sentries could not finish their sentence.

Quack! Rumbling-

A black corona blooming outside the window in the distance.

An enormous roar and shock wave shook the entire 5th floor.