Episode 408: Prison Breaker (6)

… Quack!

The three-layer steel door was completely shattered.

Now all that remains is a grid-shaped wire mesh made of BDSM.

Brigadier BDSM stood up on the bed on the other side of the wire fence with a startled expression.

"what? "What's the fuss?"

She had the appearance of a young girl, as if she had completely recovered from the previous incident.

BDSM frowned when he saw Vikir striding in front of the broken door.

Her gaze rested on the rank insignia on the chest of Bikir's uniform.

"what? Where did a major come into my room so arrogantly? it's crazy?"

However, when Bikir took off his hat and revealed his bare face, BDSM's expression turned white.

… pop!

The bed mattress exploded like an explosion.

She flailed as if in a fit and soon jumped up on the bed.

"Hey, you bastard!? "Didn't you escape from prison?"

But that's just her wish.

It was just an excuse made up without properly checking to avoid being reprimanded.

The conversation I had with Dordium that day flashed through my mind.

'Where did the escaped convict go?'

'Lord, he's dead!'

'… … Dead? 'Then where is the body?'

'… … That guy went out to the deep sea on a balloon eel.'

'Then he's not dead.'

'It's as good as dead! He seemed to have no idea what the circulating ocean currents that lead to the surface were. So he has no choice but to get caught in the trap current. He would have been trapped in the deep sea for the rest of his life.'

'… … Did it happen? 'It definitely sounds like you haven't seen it.'

'It's done! It's done! Wow, I definitely saw it! Before he passes out, let him ride the balloon eel and get out of the hole in the wall!'

'… … 'You really witnessed his end, right?'

'Oh, that's right! What are you looking at me for? And no matter what, I'm the one who cares… … 'Don't look at me like that!'

Of course, since BDSM fainted, he did not see what happened to Vikir in the end.

… … The result was this.

The cold sweat that had gathered under my chin was falling like a shower.

The eyes and eyebrows droop down, the focus becomes blank and shakes uneasily.

BDSM said, trembling as if he were an Aspen-type Ent.

"Well, well, whatever happens, you're finished! "I'll call Dordium and Soiret right now!"

It seemed like she was trying to buy time by hiding behind the BDSM wire fence she had made.



Bikir comically broke the BDSM wire mesh with just a touch of his hand.

Passsssssss… …

The stems of blackened, dead plants crumble ungainly like burnt matchsticks.

Only the part that Bikir had touched was the dead BDSM stem, and there was a hole in the wire mesh just big enough for one person to pass through.

Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk-

Vikir walked in without hesitation through the large hole.

"Ugh… … Ugh… … ."

BDSM cuddled up behind the bed as if the fear of the past was coming back.

A hunting dog walks in the dark with its red eyes shining.

"Crack your neck."

It is time for the suspended death sentence to be handed down.

However, BDSM did not easily accept the fate of becoming a defendant.

"Hey! Even if it's like this, I'm also the head jailer! "As long as you don't let down your guard, you won't be easily defeated!"

Huge kelp leaves grew around BDSM.

Each one was a seaweed whip with strong binding force.


In no time, kelp leaves, forming a dense seaweed forest, began to surround Bikir.

"It's useless."

Bikir swung Beelzebub and cut off all the seaweed leaves.

But BDSM did not attack Bikir.

All I did was slide across the floor, riding on the seaweed leaves like a surfboard.

"Hohoho- If I decide to run away, no one will catch me!"

BDSM shouts confidently.

But Bikir showed no particular reaction to her words.

I just quietly raised a question.

"… … no one?"

And as soon as the words were finished, something wrapped around BDSM's body as it slipped through the torn door.


It was a vine of a plant.

"… … uh?"

BDSM was hanging upside down in the air with a blank expression on its face.

Crunch-clud- Crunch- Crunch-

The slippery kelp leaves that were burning dry out in an instant.

Creeping, creeping, creeping… …

The roots of plants I had never seen before began to grow out of the board, which had become a tiny piece of kelp.

Risk level: S

size: ?

Location of discovery: Deep in the polar hell, 'Inaccessible Zone (Blood Swamp, Flesh-splattered Zone of Area 4)'

- Also known as 'Daylily of the Blood Swamp', or 'Nightmare of the Blood Swamp'

An unidentified plant floating on the red water of the blood swamp, at the mouth of the 'Lake of Blood' located deep in hell.

Even in the blood swamp, where everything sinks because there is no buoyancy, you can somehow see them floating.

Among all the animal and plant blood monsters that live in the Lake of Blood, it is the strongest and most vicious, and its endless appetite and gluttony make it an object of fear even to fellow monsters.

It is said that in the past, a single daylily that sprouted from a single seed of this plant grew so big that it brought humanity to the brink of extinction.

The name of this plant, which looks so bizarre that it cannot be found in the human world, is 'blood daylily.'

The seeds that Bikir had sown at the entrance in advance had germinated after absorbing the damp moisture of Nouvelle Vague!


BDSM swallowed the air in astonishment as if he was out of breath.

Plants in the human world and plants in the demon world are in a perfect food chain hierarchical relationship.

To the demonic beasts that have adapted to the barren and harsh environment of the demon world, the plants of the human world are nothing more than weak and defenseless prey.

Therefore, all plants in the human world have an inherent fear of plants in the demon world.

BDSM was like that too.

"iced coffee… … Ahhh… … ."

BDSM clearly realized where the unprecedented fear that Vikir felt when he first showed off his drought ability came from.

But after I realized it, it was too late.

Her body was already wrapped around the stems of the daylily and was losing moisture at an alarming rate.

"Blood Beast Daylily is famous for being vicious even among demonic beasts. In colonies where these grow wild, even other demonic beasts around them dry up and die. "Why not, it's a plant from the human world?"

Vikir looked up at Vidism, who was caught in the daylily vine.

Even powerful seaweeds adapted to the deep-sea environment were unable to overcome the daylilies.

Bikir walked up to the BDSM that was hanging languidly.

… Sigh!

A cruel hand pressed hard on both of BDSM's cheeks.

"Oooh! Whoop!"

As the inside of the cheek flesh penetrated between the upper and lower teeth, BDSM had no choice but to open its mouth.

In that situation, Bikir put something to Bidism's mouth.

"If you don't do as I tell you from now on, I will stuff this in your mouth."

"Huh, huh!?"

BDSM was shocked.

A shadow was cast before her eyes. It was just a handful of seeds.


Daylily of the Blood Tree. Lots of seeds that haven't sprouted yet.

If all of these enter BDSM's mouth and go straight to its stomach, it is obvious what will happen next.

"right… … Wow... … ."

Tears of fear welled up in BDSM's eyes as he imagined something terrifying.

"Je, Jeba Sae… … ."

BDSM purses its lips with a tear-covered face.

It was only when Bikir relaxed the pressure on his hands that I could finally hear what she was saying clearly.

"Please save me… … "I'll do anything."

BDSM had no choice but to say this, as they already knew from previous matches that they had no chance of winning.

Vikir nodded.

"If it were the way it was, it would be quicker to just kill him."


BDSM's face turned pale.

But Vikir moved the blade of the awl and looked the other way.

"… … But there's one more thing I want. "If you do well, there may be a way for you to survive."

"W-what is it? what is that!"

BDSM, who had gone from hell to heaven in an instant, asked anxiously.

Bikir continued.

"There are two things I want. The first is the original purpose. "To remove BDSM handcuffs, shackles, and iron bars."

"Is it possible! It's possible, but... … Can't you do it yourself? "I saw it earlier and it looked like it was easy to break."

"Not mine. "It belongs to all the prisoners that exist here in the Nouvelle Vague."

BDSM's expression hardened at those words.

Now I understand.

Why did this man not escape from prison even after being released from prison?

No, why did I even embroider and walk into this hellish place in the first place?

He was trying to destroy not his own restraint, but everyone's restraint, the system that controls individuals.

Rattling… …

BDSM was so nervous that he couldn't even focus properly, desperately lowering his pupils and avoiding Vikir's gaze.

huge dog. A monster with burning eyes is right in front of you.

While holding tightly to the power of life and death.

I am so scared and scared that I am losing my mind.

I can't even imagine how much chaos this monster is trying to bring to Nouvelle Vague.

Neither purpose nor meaning is known. It's truly a huge fear.

"do not want to do it? Shall we go a little easier?"

When Vikir shoved a daylily seed into Bidism's mouth, she struggled and made a dying sound.

"I will! I'll do it! I'll do it! I'll do it! "Let me do it!"

"good night. Then the second."

Bikir whispered into Bidism's ear what to do next.

"If you wait outside the window of the 5th floor aviary, a person will come out. That person... … ."

BDSM heard that and nodded frantically.

Bikir nodded with a satisfied expression.

"Do you know what happens if these two promises are not fulfilled?"

"… … Uh, what happens?"

"You will definitely see me again, but after that I will leave it to your imagination. Hehehe… … ."

Bikir smiled darkly.

I thought this was probably the first time in my entire life that I laughed out loud.

And Bikir's laughter had a tremendous effect.

"Hehehe… … ."

BDSM's crotch turns yellow, and not only his bottoms but also his top become damp.

It must have been quite scary.

Bikir stabbed Bidism in the neck with an awl.

"Now, hurry up and fulfill your first promise."

"Oh, I understand. wait."

BDSM closed his eyes tightly.

… Pot!

And a few seconds later, I opened my eyes again.

"I'm done."

It was an incredibly easy and quick response.

Bikir frowned.

Is this really all there is?

Is it really true that all the long-standing historical systems that have maintained the Nouvelle Vague have failed?

In just such a ridiculously short amount of time?

Are you really saying that all the BDSM handcuffs, shackles, and iron bars that nullify mana and physical power have disappeared?

"I'm sure you're not trying to deceive me… … ."

The moment when Bikir was about to reveal the light of doubt.

… thud!

The floor rang heavily once.

A massive shock wave that has never been experienced before. A short and strong earthquake.

The unique sense of an experienced hunting dog was shouting.

'The BDSM restraints have disappeared.'

Vikir unfolded his spirit and quickly scanned the surroundings.

In fact, all the BDSM materials nearby were blackened and dead.

All the fragments I had hidden in my pocket just in case, as well as the BDSMs that were quite far away.

If things continue like this, the handcuffs, shackles, chains, and iron bars that bound the prisoners downstairs will all be dead.

"Ji, it's true! I really unlocked it! From the 1st floor to the 9th floor! Please believe me!"

BDSM exclaims, squeezing out a pitiful voice.

The truth of what she said was clearly conveyed both audibly and visually.

Vikir nodded.

"… … okay. "It seems so."

Originally, it would have been better to completely cut off BDSM's life, but her usefulness still remained.

The night hound mercilessly turned away after finishing the hunt.

With this, the prison break plan has entered the intermediate stage.

A massive uprising unprecedented in history.

The collapse of the Nouvelle Vague has just begun.