Episode 417 End game (9)

Episode 417 End game (9)

… Grumble!

The clash between Bikir and Orca destroyed and collapsed everything around them.

Regardless of whether something was touched by human hands or not, it was an equal ending.

Mountains, hills, outer walls, watchtowers, embankments, piers… … All of that has collapsed.

And solitary confinement was one of them.


Numerous solitary confinement cells collapsed. Everything, nothing left.

Quageek- Puff!

Whenever these strange structures, such as cells or molds made by Suware, are broken, mummies with only bones left inside pop out.

… … Only one person came out alive: the Marquis de Sade.

The only human who could not be imprisoned even in Level Nine's harsh environment.

In fact, his presence was so great that there was a rumor that the Nouvelle Vague existed to imprison the Marquis de Sade.

… Jeez!

Bikir immediately took a step back as a chilling sensation spread throughout his body.

It feels like countless snakes are licking my whole body.

I felt this way even though we didn't make eye contact and I was just looking at him.

'… … I should have known right away when I heard the name Angajumang.'

As I had guessed before, the identity of 'Old Man Angajeuman' was none other than the Marquis de Sade.

A warmonger who incited 47 families to stage a coup in the past, a madman who wanted to return to the era of war when only the strong could survive.

He was free again.

"Pusssssss – It's been a while since I've moved my body."

The Marquis de Sade moved his skinny arms around.

Every time the joint twisted, a dull noise was heard, as if something were bursting or breaking.

at that time.

"… … "Grandfather."

Professor Sadi, who was next to me, called the Marquis de Sade.

Her voice was a little trembling, uncharacteristic of her.

Sadi and Sade. Two people who are related as grandparents look at each other.

"Sadi? Oh my, this guy. You've grown a lot. "It's just become like a mine while I haven't seen you."

"Hohoho- I went overboard to save my grandfather. "Will you still be happy about it?"

"Amman. "Come here and give this bitch a hug."

Then Sadi hurriedly stood up, covered in blood, and hugged the Marquis de Sade.

The Marquis de Sade also stroked Sade's head with a warm smile.

"Thank you for being alive, honey."

"I'm glad that your grandfather is safe."

"For our family, which we thought had been cut off, there are only days left to shine."

"oh? "I have no intention of meeting a man?"

"I'm saying this because I plan to meet a woman."

Sadi and the Marquis de Sade were laughing and chatting.

The atmosphere is so relaxed and peaceful that for a moment, you get the illusion that this is a cafe terrace on a quiet morning.

But that peaceful atmosphere was quickly shattered.

"You ended up crawling out, Angajumang."

Orca growled in a voice that sounded like boiling molten iron.

The Marquis de Sade turned his head and met Orca's eyes with a bored expression.

"It's been a while since I last saw you, old killer whale. "You really don't die and you live for a long time."

"That's not something you should listen to."

Orca immediately picked up the club.

And he swung at the Marquis de Sade with all his might.

"Oh my, are you going to persecute an old man who is empty-handed and without a weapon? "You're really taking it too far."

The Marquis de Sade grinned and picked up the whip that had fallen on the floor.

"Granddaughter. "Let me borrow your whip."


Puff pow- Claralak!

I swung towards the flying Orca's club.

The heavy piece of metal stuck at the end of Orca's club and the heavy piece of iron at the end of the Marquis de Sade's whip met in one place.

… Quack!

There was an explosion so loud that it was hard to believe it was metal colliding.

The sparks and aura fragments flying in all directions were once again causing upheaval on the already devastated and unchanging land.

Quack! bang! Woojijijijik! Puff! pop! Rumbling… …

Every time the club and whip collide, the axis is broken, reattached, twisted, compacted, and then broken again, broken, and crumbled.

Surprisingly, the power and spirit radiated by the Marquis de Sade was not at all inferior to that of Orca.

Who would look at him and think that he has been locked in a cell on the 9th floor of the Nouvelle Vague for the past several decades?

"… … ."

Orca wrapped her trembling arms and lowered her posture.

The Marquis de Sade opened his mouth while looking down on Orca.

"… … okay. It reminds me of that day. "Has it already been more than 40 years?"

'47 people unrest'.

An unprecedented event that occurred shortly after the empire was unified.

Although it was an incident led by 47 people, each of them was the head of a family, so it is also called the '47 Family Unrest'.

They rebelled against the empire at the time and attacked the imperial palace, coming close to beheading the emperor.

Externally, it was announced that the reason was simply coveting the throne, but... …

"Actually, I had no interest in things like the throne. Pusssss-"

There was only one reason why the Marquis de Sade rebelled.


After the empire was unified, large-scale wars in which hundreds of thousands of people died every day and fights with powerful people that involved blood and flesh disappeared.

Even though I had power, I couldn't wield it as I wanted, and I couldn't take revenge if I was wronged.

Everything was done in accordance with laws and rules, and the main thing was to handle things as peacefully as possible and without shedding blood.

The Marquis de Sade hated such changes.

A time when war, slaughter, plunder, revenge, and power clashed tightly with each other and competed for power.

An era of endless blood and violence where only the strong could survive and prove the value of their lives.

"I liked those people back then... … Pusssss… … ."

The Marquis de Sade, who had lived his entire life in the Warring States Period, was unable to adapt to the dull and boring times he suddenly found himself in at the end of his life.

No, I had no intention of adapting in the first place.

"Well, anyway. So I woke up. civil unrest. It was really fun for the first time in a while. huh. After that, it's obvious even if you don't look at it. A boring world would have arrived again. This can be seen just by looking at the condition of the children admitted here. Just by looking at it, it's full of peace and laziness."

The Marquis de Sade shook his head as if he was disgusted.

"So I thought it might be better to rest in my cell here in the Nouvelle Vague. "I just wanted to cool my head and organize my thoughts."

"… … "Why did that guy come crawling out again now?"

Orca asked.

Then the Marquis de Sade looked at Orca with a curious gaze.

"by the way. "I heard that the world has become quite interesting these days?"

"… … ."

Orca's expression, which was originally stiff, became even harder.

I just didn't want to get caught about this.

What kind of situation the earth was currently in was something that should never have been revealed to the Marquis de Sade.

Orca saw the world before returning here to Nouvelle Vague. He saw how the earth had changed.

And the Marquis de Sade also saw the world changed through the eyes of the orca. I had to see it.

There were things everywhere that the Marquis de Sade would love so much that would either pique his interest or irritate him.

A world of war, slaughter, massacre, blood, violence, and the might of the jungle where only the strong survive.

The most intense time of the Warring States Period.

The hottest and most intense era in which the great warlock Tzershin and the great swordsman Ornathi lived.

An era of great war comparable to the heyday of the Warring States Period is coming.

"Pussssss! This was such a shameful thing in my later years that my blood got hot. It's been a while since you wanted to go out? "Can you help me, honey?"

"Of course, Grandpa. I will take you there. To the ground."

The Marquis de Sade turned to his granddaughter, Sadi, and spoke in a humorous tone.

It was clearly a friendly conversation between the grandchildren, but somehow a terrifying madness was felt in their smiles.

at that time.

… thud!

Orca struck the ground once with his club.

"You can never get out. "You guys."

The light of hatred was dripping from Orca's eyes towards the criminal.

"Social evil. It is my responsibility to prevent the chaos and disorder created by your very existence and the anxiety of the common people. "Even if I die, you can't leave this place."

"Pushssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss she her she she she she her its its its its or her or or it's it' it' or or or It It's it it's it's it's it's it's it's time "Do you think your life is of great value?"

Director Orca and the Marquis de Sade began a tense confrontation once again.

"I can't send it out. never. never."

"Pussss – this time you don't even have Winston to act as your assistant."

Orca lifted the heavy club.

The Marquis de Sade also curled his whip and held it in a posture as if he was about to perform an iaisjutsu technique with a sword.


As the two violent forces collided, the surrounding air and ground were breaking like shards of glass.

Meanwhile, Iyen, who was slightly out of the center of the whirlpool of war, asked Vikir.

"What should we do? Should I run away now?"

"… … no. "In a way, it's very good timing."

Bikir shook his head.

I thought maybe I could benefit from the fight between those two.

'timing. You have to get your timing right.'

The confrontation between Orca and the Marquis de Sade is truly terrifying.

They are distorting the terrain simply by glaring at each other and emitting force, but what will happen if they reveal their power in earnest?

… … The results are now starting to be reproduced in real time.


Orca kicked off the ground and ran forward.

The Marquis de Sade also chuckled and took a step forward.

Orca charging like an angry killer whale and the Marquis de Sade flying like a flaccid ghost.

Both of them were holding strong power in their hands, as if they were trying to win the battle with one blow.

… Flash!

Orca poured all of her aura into the tip of the club.

An energy like a black tsunami hits the Marquis de Sade.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa... …

The Marquis de Sade also curled his whip briefly.

And I rotated the aura that had been blocked by the BDSM restraints and could not move.

Tsutsutsutsutsu… …

Iaijutsu. The technique of giving up a match to a single attack with the power and momentum of an explosive slash was implemented with a whip.

Right then.


Bikir intervened.

Grumble! Qarring!

Baskerville Type 8. The black sun fell between Orca and the Marquis de Sade.

"… … !?"

"… … !?"

Orca and the Marquis de Sade were greatly embarrassed that their one-on-one match suddenly turned into a three-way match, but they were unable to return the blow that had already risked their lives.

Soon, the black tidal wave that spewed out from Orca's club, the slashing snake that spewed out from the Marquis de Sade's whip, and the black sun of Vikir all fell towards one point.

And, there was someone who moved quickly ahead of them.

"West! receive!"

It was Iyen.

She stretched out her hands with all her might.

Head towards 'Poseidon', a sphere emitting blue light right in front of you!


A violent explosion occurred near the root, shaking the protruding ground in its wake.


Poseidon was pulled out of the ground.

It fell off the ground like an onion with sprouted roots and soon rolled down the slope.

Orca and the Marquis de Sade, heading towards the exact point where Vikir's blow converges!

at the same time.

… Flash!

A tremendous roar erupted along with a blinding light.

Iyen barely managed to cover her ears.

Bikir felt his eardrum burst and bleeding.



The explosion was so loud that even Dordium and Suware, who were watching, fell to the ground, clutching their ears.

And at the same time.

… … ! … … ! … … !

Poseidon's condition began to change after being hit by three different types of shock waves.


The sound of an egg shell breaking.

… … It sounded like something was hatching.