Episode 418 End game (10)

Episode 418 End game (10)

… Flash!

A storm arose.

A huge crater was created, and the surrounding dirt, dust, moisture, water, oil vapor, groundwater, lava, smoke, sulfur gas, etc.... … Everything else disappeared.

The floor was swept so cleanly that it felt smooth.

The air was dry, without a trace of moisture, and there was not a trace of common fire or gas.

And in the very center of the wasteland that had become so clean, two men were kneeling on one knee.

Tattered and torn clothes, blood flowing from the forehead, weapons that protected their owners buried deep in the ground.

They endured it all with their eyes wide open despite the blast of light and heat.

One person who is truly showing fearsome will is Nouvelle Vague prison warden Orca.

On the other was the Marquis de Sade, the Nouvelle Vague's worst prisoner.

"… … "What was it?"

"Oh my, it's Saksin. "What if they suddenly intervene?"

The power of the two old men who withstood the explosion and its aftermath was the same, but the source of that power was completely different.

Director Orca has the will to protect and protect.

The Marquis de Sade's will to harm and destroy.

The will and purpose, which were in stark contrast to each other, surprisingly produced the same result.

The two old men, who held on without collapsing despite the confusion, immediately straightened their posture and prepared to fight again.


"… … !"

As soon as both old people opened their eyes, they couldn't help but be frightened by the sight in front of them.


Blue flames rising from the center of the crater.

A thick and huge pillar of fire was rising from beneath the ground.

It pierced the ceilings of all floors of Nouvelle Vague, that is, Lv.9, Lv.8, Lv.7, Lv.6, Lv.5, Lv.4, Lv.3, Lv.2, and Lv.1, and went higher than that. It was spreading far and wide.


The Gate of Good and Evil.

This huge circular door, which serves as the lid of the Nouvelle Vague, was blocking the blue pillar of fire, but it looked quite dangerous as the chains around it were breaking off one by one.

It is not unusual for anyone to see that the entire door is turning red every time the surrounding pulleys break and the chains break.

As the flubber slime became lighter, the water that had begun to flow in from outside was completely evaporated and disappeared before it even got close to the pillar of fire.

"W-what is that?"

Orca half-opened her mouth as if she was shocked.

But no one knew anything about this strange phenomenon.

Dordium, Soiret, Sadi, Iyen, and the Marquis de Sade, who were far away, were all just staring at the end of the pillar of fire with blank expressions.

… … Just one person. Except Bikir.


Vikir approached the spot where the pillar of fire sprouted, that is, where the blue egg was.

The hot air and blue flames shook his entire body as if they were burning, but Bikir did not give in.

I thought I had gotten used to the heat to some extent because I frequently got burned while trying to disguise it as Garum's face, but... … The heat I feel now is quite different.

The ultra-high-temperature clear salt, so hot that it could not even be compared to a normal fire, was creating an enormous rising air current.

'It's almost like my flesh is burning now.'

Vikir dug his way through the burning flames.

In the meantime, I had to use all my strength to stay on the ground to keep my body from floating upwards.

Soon, beyond the flames and haze, Poseidon is seen.

The round sphere was split in half, and a pillar of blue fire was spewing out from within.

The root of the pillar of fire below it could not be clearly seen.

However, judging from the intermittent explosions and earthquakes coming from very deep beneath the surface, I can only guess that it is probably touching the thermosphere of the deepest part of the Nouvelle Vague Volcano.

'As expected, Nouvelle Vague was not an extinct volcano.'

This volcano is not dead.

However, he was secretly storing up his strength in order to one day explode in the biggest and grandest way possible.

And this blue seed, 'Poseidon', took root at the point where that power gathered and was sucking up the power.

Strictly speaking, it was a parasite on the Nouvelle Vague.

'no. It may not be a parasite. Maybe this place called New Vague itself was a space created by someone for the purpose of hatching Poseidon... … .'

… … But that wasn't what mattered now.

Bikir put his hand into the flames and removed all the hot material.

Surprisingly, the flames erupted with fierce heat as if they were on alert at first, but soon calmed down when Bikir touched them.

Like an animal that allows its own fur to be stroked.

As the heat subsided, only warmth was present.

Vikir used the power of the Basilisk to regenerate his flesh and move forward.

Eventually, Vikir was able to remove the curtains of fire and look inside.

Inside was a very narrow circular space.

And there was a pair of eyes looking up at Vikir.

[…] … !]Black scales. And a blue flame burning in between them.

… … Is the size a little smaller than the size of the palm of your hand?

A strange creature that looks like a lizard but has wings on its back is staring at Vikir.

Its whole body was wrapped in flames, like a creature born from fire, growing on fire, and returning to fire.

"… … ."

Bikir looked down at it quietly.

It also quietly looked up at Bikir.

These people are seeing each other for the first time since they were born.



It gave a small hiccup.

A small blue flame burst out from the small nostrils and then disappeared.

"pretty. Something like this can be born from an egg. "Is it something like Salamander?"

"… … no. "It is a much, much higher being than that."

When Iyen, who had followed behind, spoke with admiration, Bikir responded briefly.

Bikir also doesn't know exactly what this is.

We only know that it is the greatest and possesses the greatest potential among the ancient beings that oppose demons.

That could be guessed just by looking at Decarabia's reaction as it trembled between his chest.

[oh my god! I never thought this still existed! I thought it went extinct a very, very long time ago! I heard that the Demon Emperor Tzersi personally purged them one by one! Maybe this is the last remaining entity in this world... … !?]Upon seeing Poseidon, Decarabia began to let out all the fuss he had been suppressing for so long.


Gurgling- Gurgling- Gurgling-

It moved its black and blue body and approached Bikir.

Then, he pressed his cheek against the back of Bikir's hand.

An expression of friendliness. A movement that reveals unconditional liking and affection for the being that one sees for the first time in one's life.

But the time of communication was short.


It soon spread its wings and prepared to leap into the sky.

Vickir was calmly meeting its gaze as if it was begging for a good night.

'see you again.'

A message that resonates in my mind.

It was not through the form of language, but because of that, the meaning is felt more accurately and touches the heart.

Bikir also answered the meaning.

'Human lifespan is short. I won't be here when you grow up to come see me. 'I'll never see you again.'

It had a very sad expression as Vikir closed its eyes and shook its head.

yet. It's time.

It spread its little wings wide.

And beneath the surface, from the deepest and hottest part of the volcano, a column of blue fire burst forth, giving strength to its wings.

Coo coo coo coo coo coo!

The power of the volcano was concentrated in its two small wings, creating a blinding blue light.

At any moment, it is about to break through the bottom of the abyss, penetrate the deep, dark abyss, and soar above the water, through the distant skies, and into the vast expanse of heaven.

"done. it's over."

Bikir turned his attention away from all this.

All tasks performed so far have been completed.

The goal of going directly to the ghost castle in the deep sea and enduring all kinds of crises and hardships has finally been achieved.

"This is the end of the purpose of Nouvelle Vague. "The egg has hatched, so there's nothing more to see."

"okay? "So, can I just leave here now?"

"… … Now that's the new problem."

Bikir kept his mouth shut.

Actually, I had this thought when I first came down to Nouvelle Vague.

If he can safely find this Poseidon and put it into operation a few years earlier, he says he has done his duty, and from then on, he doesn't mind dying.

But once you get to this stage and succeed in your plan, a new desire arises.

I want to live.

I want to survive longer.

So, I wanted to see with my own eyes how the future of humanity would unfold, how this long and terrible war would end, and how the final outcome that I had not seen in my last life would be resolved.

Many people will die.

And many people will survive.

And I will live.

The future. A future far beyond what Vikir had seen in his previous life!

… Wow!

Vikir reached out and grabbed Iyen's wrist.


To Iyen, who looked surprised, Vikir spoke briefly.

"Let's go out."

Now it's really time to leave Nouvelle Vague.

Missing faces that linger in my mind.

It was the moment to return to the earth, where I had no idea how much had changed in the meantime.