Episode 419: Goodbye Nouvelle Vague (1)

Episode 419: Goodbye Nouvelle Vague (1)

… Quack! Rumble!

The entire Nouvelle Vague prison was shaking loudly.

Vikir and Iyen rode on Bakira's back and ran down the spiral staircase.

[Kung! Wow! Fuck!]Bakira's sprint was faster than when he was in his prime, and he was able to significantly reduce the time it took to climb a floor.


A huge tsunami came in front of me.

"this! "This looks like a flooded hallway!"

"This is a shortcut. Break through!"

Iyen nodded at Vikir's words and loaded an arrow.


The arrow flew in a straight path and created a large hole in the waves.

Bakira jumped over the water ring as if in a circus, kicked off the floor beneath the wave that the arrow had cut through, and leaped again.

… Wow!

Bakira passed through the flooded hallway and landed on a half-destroyed pier and continued running.

To the side, the blue pillar of fire continued to gain strength, heating up the Gate of Good and Evil.

"Now we're on the 5th floor!"

"okay. "There is a balloon eel breeding farm on this floor."

"Are there any eels left?"

"Last time I saw, the number of eels was quite large. Even if there were those who escaped first, we wouldn't have been able to use all the eels."

It was as Bikir expected.

There were still a few balloon eels left in the cage, where stones and streams of water were pouring down from all over the ceiling.

The surrounding area is in chaos as a significant number of prisoners or guards have already escaped.

Blood was spread all around and corpses were floating around.

It was easy to guess that there was a terrible fight to get the balloon eel first.

'It was a good thing I sent those who would escape first to the 5th floor in advance.'

Bikir had given orders to select as many people worth saving as possible and wait on the 5th floor before the admission ceremony.

They even forged orders, so quite a lot of people must have been on the 5th floor.

Since they were already on the 5th floor when the chaos broke out, there was a high probability that they would have escaped safely.

"It's a miracle that there are still eels left."

Iyen picked up a fishing hook and rope, jumped into the fish farm, and caught a large balloon eel.


She said, twisting open the mouth of the balloon eel, which was flopping around with a tearful expression on its face.

"West. Are you ready?"


Bikir nodded.

But despite this, Iyen opened her mouth once again.

"The land has changed a lot. "This is no longer the world the West knew."

"I know roughly."

"… … ?"

Iyen tilted her head.

The world before and after Bikir was imprisoned in the Nouvelle Vague was completely different.

How does Bikir know that?

newspaper? Or a story you heard from a new prisoner? Or was it a source of information that was set aside?

Iyen looked back at Vikir with a puzzled expression, but Vikir did not respond in particular.

However, Vikir was only thinking about the world before his return.

The memory of that day always appears in my nightmares when I fall asleep.

How could you forget? That terrible season in which 98% of humanity was wiped out.

One day, the sky was suddenly torn apart and red-hot flames flowed from within the crack.

Countless drops of fire fell like snakes or showers.

A torrential rain that lasted for 150 days, the monsoon season.

How can we not understand this terrible weather event that turned forests all over the world into deserts and lakes into bottomless pits?

Even after the dead have closed their eyes, they wander through the dry netherworld and howl, and those who have not yet died are panting with their blackened breath. Those sounds will be forgotten in my dreams.

A time when nothing could be promised or assured.

The long rainy season that sentenced humanity to extinction.

'… … It's starting soon.'

Vikir had already sensed that the Gates of Destruction would soon appear.

The changes taking place on earth now are nothing more than new blood, mere signs and omens.

This means that the devils are just warming up before entering the main game.

So Bikir arranged all these things in advance.

Step by step, without haste, thoroughly.

Now is the time to give the devils a shot.

"The volcano will erupt soon."

Now that Poseidon has hatched, he will begin his flight into the sky.

That was the beginning of the Nouvelle Vague eruption.

"We have to escape here before then."

"But why did you explode the Nouvelle Vague?"

"A shower of fire. "It's to combat the monsoon rains."

"… … ?"

Iyen tilted her head.

But Bikir did not give any particular answer this time either.

I just think over and over again in my head about the flood of fire that will last for 150 days and the gates of destruction.

"Now that Poseidon has hatched, the climate will change significantly. "Now all that's left is to watch."

With those words, Bikir dragged the balloon eel away.

Kwakwakwak! Rumbling! … slam!

Earthquakes occurred everywhere and debris fell.

The incoming seawater submerges this castle every moment.

Between the roar and roar of the waves crashing, there were faint sounds of the prisoners and guards upstairs shouting.

Iyen dragged the balloon eel and stood in front of the vaguely remaining fluber door.

"Let's go out!"

"… … ."

Bikir took a step forward.

… … Right then.

"for a moment."

There was a voice stopping Vikir and Iyen.

"… … ?"

"… … !"

Iyen moved one eyebrow.

Bikir's expression also hardened slightly.

Captain Kirko Grimm. She was standing quietly in the corner of her kennel.

His entire uniform was in tatters, and his bare, scar-covered body was clearly visible.

I noticed that her beloved sword, which she always sharpened, was broken in half.

The red blood flowing from all over her body was staining the sea water around her red.

"… … ."

"… … ."

Bikir and Cirko stood facing each other.

It was the first time my bare face was revealed.

There was a sharp edge in Kirko's gaze.

She asked Bikir harshly.

"Are you an escaped convict?"

"… … ."

Bikir did not answer.

It is unknown why she remained here and did not escape.

However, if they interfere with the prison escape, we have no choice but to subdue them by force.

… … however.

"If you ride any current, you will die without being able to escape. Go around through the door on the left and take the current number 3021."

Kirko showed an unexpected reaction.

The number of ocean currents that can carry balloon eels in the 5th floor exceeds thousands.

Among them, there is only one circular ocean current connected to the land.

The rest were all trap currents that floated around the bottom of the deep sea for hundreds of years.

Bikir asked.

"Why are you giving me this information?"

"… … ."

Kirko opened his mouth after silence.

"I saw you kill Black Tongue."

"… … !"

Kirko took off the jailer's hat he was wearing.

And asked in a dry, clear voice.

"What happened to the real Garum?"

A cold, sharp question that seemed to pierce my lungs.

To this, Bikir answered in a calm tone.


"… … when."

"Two years ago, during the Sikkeok riots. "I saved you from fainting."

"… … "What about the body?"


"… … ."

Kirko was still watching Vikir with emotionless eyes and unwavering gaze.

Her lips were soft again.

"Are there any last words he left?"

At that moment, Garm's final thoughts flashed through Bikir's mind.

He muttered these words before he died.

'that… … To the child… … The outside world... … Show me... … I thought… … .'

That was Garum's last will.

Bikir confessed obediently.

"He said he wanted to show you the outside world."


"… … !"

Kirko's pupils, which had not even moved until now, shook violently.

Vikir recalled Garm's long-burned diary.

At the end of the diary, there was a phrase written saying that she always wanted to go out with Cirko.

Although Garum has now become unable to leave Nouvelle Vague forever.

at that time.


The sound of Kirko taking steps broke Vikir from his thoughts.

She turned back.

And walk forward.

That was not the direction of the escape route.


A land of death with huge piles of stones and waterfalls.

"Aren't you going out?"

When Bikir asked, Cirko answered without looking back.

"I'm not going out. "Because this is where I was born and raised."

After she finished speaking, she hesitated for a moment.

And after a long silence, he slightly turned his head to the side and spoke in a whisper.

"… … "Live well."

It was such a small sound that it was hard to hear because it was drowned out by the roar of the strong tsunami crashing next to it.

In a situation where time could no longer be delayed, Bikir had no choice but to enter the eel's mouth.

Eventually, Iyen cuts the rope and the balloon eel rides the current and goes out of the castle.

A balloon eel is quickly moving away from the ocean current.

Vikir and Iyen left Nouvelle Vague and headed to the ground.

"… … ."

A castle where everything is broken and collapsing. Sea water rushing in from everywhere.

Only Cirko was left there.

She had a man's face in her mind.

They said it came from the ground.

He was so cute and acted like he was friendly.

But no matter how you look at it, he was not suited to be a jailer.

… … And it seemed like he would one day return to the earth from whence he came.

So I didn't want to get attached any more.

Such a weak guy.

But what is this?

The guy who seemed like he was going to return to the ground at any time ended up not being able to do so.


She took off the hat she was holding and threw it on the waterlogged floor.

And finally, he lowered his stinging gaze and spoke.

"… … Stupid parting. "You're such an idiot."

That was the end.

Soon, a huge amount of sea water rushed in and completely filled the castle.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak! Gurgling… …

The Nouvelle Vague was buried under the black water.
