Episode 426: Those who walk the night (2)  

Dolores, Tudor, Sancho, and Piggy entered the tent.

ThindiWendy, the sponsor of the Nightwalkers, was sitting there with a serious expression.

ThindiWendy. Vikir's appointed aide and lover of Osiris Le Baskerville.

She generously used her enormous assets to purchase enormous amounts of relief supplies.

Preserved food and drinking water purchased from all over the empire are still arriving.

What's even more surprising is that ThindiWendy has been working on this for several years.

Judging by the fact that Tochka Fortress was stockpiled with enough supplies to feed the entire population of the empire for several months, it could be said that Bikir's plan had been in operation for a very long time.

Even before Vikir appeared in the ecliptic under the nickname Hound of the Night.

However, even XindiWendy of the world was not completely aware of Vikir's intentions.

The same was true for Chihuahua and Minpin, who became Thindi Wendy's left and right arms and took charge of all tasks.

"Why did Bikir ask us to gather refugees here in the mountains? "It's been years and I still don't know."

"Do they know? No matter how close you are to him, you can't fully understand his true feelings because he doesn't leave his side often. "Can't we just do as we're told?"

They were chatting about various things, and when Dolores and other Colosseo Academy graduates came in, they turned their heads and looked at ThindiWendy.

Eventually, ThindiWendy opened her closed eyes and asked Dolores.

"Is the myth production going well?"

Dolores nodded to her question.

"yes. We created a new concept called 'ark'. "We are preaching to the people that anyone who comes here to Tochka can be saved."

However, Dolores' facial expression was a little dark as she spoke.

In fact, it was not stated in the Book of Revelation or ancient literature that one could be saved by coming to Tochka.

This was the result of an artificially created and manipulated myth by several high-ranking priests of the Quo Vadis family, including Dolores and Martin Luther, to make it easier to bring refugees to Tochka.

'… … Honestly, I was surprised. I never thought Pope Nabokov would allow this.'

When Dolores announced this plan with the readiness to receive heavenly punishment, Pope Nabokov I smiled and nodded.

'If there is no such myth, just create one. All myths did not exist from the beginning but were created by humans. God respects man's free will, son.'

Nabokov I finished speaking by stroking Dolores' head.

'Your steps will soon become a myth and be recorded in the scriptures.'

Nabokov I gave all his remaining strength to Dolores, other than the strength needed for the civil war.

Total trust.

That is why those who walk the night were able to safely travel across the continent with the secret support of the Quo Vadis temples located throughout the empire.

… … Of course, Quo Vadisga was not the only one helping the night walkers.

Morgue. The bourgeoisie. And surprisingly, secret support was coming from the Baskervilles as well.

The Banshee of the House of Morgue, Lovebad of the House of Bourgeois, Mozgus of the House of Quo Vadis, and Isabella of the House of Baskerville were those who helped the most.

Sending supplies or dispatching personnel to protect the movement of supplies, or various information about areas where battles are taking place or areas where monsters appear.

Those who walk in the night are able to survive thanks to sponsors and helpers from all walks of life.

In addition, many characters, such as Gordon and Underdog, who had become entangled with Vikir in the Maw Tree, and Lovegood, whom he had met in the college league, were already working for Those Who Walk the Night.

A vigilante group that targets only the people, citizens, and the common people, regardless of the civil war.

The Nightwalkers are an unofficial group that uses force without hesitation in situations where force is necessary.

Meanwhile, ThindiWendy was looking closely at the maps on the table.

Dolores asked.

"Is anything going on on the West Continent?"

"hmm? iced coffee. don't worry. Because the Baskervilles are fully cooperating. "The Balak tribes have reappeared, so trade is no problem."

ThindiWendy added something at the end of her answer as if she remembered something.

"Ah, I remembered Balak... … It seems a new guardian deity has appeared there these days. "They say he's quite a 'reliable friend.'"

A reliable friend?

Everyone tilted their heads at those words, but even Thindi Wendy didn't seem to know the details.

Eventually, she finally got to the point.

"Ah, the reason I requested a meeting today was none other than… … "It's because of food and water."

Even before entering the academy, Vikir had given an order to XindiWendy to fortify Tochka here.

Therefore, Thindi Wendy spent almost all of the money she earned so far on purchasing preserved food and drinking water.

The food and water stored up in this way is enough to feed an enormous number of refugees for over three months.

But despite this, ThindiWendy seemed impatient.

"Bikir is at least 150 days. He told me to save enough to last me for five months. "It means that there is still a lot missing."

These days, it is becoming increasingly difficult to buy food and drinking water.

This is because the prices of food and drinking water were skyrocketing due to a combination of famine, drought, massive forest fires, and monster outbreaks.

"I'm trying to save money by paying more, but it's getting harder and harder."

Dolores looked worried at ThindiWendy's words.

"Hagiya. ThindiWendy's wealth is probably not infinite. "I'm so grateful, but it's also concerning."


Then, ThindiWendy turned her gaze towards Dolores as if asking what she was talking about.

And then burst into laughter.

"Ahahaha - what are you talking about, saintess? I'm Thindy Wendy. Aren't you underestimating my wealth? There is plenty of money. "Don't worry, you haven't even used 10% yet."

"yes? Then why... … ?"

Everyone, including Dolores, widened their eyes.

ThindiWendy pointed to the map with a cautious expression and revealed the real reason.

"You can buy food and water. Just double or triple the price. There is no problem securing supplies... … "The problem is distribution and dissemination."

Distribution and dissemination. This too is an important issue.

It is possible to procure food and water from far away.

The really big problem is how to transport them here to Tochka on the North Continent.

It's already a long and difficult journey, and if you encounter monsters, forest fires, or hordes of magical enemies along the way, there's no answer.

So, ThindiWendy has been collecting food and water with the help of powerful mercenaries or knights dispatched from the Baskervilles or the Morgar.

However, in recent years, the amount of food and water reaching Tochka has decreased noticeably.

"Some of my subordinates are currently keeping a huge amount of food and water hidden in their base and just watching. "There are new guys blocking the supply route."

ThindiWendy said, pointing to the X-shaped marks marked all over the map.

These were secret supply routes leading to Fortress Tochka.

"If you look at the fact that they are all blocking the road leading to Tochka, it is quite intentional. "I think he probably found out that we had set up a hideout here and was trying to suffocate him."

"Who are they?"

Tudor asked impatiently.

If it had been a sizable group of magical enemies or monsters, they would have already been destroyed by the mercenaries hired by ThindiWendy.

However, despite this, the fact that there are disruptions in supply means that the level of obstacles is not normal.

ThindiWendy stared at Tudor's face without any response.

"… … ."

"… … ?"

"… … ."

"… … !"

At the end of the silence, a grim shadow appeared under Tudor's eyes.

"Are you sure that this is the Don Quixote family's pursuit party?"

ThindiWendy nodded to Tudor's question.

Tudor left his family behind, and there was a chase after him.

Don Quixote La Mancha Passamonte.

The younger brother of Cervantes, the head of the Don Quixote family, and Tudor's uncle.

He was a man hell-bent on completely eliminating Tudor and taking the position of head of the family.

It seemed that Tudor had realized that he had left his family and joined the Nightwalkers and was pursuing him.

ThindiWendy said, stroking the head of an owl with a green-gold ribbon.

"I heard that Don Quixote's 'Invincible Cavalry' is searching this area."

"… … !"

"If we trace the movement routes of refugee caravans or food supply companies coming to Fortress Tochka, it's only a matter of time before we get caught. Moreover, there was also a myth created and distributed by the Quo Vadis family, so it is nothing short of a miracle that it has not been discovered until now. Was it luck that no one had time to pay attention to this place because they were so busy with the civil war?"

In fact, from the devils' point of view, there is no reason to pay attention to this place.

This is because it is obvious that this is a place where only refugees are gathered and water is not available, so it is not a place where they can survive for long.

Of course, they don't know how much food and water Xindi Wendy has stored up in this iron fortress.

That's the only variable.

But now that variable has been revealed.

Because of the existence of Tudor!

"… … "In the end, it's because of me."

Tudor lowered his head with a sad expression.

"It wouldn't be okay for this place to be discovered early because of me. I'll get out of here as soon as possible and take their attention somewhere else... … ."

"no. "Mr. ThindiWendy probably didn't call me to say something like that."

Dolores interrupted Tudor.

ThindiWendy also nodded.

It means believing and trusting Dolores.

Dolores, who had taken over the right to speak from ThindiWendy, opened her mouth in a calm voice.

"This means that the moment of decisive battle has arrived."

"… … !"

Tudor raised his head. Dolores spoke again.

"You are our colleague, Tudor. "We think of you just as you think of us."

"… … ."

Tudor's eyes became moist.

Dolores looked around the audience and continued speaking.

"The devils won't leave this place alone anyway. Now that they have finally shown their teeth, we must fight back. Whether you're ready or not doesn't matter. "You can't just sit back and suffer."

Sancho and Piggy also agreed with her.

"If Don Quixote sent a chase team... … "The main base will be empty."

"It might actually be an opportunity. "Assassination of key figures!"

Living in a world that has become harsh and fierce, these two have also become quite skilled.

Dolores spoke with firm determination.

"This time, instead of relying solely on Bikir, let's do it ourselves. Let's catch Don Quixote La Mancha Passamonte, or rather, 'The Four Times'!"

Those who have inherited Vikir's will should go on a demon hunt.

Among those who walked at night, there was not a single one who opposed this.

ThindiWendy opened her mouth.

"I'm saying this out of anger. Everyone remembers the case where they tried to assassinate the head of the Leviathan family and failed, right? "Even the 'Night Fox' and 'Miss Ouroboros', who were strong enough to rival the 'Night Hound', failed to succeed, which is why assassination is commonplace."

Everyone knows this, but the atmosphere has become more cautious.

"Bikir said that. It is said that demons become stronger as time passes. It's been a few years since Vikir's demon hunting days, so they must be much stronger. So be extremely careful... … ."

Right then.

There was someone who interrupted ThindiWendy.

"We're in big trouble!"

A knight who came running from outside lifted his badge with a contemplative look on his face.

He was the one who stood guard on the castle wall.

"Outside, a few kilometers ahead, the Don Quixote family's cavalry has appeared!"

Everyone's expressions hardened at those words.

But the bad news didn't end there.

"The 'Night Sniper' who was returning to the fortress is surrounded by that cavalry!"

There is only one person among those who walk the night who uses the nickname 'Night Sniper'.

Usher for Bianca. She was attacked by Don Quixote's chase team.

"… … !"

While everyone was rushing out of their seats and heading for the door.

… Quack!

There was someone who had broken the wall and was running far away.

His name is Tudor.

He was a man without a last name.