Episode 427: Those who walk the night (3)

Episode 427: Those who walk the night (3)

Usher for Bianca.

Shin Gung-bi is Usher's next matriarch... … A person who was.

She is the only daughter of Usher Poe Roderick, the current head of the Usher family.

Therefore, it is right that she should inherit the royal family in the future.

But reality is cruel.

Usher Poe Roderick, who was strong enough to be given the nickname 'Gwigwi (弓鬼)', collapsed from a mysterious illness, and his eldest daughter Bianca was still young.

While she was at Colosseo Academy, her family was turned upside down.

Usher for Madeline. Usher the only sister of Roderick.

She had been sick since she was young and did not take part in major or minor affairs for her family, but at some point, after taking power, she began to attack.

Madeline began to personally take charge of all the major and minor affairs of the family.

As if he had been waiting all this time for Usher the Poet Roderick to fall ill.

Bianca, who returned to her family after hearing about her father's misfortune, suffered indescribable mistreatment and poor treatment.

She, who had never even seen her father's face, tried to keep Madeline's position in check by gathering her maternal and collateral families as supporters.

But it was in vain.

Madeline had already recruited all of her maternal relatives and collateral families since Bianca had just entered the Colosseo Academy, and Bianca ended up getting stabbed in the foot by the ax she trusted.

She realized that her family could no longer support her.

No, rather, I realized that it had become my biggest enemy.

After that, Bianca turned her back on her family and came out into the world.

He went to the Don Quixote family in hopes of entrusting himself to Tudor, his only childhood friend and spiritual rival, but Tudor was also in a similar situation.

Cervantes, the spear king, suddenly fell ill with an unidentified serious illness, as did Roderick, and his younger brother, Passamonte, took over real power.

Even Tudor, unlike Bianca, was willing to fight openly with the entire family.

So Bianca ran away, taking Tudor with her.

The Invincible Cavalry of the Don Quixote family, one of the strongest military groups existing on earth, and the Assassin's Sniper Team of the Usher family chased after them.

The road to escape was long and difficult, but I was able to endure it.

Tudor, her childhood friend who she always thought of as a child, has grown into a man she can trust and have her back.

No, sometimes I feel like leaning on it.

And at some point, Bianca began to watch Tudor for a little longer.

Someone with whom I can share my childhood. A person who was with me through immature and lackadaisical times. And the person who is currently going through a difficult and painful time together.

… … Is that why? Bianca was now unusually angry.

"Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... That bitch is so cruel."

Don Quixote La Mancha Pedro. Passamonte's lieutenant. The person who escorted Bikir to the Nouvelle Vague a long time ago.

This guy, who should have been imprisoned in a dungeon with his arms and legs cut off, was somehow still in good shape and leading the cavalry.

Bianca gritted her teeth.

It is only natural that the main culprits who put Tudor in its current situation are right in front of us.

"As expected, you guys are demons."

"What's new?"

Pedro shrugged. Then he spoke in a mocking manner.

"Yethelred of the House of Usher was anxious to catch you. That's a good thing. It would be quite nice to sell it to him. "Tudor, I went out to catch that cowardly rat, and I got an unexpected harvest."

In an instant, veins appeared on Bianca's forehead.

"Cowardly rat? "Isn't that a fitting statement for you, who crawled under the devil's crotch, and your father, who brought you to the world?"

Risking one's life for honor and reputation is the Don Quixote family tradition.

Pedro's eyes widened as soon as he heard Bianca's words.

"How dare you insult me!"

Pedro instinctively tried to take off his gloves, and Bianca did not miss the opportunity and fired an arrow at the bow.


Bianca spent a relatively long time in Naraksu compared to others.

Based on her feelings at that time, she trained diligently at the academy.

Graduator's unique liquid aura was contained in the arrow and shot out.

It looks as if a sticky liquid is falling horizontally onto the ground.

And its power was enormous.


The arrow that pierced the back of Pedro's hand pierced his heart.


"Hahaha! If there is no gap, do you make it and stab it? "The Usher family's archery skills are truly amazing."

Pedro's eyes shine with a cloudy energy.

He shatters the arrow, and the spot is immediately covered with newly grown flesh.

Bianca looked at it and thought once again that Pedro and his master, Passamonte, must be the devil.

But there was something strange.

'Why aren't the other knights reacting at all?'

Bianca carefully turned her gaze and looked behind her.

Don Quixote's 'Invincible Cavalry'.

Together with the 'Invincible Armada', they are the most influential figures who divide the military power of the Don Quixote family.

They are known for being great and loyal, so why did they all become the devil's minions?

"… … !"

Bianca, who has a sharp eye, was soon able to find the answer.

The faces on the inside of the helmet that cannot be seen by the general public, and the expressions of the members of the Invincible Cavalry, hidden behind iron faces.

They all had blank expressions, as if they were lost.

The eyes are cloudy, unlike those of knights who have reached the heights, and some of them are even drooling.

'You are being controlled by the devil!'

If this is not the case, there is no explanation.

Perhaps the knights of the House of Usher are in a similar state.

I could also roughly guess how Madeline would have recruited Bianca's supporters.

"Then there is nothing we can do."

Bianca gritted her teeth.

I don't want to kill the innocent knights of Don Quixote's family, but if we continue like this, we will die.

It was a situation where I had to fight with all my might.


Bianca kicked the ground and fired an arrow.

Fortunately, if you go a little further, you will reach a steep rocky area.

The cavalry would not be able to advance that far.

… … However, it was a mistake made by underestimating Don Quixote's invincible cavalry.

Doo doo doo doo-

Surprisingly, Don Quixote's cavalry galloped without hesitation even up the steep slope close to the cliff.

"Tsk. "Why are these monsters controlled by the devil?"

Bianca continued to fire arrows.

The intention was not to target each of those cavalry units one by one.

Quack! Rumbling-

The arrows that Bianca shot only targeted the weak parts of the rocky cliffs.

When the traps made of rope and vines were destroyed by arrows, huge amounts of soil and rubble began to fall.

however. In a situation where most of the cavalry should have already been annihilated, the invincible cavalry of the Don Quixote family began to push in with superiority.


The tips of the lances of the knights advancing through the rocks and dirt all had an aura symbolizing the Graduator.

Truly terrifying majesty.

Bianca swallowed the wind without realizing it.

It's dizzying to think that things that can tear landslides to pieces are roaming the battlefield.

What kind of siege can withstand without being breached by them?

The moment Bianca closed her eyes as she realized that she couldn't run away and that she had to take on those ignorant charges with her own body.


A thunderous shout was heard from above.


A slash fired diagonally sent one of the knights in front flying backwards.

Tudor. He appeared wearing a black robe and was blocking Bianca's path.

"wake up!"

Tudor said, extending his spear and swinging it.

Bianca felt a little puzzled that Tudor did not extend his arm, but then quickly stood up.

Tudor is currently missing his left arm.

It was lost while escaping from Don Quixote.

"Tudor! They are targeting you... … !"

"know! "For now, let's just focus on retreating!"

Tudor swung his spear and rolled all the nearby rocks down.

"Tudor! Bianca!"

I can hear the voices of Dolores, Sancho, and Piggy from behind.

However, Don Quixote's knights, including Pedro, responded much faster.


At Pedro's order, the knights swarmed around and blocked the reinforcements, including Dolores.

At the same time, the remaining troops lifted their spears and started throwing them at Tudor.


One javelin pierced Tudor's thigh and lodged in the ground.

"… … !"

Tudor gritted his teeth, but was unable to block the shower of spears that followed.


"Get down."

He just placed Bianca behind him and blocked all the windows pouring in front of him.

Puff puff puff!

A spear blade that penetrates the forearm, thigh, shoulder, and leg.


Bianca screamed as if she was being torn apart, but Tudor stood there protecting her without moving.

"What a tear-jerking chivalry. "It's a good ending."

Pedro lifted the spear with tears in his eyes.



Pedro's spear falls, emitting a black aura.

… Pop!

The spear that had protected Tudor all this time was broken in half.

Tudor, covered in blood, collapsed.

Bianca, who was behind her, hurriedly accepted Tudor.


He suffered a severe wound to his chest. If you don't see the priest right away, you will definitely die.

However, Dolores and others were unable to overcome the wall erected by the knights of the Don Quixote family.

Pedro chuckled.

"What are you going to do? If you agree to surrender quietly, you can take Tudor to the family home and treat him. Of course, you too."

For some reason, Pedro did not try to kill Tudor right away.

"… … ."

Bianca bit her lip.

There was nothing to do other than think twice.

"Help me. "I want to save Tudor."

"Great! It's an excellent choice. "I think I can show some courtesy to that Iseulred."

Pedro chuckled and turned his head.

It was to withdraw the cavalry from the night walkers, including Dolores, up there.

"hey! That's enough! Now withdraw... … !?"

however. Pedro couldn't finish his sentence.


This is because a heavy fist flew in and crushed his face.


Soon, golden fists protruding from the ground began to strike down the knights of the Don Quixote family.

Puff! Kuddeuk! bang!

Rings made of earth rise above the ground, tripping the hooves of galloping cavalry horses.

"Ugh! What is this... … ."

Someone fell in front of Pedro, who was spewing out pieces of broken teeth with a crushed nose, burst lips, and blood streaming out of his mouth.

A black robe and hat, and short-cut white hair visible through them.

A woman who had grown taller but still had a childlike face was standing quietly in front of Tudor and Bianca.

"sorry. "It's a little late."

Tick-tock - the sound of a busy pocket watch winding up.

Sinclair was extending his hand towards Bianca.