Episode 473: Tochika Annihilation Battle (3)

The battle becomes increasingly fierce.

The hand of the clock on Tochka's fate was slowly sinking, and it was already showing 4 o'clock in the afternoon.


One huge poison bottle was cut in half.

Deacon Barrymore, who saw the Marquis de Sade whipping the whip and shaking off the blood, clapped his hands and said,

"You still do great work."

"Pussss- still? "Do you remember my old skills?"

"Honestly, I have encountered it more through books and papers than with the naked eye. After all, it is more than a record."

John Barrymore. He, who has been loyal to the Baskerville family for as many as four generations, cut down countless bottles of poison with the sword in his hand and continued speaking.

"It's strange."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that right now I, no, everyone gathered here is under the command of the Marquis. "It is amazing that people who once fought over the fate of the empire are now joining hands."

Deacon Barrymore was answering the Marquis de Sade's questions while knocking down Germans one after another with an undisturbed attitude.

Meanwhile, Bikir, seeing this, opened his mouth slightly.

"I had no idea that the butler had such great swordsmanship skills."

"Hehehe- Even after all this, I'm an expert at dog fighting. When I was young, there were many times when I hit and fought with the matriarch. "At that time, my odds of winning were a little better."

In fact, I once heard the elders of the Baskervilles say in passing that, looking at Barrymore, 'That son of a bitch became a man back then.'

'Is this a case of becoming gentler with age?'

Looking at that gentle mustache right now, it's something I can't even imagine.

Vikir thought as he split the head of the giant poisonous soldier blocking his path like splitting a watermelon.

On the other hand, Barrymore's eyes were filled with emotion as she looked at Bikir.

"You grew up really well, Master. I still remember that day when I was choosing chocolate from the food warehouse... … "I'm sure the head of the family will be pleased."

"… … ."

When the word matriarch came out, Bikir quietly turned his head.

Where is Hugo now that the full force of the Baskervilles is here?

Barrymore then caught Vikir's gaze and smiled naturally.

"The matriarch has gathered all the regular troops and is coming straight this way. Since you're on your way through the civil war zone, you're a little late compared to the other troops who took a detour... … ."

at that time.


A loud roar erupted that obscured the conversation between Bikir and Deacon Barrymore.

One of the poison bottles tore in odd directions, and angry voices clashed on both sides.

"How dare you stab me, you crazy bitch!"

Sadi. She, transformed into a demon with Belial's eyeballs, was screaming sharply.

And in the direction where her eyes widen, I see another woman standing there.

"Oh sorry. I didn't know it was a human baby. It was only when he unleashed all his demon energy like that. "Beware of the blind knife."

The woman who handed Sadi an apple that was not an apple was none other than Isabella La Baskerville.

She, the leader of the Doberman Knights belonging to the Baskerville family, struck again and cut down the Germans.

Even though Sadi was right next to him, he showed no consideration at all.

Sadi narrowly avoided Isabella's knife by tilting her head back and growled with sharp teeth.

"Oh, are you going to kill me with a blind knife? This ugly year, it's still a dog. "

"But you, too, are still in a bad mood. Well, I wonder where the bloodline of a traitor goes."

"Hohoho – why did you recommend such a traitor's blood to the imperial arrest team? And that too as his successor?"

"It is the regret of my life that I handed over the handover to a person like you. "It's a stain."

Isabella seemed to be trying to gently erase a stain from her life as the melee was going on.

Of course, Sadi was also anxious to kill his former predecessor.

Right then.

… Pow!

A spear of rock suddenly protruded from the ground, separating Sadi and Isabella.

A poisonous bottle fell from the sky and was nailed in the air without even touching the ground.

A taunt was heard directed at the two of them retreating, each losing a few strands of bangs.

"It's a shame. "I wish they both were dead."

Suware was standing where Sadi and Isabella's gaze was directed.

The three women's gazes met in one place.

"Hohoho- what kind of Themiscyra Women's College reunion is this? "There are three classmates from our class gathered here?"

"alumni? "You trash bitches, don't you dare mention my alma mater's name."

"It's nice to see the faces of my old dorm roommates after a long time. "Life in the deep sea was so lonely that I didn't like it."

Sadi, Isabella, Suware.

Three classmates who graduated with excellent grades from Themiscyra Women's University and went down different paths.

One became a rare villain who shook the empire, the other became a count who supported the great family, and the last one became a symbol of protecting the worst prison.

… … but.

These three, who thought they would never see each other after their respective career paths changed, were now gathered in one place and working on the same work.

It is a struggle to survive.


One by one, the large poison soldiers collapse, and their places are replaced by smaller poison soldiers.

As corpses piled up, the ground rose higher and the Red Death became more powerful.

The hour hand was now pointing at 6 and the Germans were becoming more and more numerous.

No, maybe it looks that way because there are fewer allies.

"… … ."

At this very moment, Bikir was at the forefront, silently cutting down the Germans.

It was now unknown how long the blessings of the priests would last.

Right then.

Bikir spotted a familiar face not far away.

A fairly old Baskerville. We met each other several times before and after the return.

A hunting dog that was the same age as the head of the family, Hugo.

'Was his name Pavlov?'

Among those with the same middle name, I remembered him because he was the one who survived for a long time.

Pavlov van Baskerville.

He slashed at the poisoner with a knife whose teeth had fallen out and turned into saw blades.


The knife, which was swung like a blunt weapon, did not cut off the poisoner's head, but dented it.

Is there not even a single ounce of mana left to make the aura bloom?

Just as Bikir was about to move to help Pavlov.

… Pow!

A spear flew from the front and pierced Pavlov's abdomen.


Bikir hurriedly ran over and supported Pavlov's drooping head.

"Don't lose your mind!"

Bikir shouts urgently, but Pavlov just looks at Bikir blankly.

Soon, his mouth drew an arc.

"He's a good person. you are."

"… … ."

"But it's okay. I go about my business. You do your job."

After finishing speaking, Pavlov took a final deep breath.

And now I let out a breath that I could not breathe again.

"High-ranking Leviathan appears on the front lines!"

It was a loud cry that reached the ears of everyone on the battlefield.

"… … !"

Everyone, including Bikir, looked ahead.

A red fog was spreading ahead, thicker than anywhere else.

And the being that emerged through the fog looked familiar to Vikir.

This time, Flauros. Also known as the 'lying leopard'.

It's left hand had grown grotesquely long and it was looking down at Vikir with a grin.

It was a self-evident fact that the evil beast that had just thrown a spear at Pavlov was Flauros.

[You guys are finished.]Flauros, who had led a huge number of German soldiers, was passing through Vikir and looking at the walls of Tochca beyond.

[It's a miracle that I survived until now without even taking a sip of water. But no matter how much you whine at God, the limits are clear. Now the moment has come to realize reality, bugs.]Even if it weren't for the last disparaging remark, there might have been quite a few people who sympathized with Flauros' words.

Soon, a huge number of German soldiers began to push through the front lines.

"retreat! Everyone retreat! "Go inside the castle and lock the door!"

The Marquis de Sade shouts in a rare, urgent tone.

Director Orca, who was guarding the castle walls, also gritted his teeth.


Puff puff!

A large army of poisonous soldiers began to hang down, holding on to the castle.

The small German soldiers were climbing onto the large bodies of the large German soldiers and climbing up the castle wall.

"Spray oil! Pull the fire! Pour out as much gunpowder as you can! Archers and stokers, hit all the stocks! Saving money has no meaning anymore!"

Orca and Sade's instructions matched.

Everyone in Tochka blocked the approaching army of poison soldiers.

… … Of course, the result was not enough.

The Germans climbed the castle wall using their own hands and used the corpses to build a huge embankment.

Now the castle wall has turned into a gently sloping uphill road.

"… … "It's over."

XindiWendy, who was watching all this from the watchtower, muttered in a cracked voice.

She had not had a sip of water for several days and was feeling defeated.

Of course, this was something that everyone fighting on the front lines was feeling more and more clearly.


Tudor stumbled as he saw red blood gushing from his forehead.

Now the saint's tears are also losing their power.

The flags that were flying everywhere were torn down long ago.

A dark shadow is also cast on the faces of the knights.

The priests also began to cry instead of praying.

German heads were sticking out one by one in front of the castle wall, which was overflowing with evil spirits and the Red Death.

"… … Is it really the end now?"

Even if it is an epic story of a brilliant and splendid hero, there is bound to be an end.

Tudor grinned, his vision blurring.

I was thinking that the final scene of violent oxidation before the entire world was dyed black and red wouldn't be so bad.

… … It was right then.


A small noise struck Tudor's ears.

It was heard as clearly as a miracle even amidst all the explosions and tearing noises.


The noise is heard again.

It was the sound of small stones flying.

A rock flew out of the air and hit the forehead of a German who was sticking his head out of the castle wall.

"… … ?"

Tudor turned his head.

And soon, I had to open my eyes, which were hard to open, as if they were torn apart.

Babble, babble... …

I saw a girl whose whole body was shaking like an aspen, but who wasn't moving back at all.

Tudor remembered the girl's face and name.

'My name is Sammua! 'Can you tell me the name of your benefactor?'

'The name is Tudor. There is no castle.'

A girl I saved from a small rural village I once visited.

'Shammua', a common name meaning 'God has heard'.

Now the child was standing on the wall and throwing stones at the Germans.

"Tudor! "I will help too!"

Tudor, who heard the girl's cries, looked blank.

Bianca sarcastically sat next to him.

"When did you seduce me?"

"You think that's it!? It's dangerous, so we have to get him to leave quickly... … omg!?"

But Tudor could not put his words into action.

This is because before I knew it, I was faced with the solemn expressions of the family members who appeared behind the girl.

And behind that family was an entire village.

And behind those people, I saw all the refugees who had flocked to Tochka standing with indignant expressions.

"Let us fight too!"

"You can't just be protected!"

"One person can do his share!"

"Even though I look like this, I'm a retired soldier!"

"I will repay your kindness by sharing food and water!"

"Protect those who walk the night!"

All of the enormous number of refugees who had been inside Tochka so far began pouring out.

The men picked up spears, long spears, and at least pieces of stone that were lying in the ground.

The women nursed the wounded and at the same time brought in the drinking water they had saved despite extreme starvation.

Tochka, an iron fortress, is structured so that one girl can defend against 100 soldiers.

The Germans, who thought they might have climbed over the castle wall, began to fall again due to the shower of raindrops and slings.

"… … ! … … ! … … !"

A little light returned to the eyes of ThindiWendy, who was in charge of all supply and procurement on the watchtower.

The embers that I thought were completely extinguished flare up again.

It was the beginning of a counterattack that no one expected.