Episode 474: Tochika Annihilation Battle (4)

Even if one person throws just one stone, the number is countless.

A large number of people climbed onto the walls of Tochka and began slinging stones with all their might.

Tochka is a fortress built on a rocky area. The thing rolling around in the ground is a stone.

A huge number of stones.

The anger of those who are tired of running away from the harsh wheel of fate, fed up with the hard life and accumulated abandonment, accelerates down the high walls of Tochka Fortress.


Naturally, its destructive power was enormous.


The German soldiers who were climbing the castle wall tumbled down with their heads broken and exploded.

The shower of falling rocks, as powerful as the hail that Andrealphus poured down in the third hour, was slowing down the Germans' general offensive.

"Now! Tighten left and right!"

The Marquis de Sade and Orca realized that this moment was the last chance to counterattack that would never come again.

Soon, the two veteran soldiers came out with the last remaining troops and began to pressure the German soldiers from both the left and right wings, out of reach of falling rocks.

Bikir was also leading a detachment to push the Germans into a corner.

A battle more intense than any battlefield I have ever experienced.

It was the bloodiest fight before and after the return.


Vikir thought as he blew off the head of the giant monster that stood in his way.

'… … We must use this momentum to rip off the devil's head.'

That was the only way to end the war.

Bikir led the seven counts and seven knights to cross the river of countless Germans.

Poisonous blood flowers have bloomed all over the front lines where the hunting dogs have dug deep, and countless heads are rolling around.

… Quack!

The German soldiers tear the earth apart with their huge palms.

Vikir stepped aside to avoid the palm of the poisonous bottle that fell directly in front of him.


The poisoner's chest was split in two, and a fountain of black blood poured out.

Right then.

"… … !"

Bikir felt a chill burning on the back of his neck.

It was not a very rare sensation on the battlefield; it was simply a sign that the enemy was attacking from behind.

If it were like usual, all you would have to do was throw your body to the side and avoid it.

… … But the truly unique experience began now.


The chill on the back of my neck disappeared along with a dull noise.

The poisoner who was reaching out from behind was dead.

Bikir tried to turn his head to see who had removed the poison, but it was impossible.

This is because at this very moment, countless palms of poisonous soldiers were in full bloom on the front lines.

Bwaek-bwak! Pow! Deng Geng-

Vikir stretched out his magic sword, Beelzebub, and cut down all the poisonous soldiers in front of him.

And the more I did, the more strange things continued to happen.

… … ! … … ! … … ! … … !

The German soldiers coming behind Bikir were continuously being defeated.

'Someone is supporting me.'

In the midst of his busy schedule, Bikir glanced behind him, but couldn't figure out who was behind him because of the rapidly changing vision and the shower of blood and stones scattered everywhere.

[Hmm - It's so fast I can't see it clearly?]It seems that even Decaravia was unable to figure out who the helper who is currently watching Vikir's back is.


Puff! thud! Wow!

One thing was certain that Bikir was supported on his way with almost perfect support.

'Who is it? Camus? Iyen? Dolores? Sinclair? 'Cirko?'

But they were already far away from the battlefield.

The Seven Counts and the Seven Knights who were following right behind them had also long since fallen behind, reaching the end of their physical strength.

'… … 'For now, I have no choice but to believe and go.'

Bikir decided to trust the mysterious helper who has been watching his back thoroughly without making a single mistake.

… Flash!

Vikir bared his eight teeth at the huge poison bottle that appeared in front of him.

Right then.

Teouk- Gigi Geek!

Bikir's hand stopped in midair.

Surprisingly, a poisonous soldier appeared to counter Bikir's sword.

A large, poisonous soldier whose entire body is grotesquely distorted.

Bikir immediately recognized its identity.

"… … The eldest son of the Leviathan family. "Is it Süskind?"

A once-promising talent, a next-generation prospect who was evaluated to support the empire in the future.

But now, it has long since been reduced to nothing more than a demon with a grotesquely twisted body spewing out poison.


Suskind is holding on without collapsing even though he is hit by Vikir's slash... … No, what was once Süskind.

It opened its mouth so wide that it was torn apart, and showed off its immense grip strength and regenerative power, pushing towards Vikir's blade.

'This size has regenerative power… … It won't be easy.'

The moment when Bikir frowned and tried to increase his strength.

… Flash!

There was a slash that retraced the trajectory of Vikir's slash just before.

Baskerville Type 8.

Eight teeth fell straight onto the mark Vikir had made.


Suskind's gigantic body was shattered and scattered on the spot.

And beneath the shower of flesh and blood, Vikir realized who had supported him all along.

Black blood blowing in the wind, red eyes as if looking into a mirror.

And the beard that grew from not being able to be shaved while running through the battlefield.

The supreme swordsman of Baskerville. Master of all hunting dogs.

Hugo Les Baskerville was there.

A father and son face each other with their eight teeth exposed.

Neither Bikir nor Hugo say anything as they look at each other's faces.

"… … ."

"… … ."

Hugo was the first to break the silence.


He swung the famous sword 'Balmung' returned from the Bourgeois family once and shook off the blood.

And then he spoke calmly, like the sound of wind passing by and leaving no trace.

"You've grown up well. "I haven't done anything for you."

Bikir paused for a moment after hearing those words.

I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say.

"… … ."

That short silence was the end.

Hugo, who was about to say something more, soon closed his mouth and turned away.

And it was clearly revealing the level of the 8th type, which it was unclear whether it had already been reached.


A slash that splits the earth and sky simultaneously sweeps away the Germans.

Bikir also quickly realized that now was not the time to think about random things.

Soon, the father and son began swinging their swords back to back.

Hugo stabbed the gap where Bikir's sword had cut.

Vikir cut into the gap where Hugo's sword had passed.

The presence or absence of someone who can have one's back on the battlefield is very large.

Aside from the blood and flesh, there was an awkward and subtle silence flowing between the two, who were slowly turning the situation around.

Right then.

[Ha ha ha ha ha-]Laughter is heard from the battlefield beyond.

Bikir recognized its owner at a glance.

Flauros. The source of all evil.

It was smiling at Vikir, its eyes shining.

[Just watch Amman run wild! My poison is infinite!]Flauros pulled a huge car from behind as if to prove his point.

A carriage whose upper part is covered with a black barrack.

That was the dock charging station that Bikir had seen before while on his way to capture the water source.


German soldiers began to withdraw one by one from the walls of Tochka Fortress.

Perhaps it was to enter the black barracks in the back and gain more strength and poison.

[With this, the number of poisons can increase infinitely! It is my poison that even raises and manipulates corpses!]Flauros shouted in a confident voice.

… … Even just before the barracks exploded and a loud roar rang out.


A barracks where poisonous soldiers recharge their wasted poison.

It was now completely engulfed in flames.

And in real time!

"… … ?"

Bikir tilted his head with a blank expression.

Why does the dock charging station explode at this point?

But I guess Flauros was more curious about it.

Its expression was extremely distorted as it hurriedly looked back.

[W-what!? Why is my Ouroboros... … !?]At that moment, a familiar face appeared in the eyes of Vikir and Flauros.

Harvester. Grenouille de Leviathan, the youngest member of the Leviathan family.

He was standing in front of a shattered jar with a sad expression under the burning curtain of the barracks.

Inside the jar containing the two snakes 'Ouroboros' that created the Red Death, oil was boiling with great force, spewing out extremely hot oil vapor.

'Sometimes I have a lot of doubts about whether I'm living a good life.'

'… … Tsk, why do I have such skepticism? I'm always living well! People should be confident!'

Grenouille, who found Sinclair's face among the special forces that followed Vikir, muttered with a blank expression.

"… … okay. "A person must be confident."

A voice that seems to be looking back on some distant memory.

The moment Sinclair tilts his head.

… Wow!

Two snakes jumped out of the boiling oil.

Despite the terrible burns that fried his entire body, Ouroboros gathered his last strength and bit the neck of Grenouille, who was standing there dazed, and dragged him into the jar.


Hot oil sloshes inside a large jar.

Eventually, there was only silence in the barracks.

Flauros screamed in astonishment as he watched the barracks burning to the ground.

[Nonsense! How dare this bastard betray... … !?]A truly unexpected and absurd event.

But Flauros could not finish his sentence.

"… … "Last time, I only took my arm."

A voice that freezes eerily in my ears.

"This time, put your neck on the line and go."

This was because Bikir had caught up with him before he knew it.