Episode 475: Tochika Annihilation Battle (5)

"This time, put your neck on the line and go."

Flauros was startled by the eerie voice that froze in his ears and revealed his true face.

A leopard's face with its skull clearly exposed, a mane like a black flame, and eyes burning yellow like sulfur.

Risk level: S+

size : ?

Location of discovery: Deep inside the Gate of Destruction, 'Snake's Womb'

-aka 'second corpse'.

A natural enemy of mankind, one of the ten plagues known as incomprehensible and unkillable.

"I will turn the water into blood."

– 『Ten Commandments』 10:1 –

This time, Flauros. A lying leopard.

A being who held the second highest position among the protagonists who led the era of destruction.

The prey that Bikir had set as the ultimate goal of this battle was there.

… Flash!

Eight teeth bit into the air.

[omg!?]Flauros was scared and stepped back.

Now that the Ouroboros had been destroyed by Grenouille, there was no weapon capable of fighting Beelzebub, so it was inevitable.


Flauros took a deep breath and exhaled a huge amount of poisonous fog.

Red Death, an ominous mist that turns the water red, spews out from Flauros' mouth.


[nuclear nucleus-]The baby madam that jumped out from behind Vikir sucked up all the red evil spirit of death that Flauros had emitted with one breath.

[Did you see this damn spider!]Flauros gritted his teeth and sprayed more and more red death, but it was no use.

This was because five women appeared on Madam Baby's back.


Camus, Ienne, Dolores, Sinclair, Circo. Among them, Dolores, who was at the forefront, gave protection to Vikir.

White divine power was gushing out and burning away the red death.

Priests of religious groups launched a massive counterattack.

Madame Young's descendants also gathered together and began to eat the Red Death.

The evil spirits of the Red Death that were rampaging throughout the battlefield were gradually being captured by the enemy, the spiders of the Black Mountain, and the priests of the religious hymn Quo Vadis.

Since there is no solo Ouroboros, no more Red Deaths have been produced, and the end is gradually being revealed.

As the red water fog clears, Flauros's embarrassed appearance is revealed beyond it.

Bikir followed right away.

You can't miss the chance to be a genius.

… Damn it!

Type 4 deployed as quickly as possible and cut Flauros' chest deeply.

The beating heart could be clearly seen beyond the ribs that exposed the smooth cut edges.

After that, numerous attacks were launched.

The fire thunderbolts and giant iron skewers created by Camus, Iyen's iron sword, Sinclair's golden golem, and Circo's magic sword Asmodeus bombarded Flauros one after another.

Flauros' body is falling to pieces in the fire.

Moreover, Vikir's Type 8 was already completely blocking all directions Flauros could escape from.

When the situation got to this point, Flauros began gritting his teeth.

[…] … If only it weren't for the damn Grenouille. How could you doubt my words?]Flauros seemed curious as to how Grenouille had seen through the 'lies' that were his power.

Of course, Bikir did not feel any need to answer that question. He didn't even know the answer.

Sigh – Deng Geng!

Both Flauros' left and right arms fell off.

Vikir said, stabbing Flauros in the heart.

"I told you not to look down on this world."

All the causes and causes that I have encountered so far. A totality of organic things.

The gigantic wheel of causality they create is not easy to deal with, no matter how powerful the devil is.

And now there is a pilgrim here who has walked the thorny path that was more difficult and lonelier than anyone else, and has been rolling since the wheel of asceticism was very small.

Bikir. regressor. A hunting dog who went through another life in the underworld.

It bites the back of the neck of its target, even beyond the edge of hell and twisting the time axis.


A black fountain of blood rose from Flauros' neck.

Bikir plunged Beelzebub into Flauros' neck with all his might and twisted it with force.


The sound of hard fur being torn and the tough muscle fibers within it breaking.

Furthermore, the heavy and dense bone suddenly broke, and all the bundles contained within it were ripped out.


When Bikir pulled out Beelzebub, Flauros' neck and body had already been separated.

As time passed, Flauros, who had completely melted into Hobbes's body, had to be beheaded without even having time to get his spirit body out of his body.

… Tuk! Rolling and rolling-

Flauros' head rolls on the floor.

A bizarre appearance that is a mixture of Hobbes' face and Flauros' face.

For a being who had simultaneously started an imperial civil war and a racial war involving two dimensions, those words were quite meaningless.

"… … ."

Vikir quietly looked at the supply and demand of the cut off demons.

Although there were still a large number of German soldiers remaining on the battlefield, they had lost their leader and were dying out on their own.

The ragtag group of people trampling each other to death were like straw dolls to the Marquis de Sade and Director Orca.

As soon as the Tochka Allied Forces launched a counterattack with momentum, the German soldiers collapsed.

A struggle of all against all. That's the devil's values ​​about life.

The remaining troops of the Leviathan family were also causing self-destruction, as they were meant to do.

In the words of independent people who have no concept of compatriots or colleagues.

Fortunately, there was someone with his wits about him who tried to unite the poisonous soldiers who still accounted for the absolute majority.

[Bite the troops! After retreating, regroup... … Huh!?]Thomas, the second son of the Leviathan family, was retreating with the remaining troops when he rolled on the ground with an arrow stuck in his neck.

The arrow sent by Bianca was followed by Tudor's spear and Sancho's axe.

"Piggy's enemy!"

"I can never forgive you!"

"I can't let even one go!"

The fall of the House of Leviathan.

Starting with the death of Hobbes de Leviathan, who was like a symbol, the display of extreme poison hermitages rapidly collapsed.

The giant poisonous soldiers lost their temper and began to run wild, and the demons also rapidly weakened.

Bikir looked down on all this scenery and had a premonition of the end of the long war.

[…] … Hehehe.]If it weren't for the low taunt that suddenly came from the floor.

Where Vikir turned his head, there was Flauros' head.

Like Andromalius in the past, Flauros was still clinging to life with only his head remaining.

But Bikir was not at all alert.

"The devil kills."

Always in a combat posture just before operation. A hunter who is always warmed up.

Flauros spoke in a humorous tone to Vikir, who was immediately raising his vitality.

[Calm down. Because you can't kill me anyway.]Truly nonsense. There is no need to play with the other person's tongue when you already have everything figured out in the first place.

Vikir, who knew that he must be careful of the devil's tongue, especially Flauros' tongue, had no reason to stop his sword.

however. Flauros's next words were enough to make even a man with steel veins and a furnace heart stop in his tracks.

[The moment you kill me, the 'Age of Destruction' will arrive.]Among the people gathered here, not a single one truly knew what the Age of Destruction was.

Except for Bikir.

Flauros continued to flick his black tongue, perhaps thinking that only Vikir would be the one to have a conversation with.

[Before going into battle. I twisted the cord of my life, my lifeline, and tied it tightly to the ring of the Gate of Destruction. When it breaks, the door opens naturally.]devildom. Oil world. The gate to polar hell.

Bikir clearly remembered the moment the door opened.

The coming destruction, the approaching apocalypse, the sum total of all these terrible things, the world of human beings and demons.

[Do you think you are the only one who laid a trap for the future? In fact, if that's the case, this one is one step above.]"… … ."

Cold sweat flows naturally. My hands were also shaking slightly.

Flauros is a devil whose specialty is deceiving others with lies. Should I believe what he says now?

… … But what if, just in case, this isn't false?

What if the door to destruction really opens when you kill him?

Even at this very moment when Vikir was worrying, Flauros was slowly vaporizing his body.

It seemed like he was planning to turn into the red mist of death itself and run away.

[Didn't I tell you from the beginning? Your efforts are in vain.]Flauros said with a wide smile.

The smile in full bloom was filled with malice that could not be hidden.

Tsutsutsutsu… …

Flauros' body gradually becomes lighter.

In just a few seconds, he will be completely gone from here.

Should I kill him on the spot or let him run away? That was the problem.

At a crossroads between two choices that neither side can tolerate.


Bikir drew his sword.

Will you be deceived or will you not be deceived?

Now was the time to make a decision.