Episode 483: The Marquis of Discord (1)


A palace with a land area of ​​approximately 5 square kilometers.

This imperial palace, the largest and tallest building in human history, is the result of over 100,000 wizards and 1 million laborers invested over 14 years.

It consists of a total of six palaces, and the Shihwangjeon (始皇殿), which rises at the innermost center, shows the true pinnacle of architectural beauty.

A gorgeous, majestic, and noble place.

The first crown prince was currently staying in this place where the emperor was supposed to reside.

And the hunting dog, who had come with the driving storm and tempest at his back, stood in front of Shihwangjeon with his wet body just now.


The veteran, who had crossed countless lines of fire, looked up at the signboard of Shihwangjeon with a bitter expression.

To whom I was once blindly loyal. The ultimate master. A majestic being to whom even Hugo of the world was loyal.

But now this place is just the devil's playground.


Bikir mercilessly broke down the huge front door and entered.

In the past, it would have been a serious crime that would have resulted in immediate execution, but now no one would question such a thing.

No man's land. Daejeon is devastated, as if it had been deserted a long time ago.

Vikir passed through the chilly central hall and went straight inside.

Soon, the emperor's throne comes into view.

At the top of the dirty stairs, there was a person sitting on a throne looking down at Vikir.

Red hair, pale skin. Cruelly wide-open eyes and a high, sharp nose.

The First Crown Prince 'Golding Jack Meridew', the little sun of the empire, was sitting there.

Unexpectedly, he smiled broadly and waved at Bikir.

"Oh my, it's been a long journey and I've had a hard time. "A demon hunter."

The tone is simple despite its appearance, but the meaning contained in the words is by no means unusual.

Vikir did not respond, but Prince Meridew continued speaking to himself in a cheerful tone.

"I'm sorry that I've come all this way, but I can't even offer you a cup of tea. Because people are all dying. I'm the only one in this vast palace? "It's really lonely."

"… … ."

"This is our first time seeing each other in person, right? I think I've sent out commendations a few times. "Maybe the first time was when you saved Morgga's wife in the Red and Black Mountains?"

"… … ."

"By the way, what was the name of that Morgue's daughter? Camus? That's right, it was Camus. Her face was really pretty and her body was ridiculously nice. She was a bitch and had skills. I fell in love with her at first sight, so I debated marrying her several times, but it all ended. Is there a guy who has already made up his mind? "I'm so jealous of this~"

"… … ."

"Oh, the horse slipped sideways. Anyway, I thought you were dead at that time. Of course, he came back alive and well. And when was the next time? Was it when you wrote your thesis on killer ants at the Colosseo Academy?"

"… … ."

"K-At that time, I wanted to meet you in person, but I was ultimately rejected. He was probably disguising his identity, right? Right?"

"… … ."

"I wanted to go to the Colosseo Academy to check in person because I thought he was that friend of the Baskervilles, but I was so busy with work that I forgot. If she had known this would happen, she should have gone and at least forced herself to meet him. right? huh-"

As the chatter continued, Vikir raised his hand to interrupt the prince.


Bikhir pulled the chain and placed the coffin on the floor.

The crown prince grinned as he looked at the coffin that Vikir was carrying.

"What is that coffin? Want to go in yourself? I came prepared to die, is this something like this? It's also quaint. Compared to his age, there are aspects of him that are quite old-fashioned. "You."

"I came to end the war."

Hearing Vikir's words, the crown prince pouted with a humorous expression.

"End the war? Oh, you mean civil war? "Oh my~ Why do you keep looking for your already missing younger brother?"

"… … ."

"Yeah, well, I heard about Leviathan or something. I'm sorry. However, the second crown prince whom other powers are pushing has already disappeared for a long time. "I'm the only one with legitimate ancestry, so who gets to be emperor?"

"… … ."

"How about you come under me instead? It's better to be a founding father than to be the leader of traitors. "Isn't it a bit much to bear the stigma of being a usurper?"

The crown prince's words were truly strange.

A feeling of alienation because it is so far removed from reality.

The lines that did not fit the situation or atmosphere continued endlessly, like symptoms typical of schizophrenic patients.

Bikir finally showed his teeth as the alumni continued to answer each other.

"I am not interested in fights between humans."

"oh? Declaration of neutrality? But isn't it human that in the end we have no choice but to take one side?"

"yes. That's human. So you can't be the devil's dog."

Bikir's words were decisive.

[…] … .]

Using the line from just now as a turning point, the black and white masturbation in the crown prince's eyes changed color.

The voice also began to turn eerie.

[Huhuhuhu- Okay. Now that we all know, let's stop talking nonsense.]

"… … ."

[Ah, but before that, one more thing. How did the Kraken get through? That guy is a rare species that is hard to find even in the depths of the world. He was originally going to be made into a spirit beast, but was just released into the sea.]

"… … ."

[Did you ever encounter that spider? Hey, then that must have been a good picture? It's hard to see a big fight between giant monsters like that even on the mainland. When did that little spider grow so big? Did it become like that by absorbing the miasma and fraud that were signs before destruction? Even so, I never thought it would grow bigger than its mother... … ]

The crown prince shows his true colors but is still talkative.

Of course, Bikir had no intention of joining in on such chatter.

The 4th formula comes out like breathing.


Vikir's sudden slash struck the throne.

[Oh my! Why is this like this? Did you really come to fight?]

However, the crown prince showed no intention of fighting.

He waved his hands as if he was genuinely embarrassed and tried to calm Bikir down.

[okay! okay! Let's have a conversation!]

"The devil is dead… … ."

[The devil kills! Right? I understand everything, so just calm down for a moment! Because I've prepared a conversation topic that will be interesting to you too!]

The crown prince was still talkative.

Eventually, he came up with a story that made Bikir stop his actions.

[you. I called.]

"… … !"

Bikir's eyes opened slightly wide.

The crown prince, who did not miss the timing, immediately spoke.

[It means I was the one who brought you back.]

Bikir was momentarily confused.

… … The return to kill the devil was done by the devil?

At first glance, the logic makes no sense at all.

But the crown prince seemed to be sincere.

[The reason I wanted to bring you back with me and meet you was because I had something to ask.]

"Would you like to ask?"


The crown prince nodded and then opened his mouth in a serious tone.

[My little brother. Where is it?]

Bikir's eyes narrow at that question.

The crown prince continued speaking with an awkward smile on his face.

[I thought you knew who my brother was and where he was. Because when I looked into the future, all I saw there was my dying brother. The last bond that my younger brother left behind as he died was with you.]

"… … ."

[And there was only one scene in the future you returned to. Me waiting at the imperial palace, and you, dragging the coffin. You clearly said, 'I brought half your body.' So I waited quietly. As I foresaw, you bring here exactly the information about my brother.]

This is simple.

Andras knew that his brother and Vikir had a close bond.

And he foresaw that if he regressed, he would one day bring information about his younger brother to him.

That was the beginning of all this.

A strange superpower that allows him to see the future.

The descendants of the imperial family, who inherited the blood of the first emperor, who was a prophet and astrologer, all have this kind of strange ability.

'Obviously, Hohenheim of Magic Tower, whom we met in the old university league, said that.'

So, there was a high possibility that what the crown prince was saying right now was not a lie.

The moment Bikir thought this.

'… … 'He's a good person.'

A strange auditory hallucination passed through Vikir's ears.

It was definitely a voice I had heard several times before.

It was a voice that brought back memories of before returning.

And the moment Vikir heard the auditory hallucination, the prince's expression suddenly changed.

[okay. The blood of the first emperor is boiling. Oh, I see it again. My younger brother's future. The words of my younger brother who died miserably!]

"… … ."

[I can tell. You are definitely related to my younger brother. who is that? where are you? Just tell me that.]

The crown prince asked repeatedly.

But Bikir did not answer the question.

"Why should I answer your question? "What do you really want?"

[You're stupid. Is there a reason why the older brother is looking for the younger brother?]

"Don't modify it. "I already know that your body does not have a normal structure."

A devil of a different type. It is impossible to take his words literally.

The crown prince sighed deeply at Vikir's reply.

[It's just as you said. My body is divided in two. Putting it all together is my greatest task.]

"… … ."

[Of course, I didn't think you would just cooperate with me. So, I also have a separate reward in mind for your cooperation with me.]

Eventually, the crown prince opened his mouth.

[I know because I have seen the future. That you were involved in my brother's final moments before his return. So, all you have to do is tell me the identity and location of my younger brother.]

"… … ."

[In return, I promise you one thing.]

Soon, the crown prince showed a mirror in front of Vikir.

"… … !"

Vikir opened his eyes wide.

Inside was a world after destruction.

Bushes began to grow again on the completely burned land.

It rained and the sea and rivers reappeared.

Although there are few people, you can still see them.

They had overcome their miserable past and were rebuilding a happy life by spreading their offspring.

Of course, among them were some familiar faces that Bikir knew.

They were comrades who crossed the cruel firing line together.

The original world was in the mirror. The original world where Vikir lived before returning.

The crown prince said.

[After you died, the world went well in its own way. In the final war, the devil lost and humans won. Although the human world has been devastated, the surviving beings are taking care of the land again.]

"… … ."

[But it is not that easy. So many heroes died during the war of annihilation. Nowadays, there are not many people who know how to manipulate mana. They need a powerful hero who knows how to manipulate mana.]

People who overcome pain and rebuild happiness after the era of destruction ends.

If Vikir can return to the world he originally lived in, he will be able to make an enormous contribution to humanity in that world.

[Who is my younger brother? Where are you now? Just tell me that. Then I will send you back to your original world. And I'll let you see the faces of the people you miss again. I may be able to bring back some of the characters you specify. Of course, it would be impossible to bring back the entire human race, but at this level, it is quite possible.]

It was an unconventional proposal.



Vikir cut off the prince's transaction request without a word.

And the crown prince continued speaking without even having time to look surprised.

"I know full well that you don't have the ability to do that. 'Andras'. 'Marquis of discord.'"

And at the same time.

[…] … amazing.]

One corner of the crown prince's mouth began to curl up.



Black flames enveloped the prince's entire body.

The person's fur was completely burned away, and the hideous malice hidden inside was revealed.