Episode 484: The Marquis of Discord (2)


Andras at number one. Another name is 'Marquis of Discord'.

The wings with white feathers seem sacred at first glance. It had the head of a crow, the eyes of an owl, and the lower body of a wolf.

In his hand he was holding a flaming knife.

A destroyer who is always full of dissatisfaction.

A being that hates everything in a harmonious state, loves disruption, and lives with chaos.


Bikir immediately took out Beelzebub.


[Hehehe- Why are you so wary? There is no need for that.]

Andras was still smiling the whole time.

[I just revealed my true self to have a sincere conversation. You can't talk if you're hiding something from each other, right?]

"… … ."

[We both have goals we each pursue. And they don't conflict with each other. So put down the knife first.]

When the situation reached this point, Bikir had to feel absurd.

This is the first time that the devil has shown his true form and not fought.

'… … If he were a decent demon hunter, he might have been fooled.'

But despite Andras' kind appearance, Bikir is not fooled.

The reason was because I had memories from before returning.

Marquis of Discord.

A demon that roamed the battlefield with terrifying force, blowing off the heads of countless great heroes of the Human Federation.

Even though it may be smiling kindly before my eyes, it is basically a monster, and among them, it is an extremely vicious being.

While Bikir was thinking about this and that, Andras sighed and opened his mouth as if he was tired.

[Is this my first time showing my true face and not fighting? But I have no choice because I want to talk. I am also at a disadvantage.]

"… … ."

[Now, can we continue what we said earlier?]

Andras radiated light from his eyes.

[As I said before… … The world has become much more stable since you died. I can send you back to the original world and revive some of the characters in your memories.]


"There is no way to bring the dead back to life. "Even if he is a devil, he cannot violate providence."

Bikir's attitude was also robust.

"The devil kills. "That is providence."

Hounds hunt. Do not talk to your prey. That's how I learned it.

So, the conversation ended here, and from then on, the only thing to talk about was the knife.

… Flash!

Bikir deployed his swordsmanship with all his might from the beginning.

Baskerville Type 8. Bündchen's teeth came together and created a black sun.


The solid throne was shattered like tofu.

For a place where a supreme being had resided for the past several decades, these were quite empty words.

[this. If it comes to this, is there nothing we can do?]

Andras swung his flaming sword.

A slash like hot fire flies towards Vikir.


There was a deep crack where Vikir avoided, and it soon began to melt away.

Baskerville Type 8 and Andras's flames clashed fiercely.

The atmosphere was shattered, and mana was broken and glowing cracks were appearing here and there.

[It's a shame. It was half the truth.]

Andras grinned as he pushed Vikir at the tip of his sword.

When it comes to seduction, tell half the truth and half the lies. Bikir knew well that this was the devil's basic tactic.

"You guys are basically beings who came to this world to use humans as food. "It is absurd to do business with those guys."

[Do you think so? I'm actually the opposite, right?]

"… … ?"

Vikir frowned.

Andras then opened his mouth as if asking if it was obvious.

[The devil can actually make humans prosper. It is widely beneficial.]


[it is not so. You are misunderstanding our purpose.]

Andras didn't seem to have given up on trying to persuade Bikir.

[Do you know the animal called 'chicken'?]

"… … ?"

Who doesn't know chickens?

This is natural as it is one of the livestock most familiar to humans.

Andras asked again.

[You humans raise, slaughter, and eat chickens. What do chickens think about this? Are they really happy?]

"No way."

[no. they will be happy If you look at it from the perspective of the entire species, not just one individual.]

Andras continued speaking.

[I mean chicken. Before they were bred by humans, they were much smaller and weaker animals. If it had stayed that way, it probably wouldn't have survived and would have gone extinct. Since they are small and weak, most of them would have been hunted to death by other animals as soon as they hatched from the eggs.]

"… … ."

[However, since humans chose chickens as livestock, the chicken population has increased exponentially. It boasts a population far superior to that of any other bird. From the perspective of the species as a whole, wouldn't this be a fairly efficient choice?]

"What do you want to say?"

Vikir's blade slices through the air again.

Andras avoided it and approached Vikir's ear.

[Aren't humans also weak and weary beasts? How many things make human life painful?]

"… … ."

[War, wild beasts, famine, drought, flood, forest fire, starvation, disease. In addition, fellow humans have to fight, compete, fight and win... … No matter how hard you try, it's hard to find a house to live in, it's hard to raise a child, and it's almost like breaking your back to take care of your old parents.]

"… … ."

[It is a never-ending race where the person you want to breed with is always taken away by a competitor with good looks and wealth, and you have to work hard day and night to get good grades in all the tests and evaluations required by society. But is there always happiness at the end of the race? It's not.]

"… … ."

[Were you born in this world because you wanted to be? no. You were 'born' by your parents. In this harsh and lonely world. In this way, humans are pitiful beasts who are forced to be born and die.]

Andras jumped and took a step back.

Then he sat down again on the shattered throne and spread his arms wide.

[At least the lives I mentioned before are better. Most human organisms die shortly after birth. Do you know the infant mortality rate of the empire? It's over 80%. In this world where the average adult lifespan is in the mid-30s, most of the babies, even if they are born safely, end up going from orphanage to orphanage. Even those who die before the age of ten due to war, disease, or starvation. Did you see the reality of the orphanage where Dantalian was located? It is said that nursery volunteer work is a required course at noble schools.]

A dark energy was gathering around Andras.

Bikir sensed unusual rain and cut them down with his sword.

However, the black fog drifted in the wind and enveloped Andras' body even more densely.

[Humans are truly pitiful beasts. If you have the desire, you should have the ability. They are sad beings who have intelligence, but can only recognize deficiencies with that intelligence. Lust, appetite, greed, jealousy, anger, sloth, arrogance... … The ego that wanders without being able to fully satisfy any of its needs only feels inferiority, debt, and defeat in an unequal and unreasonable society. Occasional happiness is nothing more than a temporary resolution of those dissatisfaction.]

A beast that is forced to be born and forced to die.

Life is difficult when you are young, difficult when you grow up, and difficult when you die. Life is always difficult and burdensome.

[So this is what I propose.]

Andras said with a grin.

[The vast majority of people suffer from poverty and hunger and die before the age of 30, or even before the age of 10. In that case, wouldn't it be happier for humans to be reduced to the devil's livestock?]


[You might think so. But do you think the same way about the children suffering in orphanages, or even the children who died in the back alleys before even entering the orphanages?]

Andras continued speaking while blocking Vikir's slash.

[If humans become the devil's livestock, they will be guaranteed a healthy life of over 100 years on average. You can mate and reproduce as much as you like with the person you want and live a full and warm life. All you have to do is live happily and self-actualize in a world without disease, war, or hunger. And when you reach the age of 100, you sacrifice your soul to the devil and your body is slaughtered. Just as chickens No. 7 and No. 8 are divided according to their growth period. What is the difference between this and God, the 'salvation' you talk about?]

In the thick darkness, Vikir felt Andras' gaze contemplating this direction.

In the dark, its mouth is red and torn.

[There was someone who first suggested this to humans a long time ago.]

"… … ."

[That is 'God'.]

Andras continued with a chuckle.

[Of course, that god is much more evil than me. Slaughter was done the same way as slaughter, but it did not give the promised happiness and peace at all. Even humans who are not fully grown are captured at will, right? Well, since human farming has been so prosperous up until now, it's understandable that they're behaving like that. For me, I just don't understand you humans who unilaterally keep all contracts even though they are being violated.]

"What are you asking me to do?"

[What? I want you to know that I have a good proposition for humans. And to make this proposal possible, I must find my brother.]

After Andras finished speaking, his face changed to that of the first prince.

The emperor's eldest son. Jeongsil (正室)'s legitimate lineage.

He is now desperately looking for his concubine's half-brother.

[If you help me, I can make you the general manager of the system, that is, the emperor. Just like the Golding family did in the past... … ]

But Bikir once again cut Andras' offer.

"Where have you learned only bad things?"

[…] … what?]

"That logic of yours. Isn't this a trend that was popular during the ancient Warring States Period? "It is a logic that would have only worked in the now-vanished 'nation of demonic suzerainty.'"

Bikir raised the tip of his sword.

The end of his gaze was aimed at Andras.

"Human development desires and upward instincts cannot be confined in a livestock system. No matter how much you try to confine it, it will eventually break through like an awl in your pocket. "That is human."

The magic sword Beelzebub shoots out aura with an awl-like tip.

… Quack!

The throne completely collapsed.

Andras jumped out of the thick dust cloud, spreading his wings.

"The devil kills."

[Wow. I can't understand.]

Vikir's sword and Andras' sword intersect fiercely in the air.

Vikir thought as he cleared away the sparks and flames spewing out from Andras' sword.

'… … It's fortunate that there is no Asmodeus of Chilguita.'

The magic sword that was Andras's statement piece before his return.

I was so surprised when I first saw that knife at Nouvelle Vague.

I was relieved that the demon sword Asmodeus was currently in Circo's hands.

Bikir burned all the aura at the end of Beelzebub.

And Andras was also gathering deep darkness into his grasp, enough to swallow up the aura emitted by Vikir.

[good night. If you don't sign a contract... … I'll make you want to do it.]

At those words, Bikir had to tense up.

Although it doesn't have a sword, the devil's unique supernatural powers are enough to be threatening.

And now Andras was trying to use his unique ability.

[Soon you will be begging for a contract yourself.]

It was a moment when the power of the being who was at the top of the demons that led the era of destruction was clearly revealed.