Chapter 496


As the river of blood slowly dries up.

This happened on a hill on the Western Front, where the battle with the remnants of the Demon Army had not yet ended.

* * *

The Morgue fortress is composed of countless towers.

It looks like there are numerous skewers stuck on the ground.

Among them, the basement of the tower is hidden in the most remote place.

The bright and dark halls that make up the Morgue each have their own secret underground spaces.

One of them is the 'dark part', which is called the deep part of the dark hall.

An underground space extending over 600 floors below the ground.

And on the 666th floor, the lowest floor, the headquarters of the hermitage is located.

This was a space known only to the secret party's representatives, which could not be accessed by the Empire's surveillance, the devil's gaze, or even the head of the House of Morgue.

The bottom of a spiral staircase with no end in sight.

There, a woman can be seen sitting on a throne with her eyes closed.

Tsutsutsutsutsu… …

A wizard checking the mana flowing through the blood vessels of his body.

She had red hair and white skin, and at first glance, she was a great mage who had reached the highest level.

Morgue Mew Camus.

She trusts no one and relies on no one.

I have fought fiercely against the world while standing alone all my life, sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, and I lived every moment as if I had never been hurt before.

"Whoa… … ."

Eventually, Camus, who had finished meditating, opened his eyes.

By nature, when a wizard checks mana, he or she becomes very vulnerable.

Is there a saying that goes, 'A wizard who checks mana is like a crab or shrimp that has just shed its skin?'

So Camus always meditated only on the 666th floor of this dark part where no one could enter.

Absolute self-righteousness.

Since no one believed them, they did not set up any special protection laws.

Your body is something that only you can protect and protect.

… … But.

"Have you finished meditation? "Are you doing it longer than usual?"

What Camus saw as soon as he opened his eyes was an unbelievable sight.

A mask with a stork's beak.

This is because a woman wearing a gloomy and ominous mask appeared from behind a stone pillar.

First of all, it is surprising that an outsider exists on the 666th floor, where only the secret party's representatives can enter.

"… … "More than usual?"

More than anything, these words made Camus frown.

This means that the unidentified intruder in front of him watched Camus meditating for a long time.

In reality, Camus had been meditating for a longer time than usual, so those words were not just a provocation.


Mana boils around you.

Camus summoned flames and iron skewers and hurled them at the intruder in front of him.

"I don't know who it is, but die first. "I'll ask questions later."

Camus, a master of necromancy, was more comfortable and familiar with dealing with the dead than with the living.

Especially when interrogating prisoners or spies.



An even more unbelievable sight made her eyes widen.

Flames and iron skewers. It flew in from the other side and canceled out Camus' attack.

And then something else happened that scared her.

Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss… …

Tree branches as long and thin as a woman's hair hang down in front of Camus.

Ghost tree.

A tree of mana that takes root in the wizard's imagination and grows using the karma of the soul as nourishment.

An incomprehensible being that feeds on abstraction and metaphysics and delivers its harvests to the material world.

It was also the proclamation season of the eighth demon lord, Seere.

"No way! Seere, I definitely destroyed that guy along with Snake!"

Camus was astonished.

It was a natural reaction.

It's like the demon lord killed a long time ago has come back to life.


"calm down. "I didn't come here to fight."

The masked woman completely canceled out Camus' attack and took a step back.

"What are you? Are you the devil's lord? "How do you have the power of Eight Times?"

"like this."

In response to Camus' question, the woman shrugged one shoulder.

Then something crawled out of her shoulder.

"Se, seere… … is it?"

Camus was about to shout in surprise, but paused for a moment.

What is in front of you now is somewhat insufficient to say that it is the 'necromantic demon Seere' who once brought this world to the brink of destruction.

"… … Why is it so small?"

Camus half-opened his mouth as if he was dumbfounded as he looked at Seere, who had become small and insignificant.

The unidentified woman said, tilting the mask on her face crookedly.

"I almost absorbed it all."

"… … The power of the devil? "Is that possible?"

"It's possible."

Camus then frowned as if it was absurd.

"Because you're such a crazy bitch, you didn't have anything to pick up and eat, so you picked up the devil's power and ate it, right? You're not an ordinary crazy bitch. "There will be no benefit to the world by keeping him alive."

"Don't lie down and spit."

"… … ?"

Camus tilts his head as if he doesn't understand what's going on.

Then, the woman took off the mask covering her face.

Red hair, red eyes, and somewhat familiar features.

"… … !"

Camus opened his eyes wide.

The person in front of Camus was none other than Camus.

"W-what is it?"

"What is it? "It's you."

Camus took off his mask and walked forward, smiling.

"I thought you were a lot older, but you're not that old? It's me too "You're still pretty no matter how old you get."

"… … ?"

Camus walked and stood in front of Camus, who said he didn't understand.

Eventually, Camus revealed his identity.

"I am you from a parallel world."

"What the fuck… … ."

"Does that sound like shit?"

"… … ."

Camus, in his 20s, raised his head.

Even though the Camus in front of me has entered middle age, there is not much difference in appearance from Camus in his 20s.

"To make it easier to distinguish, let's divide it into 'you on this side' and 'me on that side.' "Anyway, I'm from a different world."

"What kind of nonsense have you been talking about since a while ago?"

Camus here gritted his teeth and said.

"The devil kills. We also kill those who use demonic powers. "We should just kill them all."

"… … Oh. "It's much hotter here than in the West."

Soon, the fire and skewers fired by Camus here start flying.

Camus on the other side held up Seere, who was tied to the roots of the revenant tree, like a shield to block it.

[Aaaah! Camus! It hurts so much! I'm not Dekarabia!]

Seeing Seere screaming and wailing, Camus here half-opens his mouth as if in bewilderment.

at that time.

"Do you think I can trust you if I do this?"

Camus over there gave Camus over here a token of reconciliation.

… Tuk!

It was Baal's head.

Camus here opened his eyes wide.

"Hey, this is Baal! The first monarch! "Did you kill this guy?"

"To be exact, it's just a shell. "It looks like the main body is hiding somewhere else."

Camus over there spoke as if it was no big deal.

"I couldn't find where Baal's true body was. In the meantime, he caught and killed many demons, but everyone said they didn't know. Perhaps Baal himself doesn't have much intention in conquering the human world? "The problem was that there were too many low-ranking demons who wanted to continue his legacy."

"How do you know such things?"

"I told you. You are me and I am you. So I could have come in here too."

Camus over there finished speaking and looked around.

The door sealing device that only responds to Camus' body, the familiar arrangement of pillars, and even the magic circle drawn on the floor.

Everything was as Camus knew it.

Before I knew it, Camus over there had tears in his eyes.

"This is where my teacher passed away. I still cry when I think of Uncle Snake... … ."

"what? Snake? teacher? "Why is that dirty beast your teacher?"

"what? beast? "Are you just saying that Uncle Snake is a beast?"

"… … ?"

"… … ?"

Soon, the two Camus sharply confronted each other.

"I have only one uncle, Uncle Adolf. He died after being caught up in an all-out attack by demons. "Snake, that vile, dirty bastard is nothing more than a dog who sold his soul to the devil."

"If you insult my teacher, no matter how much you call me, I will not be able to forgive you."

"Shut up. "Snake is a shameless traitor who caused the deaths of Uncle Adolf and Mother."

"Not to me."

"It's different from what you just said. "I am you and you are me."

"I guess this is it."

The mood of reconciliation that was almost created for a short time as a shell of Baal quickly turned into something as dangerous as a sheet of thin ice.

Right then.

"I sent you to hold my hand, but what if you start playing the game?"

A low voice came from behind the stone pillar.

Soon, a shadow appeared in the middle of the two Camus.

Bikir. A hunting dog that has crossed several lives.

An old man covered in wounds was standing there.


"… … !"

Camus here paused.

The eyes of the man who appeared in front of her were so deep and intense that even she, who was arrogant and stubborn enough to be called the Wu of Zetian, paused.

Moreover, just by looking at it, for some reason, my body feels weak and my heart trembles... … A feeling I've never experienced before in my life just sprouted from deep within my heart... …

"hey! What you looking at!"

However, Camus on this side had no choice but to suddenly come to his senses when he heard Camus on the other side shouting.

Camus over there quickly ran over and wrapped his arms around Vikir.

And he gave a firm warning to Camus over here.

"Don't set your eyes on someone else's husband."

"I am you and you are me?"

"Oh, I guess this is it!"

Camus over there snorted as if it was absurd.

Eventually, she asked about herself and her husband(?) in front of her.

"so. "Why did you come here?"

Then Camus over here answered.

"Let's hold hands."

"hand? What, are you saying we should do nail art?"

"I am you and you are me, so you know my personality, right? "If you try to be sarcastic one more time, I'll kill you."

"I am you and you are me, so you know my personality. "Try killing me."

"Ha, this bitch is really… … ."

At that time, Bikir shook his head as if he knew this would happen and blocked the space between the two again.

"The idea is to join forces."

"What are you trying to do to join forces? "For killing demons?"

"Besides that. Isn't there another one? "More fundamental."

"… … "What is more important than slaying demons?"

"Restoring humanity."


Bikir continued speaking and answered Camus' question.

"After the Age of Destruction, 99.99% of humanity died out. In this world, Tudor, Bianca, Sancho, Piggy, and many other people passed away. The same goes for those who became hosts to the devil and were only exploited."

"What and how can you do that? A dead person is a dead person. Now I can never come back... … ."

Camus over here lowered his head in a watery voice.

Perhaps he is thinking of Lespane or Adolf, who died in the war against demons.


"Isn't there a way to resurrect them all?"

Camus here raises his head at Bikir's words.

And in front of him stood Camus from over there.

Thump thump-

Camus stamps his feet on the floor with a bright expression.

And on the floor, a large, yet incomplete magic circle can be seen drawn.

At that moment, Camus over there opened his eyes wide.

An expression that seemed more agitated than any expression he had shown so far.


The voices of the two Camus come together as one.

"A liquor of complete revival!"