Chapter 497


"… … "The liquor of complete revival."

Camus here had a skeptical attitude.

"That can only be attempted if you reach the point where you can draw at least 10 mana rings. In fact, isn't it close to impossible?"

"It's close to impossible, but it's not impossible. "Just because it's close to fire doesn't mean it's fire, right?"

"Don't play with words. I know this because I have thought about it countless times to perfect this technique. But it was a wall I could never overcome alone."

"yes. "I agree with you on that point."

"… … ?"

When Camus on this side looked puzzled, Camus on the other side spoke.

"'On my own'."

Morgue Mew Camus.

How many people have betrayed her so far?

How many people failed to meet her expectations?

A person with great skills and an arrogant disposition, enough to be called the Empress of Zeitian, and a distrust of others that has built up through countless wounds.

All of these things made her not trust others.

… … But what about himself?

Camus over there spoke with a confident voice.

"I am a magic genius. The strongest Morg."

"… … ."

"You too are a magic genius. The strongest Morg."

"… … ."

"What if the two of us held hands and made up for each other's shortcomings? "Aren't you excited to see what happens?"

"… … ."

Camus here kept his mouth shut.

Because she did not trust others, even meditation to check her mana was always done alone.

Finally, after a long silence, Camus here spoke.

"… … Can it really be revived? "Everyone."

"Of course I can't give a definite answer. But if there's even a little bit of possibility, shouldn't we give it a try?"

Camus over here nods his head at what Camus over there says.

at last.


Two rare magic geniuses joined hands.

The goal was the 'art of complete revival', a forbidden technique that no one had succeeded in until now.

"Should we do it right now?"

"Are you not confident?"

"No way."

Camus here went down to the floor and stood.

And I stood facing Camus over there.

Camus over there took a deep breath.

And then he opened his mouth in a low voice.

"Do you know that the Morgue started out as a morgue?"

"… … !"

"It was also a small family that took charge of such work, storing only unidentified corpses."

Camus over there was tracing memories from a long time ago.

'Morgue' is a name for a very old bloodline that has been passed down since before humans established the concept of family or nation. The main job of those who inherited this lineage was collecting unidentified corpses and finding relatives. It was.

A job that involves collecting corpses that have been damaged to the point where their original identity is difficult to recognize, finding the bereaved family, handing over the bodies, and receiving compensation.

As a result, many people naturally stayed with the dead, and as time went by, people who could communicate with the dead gradually began to appear.

Even when it once enjoyed a prestige comparable to that of a single country, even when it was cut off for decades after its downfall, and even when it was once again called the head family of magic, those gifted with this strange ability continued to do so. appeared.

A voice I long for that is no longer there.

To Camus over there, he was a lifelong benefactor.

The voice of a teacher who left behind a heavy debt that could not be repaid.

"So, strictly speaking, the beginning of the Morgue is very close to death. "Because the first ancestor was the one who talked to the dead and controlled them."

"… … "Are you saying that you have been touched by the dark magic since birth?"



Camus on this side was quietly listening to what Camus on the other side was saying.

Finally, she opened her mouth.

"This is the first time I've heard such a thing even though I was the head of the Morgue. There was a time in the past when the elders of the hermitage said something similar... … "The war with the demons was in full swing, so I didn't have time to listen."

"I just heard it from my teacher."

The teacher that Camus over there is referring to is Representative Snake.

Camus here, who knew that, only frowned.

"But why are you saying that now?"

"The black magicians of Morgue are born with this knowledge. "The truth that humans can explore and understand throughout their lives is nothing more than a handful of sand picked up from a sandy beach."

"So where is most of the truth?"

"You're asking the same questions I asked back then."

Camus over there smiled and continued.

"After death. "Beyond the door."

"… … !"

Camus here opened his eyes a little wider.

Camus over there was looking into her gaze without wavering even an inch.

Only by crossing the gates of death can humans become completely free and become eternal.

You will be able to explore the infinite truth behind it.

Finally, Camus over here spoke.

"So you took refuge in the Black Magic Path. "To become familiar with death."

"no. It's the opposite. "It was first to guard against death."


Camus here tilts his head again.

Camus over there smiled bitterly because he also seemed to be seeing his old self.

"A warlock is the one who despises death the most."

"Why is that so?"

"Because before you can understand and feel familiar with death, you must first understand and feel familiar with life."

"… … !"

Camus here listens silently.

Until I got to this age, I had never listened to others so calmly.

'Well, isn't that what someone else said?'

While Camus on this side was thinking this to himself, Camus on the other side continued talking.

"Life. Feelings toward others. love. friendship. trust. An organic relationship with all things in the world. Gratitude for being alive. The preciousness of life. Only after understanding these things first can we truly understand death. "Everything is two-sided."

"Can't we become familiar with death first? "I think it would be like that if it were me."

"That's a good question. Master's answer to that question... … No, you will be angry when you hear it. "I was a little angry at that time too."

Camus over there recalled in his mind the answer he had heard from Snake at that time.

'It's just a bunch of pretentious idiots imitating a warlock.'

If Camus here heard those words, or even if he heard them from Snake, whom he hated so much, he might be even more enraged.

"Well, anyway. "Contrary to popular prejudice, a true warlock must be able to love and deeply understand living things more than anyone else."

"… … A person who loves all living things and sympathizes with all dying things. In some ways, he must be close to the great sages or saints that people in the world commonly refer to. Are you saying that polar opposites are compatible?"

"It's me too. "You understand quickly."

The two Camus talked for a long time.

And in the meantime, Bikir was watching the two women's questions and answers for a long time.


The two Camus sat facing each other in the center of the magic circle.

"To perfect the art of complete revival, you must go to the abyss of magic and learn the theories and formulas that were lacking."

"That is where all the truth, the foundation of this world, is stored, so you can find the part you want. "It may take a long time, but it will take a long time."

Camus over there has already tried this technique once and failed.

"I have the know-how from back then, so I will never fail this time."

Camus sat cross-legged with a stern expression.


… Paaaat!

The two Camus began to infuse mana into the magic circle.


The magic circle starts.

Countless complex shapes radiated light.

The ingredients in the center.

That is, 35 liters of water, 20 kilograms of carbon, 4 liters of ammonia, 1.5 kilograms of lime, 800 grams of phosphorus, 250 grams of salt, 100 grams of potassium nitrate, 80 grams of sulfur, 7.5 grams of fluorine, 5 grams of iron, 3 grams of silicon, and other trace elements. 15 memories of blood and flesh... … All of this began to emit strong odor, heat, and smoke.

'… … Wait, stench?'

Camus over here had a hard expression on his face.

I don't know what the problem was or the process, but I knew the result.

'It's a failure!'

Camus here had an intuition.

Right at that moment.

"It's not a failure!"

Camus over there shouted sharply.

It awakened Camus's mind, which had been temporarily clouded due to confusion and agitation, to clarity again.

Soon, something strange began to rise in the center of the magic circle.

… … ! … … ! … … ! … … !

Camus over there saw that and gritted his teeth.

"See you again! nice to meet!"

At that time, I just thought that 'that thing' should not be allowed to come out of the magic circle.

But that thought was short-lived.

Rather than preventing 'that' from coming out of the magic circle, rather, this side must go inside 'that'.

Camus over there began to control mana with all his might.

Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss… …

The wraith tree moves.

A huge amount of negative dimension mana taken from Seere was flowing through the magic circle under Camus' delicate control.

"You're saying you can physically suppress this? "Are you a monster?"

"Hoho-what are you praising yourself for? "You do your part too!"

At the sound of Camus over there laughing, Camus over here also gritted his teeth.

Coo coo coo coo coo coo!

Two Camus control the magic circle.


… Quack!

The magic circle shattered and the mana flowed back.

Instantaneous explosions, heat, and strong winds.

The two Camus, who were exposed to a shock wave that made them lose their senses, experienced death at least for a moment.

Near death. Everything shatters and returns to nothingness.

Right then.


There was a voice that firmly held the consciousness of the two women.

Bikir. He was giving strength to the two Camus beyond the magic circle.

"… … ! … … ! … … !"

Camus over there straightened his bent back with all his might.

'Master! 'Give me strength!'

Thinking of Snake's face, Camus took a deep breath.

Tsutsutsutsutsu… …

The scene in her consciousness is also shared with Camus here.

A black door can be seen in the center of the magic circle.

Wide open.

Camus' body was being sucked into it on its own.

Toward the distant abyss where stars and gas clouds drift.

Like dust.

… … Right then.


There was someone blocking the way.

A man standing in front of the door with a black cloak waving. Morg Snake.

He spoke to Camus without even looking back.

'Go back.'

'Your picnic is not over yet, so go back and say it was beautiful.'

Snake took a step without hesitation toward the other side of the door called by the dawn, dew, sunset, and clouds in the abyss.

'I hope to become a warlock who can love life.'

That was the end.

… … It was like that back then.

But not this time.


Camus began releasing mana with tremendous force.



The darkness rising from the center of the magic circle began to take the shape of a huge door, or rather, a hole.

It sucked up everything around it with incredible strength and appetite.

The two Camus and Bikir also could not avoid being dragged there.

"… … !"

"… … !"

Bikir and Camus here, who instinctively resist the powerful suction power that sucks in their bodies.

But Camus' reaction over there was different.

"There is no need to resist! Just get dragged away! 'That' is the entrance to the abyss!"

In order to perfectly master the art of complete resuscitation, one has no choice but to go on an expedition into that terrifying hole that evokes human nature's fear.

'… … 'Master!'

Camus gritted his teeth again.

The road that Snake took first.

An unknown area where stars, clouds, gas and dust roam.

'Magic abyss'.

Camus' final destination has been revealed.