What is there between them:


I was walking to the parking lot with Wang. we went to the car; I see that Wang was disturbed about something.

"Don't feel bad, just move on from the things, which you have faced in the past." (Dolly)

"I don't feel bad for the things what happened long time ago, but I was thinking about the last night." (Wang)

"Sorry, actually, I forgot to tell a thing, that yesterday Dean took us to home, I made a call after we drink." (Dolly)

After listening to my words, I see that, Wang was lost in his thoughts.

"We are getting late, I want to go home." (Dolly)

We left the office, I see that Wang was still in mood off, I turned on the music, after few minutes, the Tyres were blasted, we both get down from the car, looked that both Tyres were flat, as we don't have choice, I tried to book the cab, but not even single cab was available.

Wang went to bring the mechanic, said not to come out from the car, as it is dangerous to come out from the car at night, where the place is so silent, I was closing my eyes, and listening to the song, suddenly I feel that someone is watching me. I opened my eyes and looked around no one is there.

I again closed my eyes, this time, I opened my eyes and looked around, no one is there, I get down from the car, suddenly two men came in front of me, they were placing all their hands on my body, I was pushing them away, a men came to me and hold me tight from behind as not to move. the other man came towards me to kiss me, I closed my eyes tightly.

I hear a man shouting in a pain, I opened my eyes, seen that a girl whom I meet yesterday, was kicked to his balls, he holds his hands and fall to the ground, another person trying to attack us, right at the time, she kicked to his face, he falls from the place where she is standing, as when he cut the banana tree at the stem.

They both came at a time to give a punch, she kicked at the back to both of them. 

"Are you feeling proud, I will come with my men and we altogether rape you both at a time, then show me your proud face." 

I was shocked and back was shivered after listening to their words, but her face not even single expression changed, she went both of them and kicked right at the vertebral column, where I feel the bones were broken.

"you can't move your body without anyone, who could you harm both of us. Don't try to mess with us." 

Wang came to us with mechanic, by seeing all his was into fierce, "how dare to harm her" (Wang)

"She is so hot chick, actually both are good, ones, we are back we will see your end." (two men)

I see that, Wang took out the gun from his pocket, and pointed on their head.

"If you hurt my sister, I will load all the bullets into your head." (Wang)

I dragged him and asked the mechanic to take them to the hospital, and we will pickup the car, once it gets ready, Wang given the card and asked him to call when it got finished.

I took Wang from there, and the girl who helped me was coming along with us.

"Thanks for helping her, I don't know how to repay your thanks." (Wang)

I see her face with a big smile, Wang patted on her head.

"Did you both meet in the past?" (Dolly)

"No, I don't remember her." (Wang)

In a doubtful way she nodded her head, I remember her, when she saw Wang came to us, she was in shock. I see her hand is bleeding, Wang went to bring the medicines to stop the bleed.

"Are you sure this is the first time, that you are seeing him." (Dolly)

"Hmm, I too don't remember, but I met a person in my life where he said to me that, "don't be weak person, though you might be a female, but you women are much better than men, try to protect other, rather than finding a person for the help."" 

Wang came to us, I took the medicines and cleaned the wound with the cotton, finally we got a cab, we dropped her to her place, I and wang came to my place and dropped me.

"Is this the place were you live." (wang)

I went to my room, I had bath and lying on the bed thinking about her, when I thinks about her, I feel my heart beat raised, I feel it good, but wants to find what there between her and Wang, something is there which is related to Wang's past she is not opening up. "oh no, I couldn't be able to ask her name."



When Dean kissed me, I just remember about the last night, I was trying to remember the face, I was unable to remember. when Dolly said that Dean helped me, I fill bit relaxed, I know that I am drunk I will be clingy to others, but this time why I was opening up with him, what there between us. But whatever it might be it feels good when I being with him, I want to do more things, when he is around me.

I had bath and opened my laptop, I was learning about the hacking, when I was learning, I feel bit easy, I was practicing since when I see the laptop in my house in a secret room. I also brought the laptop with me, this is the main reason I was staying here so without disturbance of Leo, I can easily achieve my goal. as of now I learnt only basic configurations in hacking, I wanted to know all the things regarding everything, where my brain can store for far much.


I went to the Dolly's house and banged to the door, as I see Dean opened the door, where we came shirtless, I speechless after seeing him in that place without shirt, I went inside, and checked all the place. I clearly remember yesterday I dropped her same place, how come he is can be here.

"Why are you so confused? want to ask something." (Dean)

"Is this your place?" (Wang)

"Yes, this is my place you too spent a night in this place, have you already forgotten?" (Dean)

"Is Dolly staying with you, what's there between you both." (Wang)

"Stop, stop, she stay beside my room, due to safety purpose, his father asked me to stay here, he is paying the rent for me. as he is the main boss, and asked for safety purpose, I couldn't say no to him." (Dean)

I see that, Dean is wearing the shirt inside out, after seeing him, I couldn't control my laugh, I went to him and I take out the shirt, after removing his shirt I kissed him, as I felt the completion of the kiss where yesterday, Dean only kissed me in a confusion I couldn't kiss him back.

Dolly opened the door, I ran into the washroom and hide, I was hearing all the conversation between both of them.

"I got a message from Wang that he is coming to pick up us, wait why are you shirtless, are you purposefully being shirt less, waiting to watch be Wang." (Dolly)

"Stop it, I need to get ready before he come, just leave the room." (Dean)

I was laughing out, after their conversation, I suddenly hit the tap, where the cap fallen down and came water from the shower, I was trying to pick the cap, Dean opened the door, he came inside the washroom, the fixed the tap, I was giving my hand for helping to fix it, I again hit that and water came from the shower, be both got drenched in the water. Dean is laughing.

By seeing his laugh, I wanted to do more such things to find the smile on his face.

"You are the clumsiest guy, I have ever met." (Dean) 

I dragged him towards me, where the water is falling on his face, I hugged him tight and I feel that nothing is more important around me than staying with him like this.

I hear my mobile is ringing, "Wang it's your mobile is ringing, go and answer it." (Dean)

"Let it ring, nothing is important than staying with you like this." (Wang)

"I need to take a shower, we are getting late." (Dean)

"We are under shower only." (Wang)

"I feel embarrassed, to have bath in front of you, I should say it, I was drunk whenever I stayed with you, you were in full conscious, you still not get used of me? ok let me help you take the bath, you just stay calm." (Wang)

"Are you crazy, just leave me Wang." (Dean)

I took out my clothes.

"Hey what are you doing, why are you taking off the clothes." (Dean)

"stop being panicked for everything, today we are not going to do anything, until we both are accept everything between us, understand complete I wont do anything with you, but today I will help you to take the bath." (Wang)

I turned him back where I was rubbing his back with soap, I feel happy after seeing his back.

"Wait, you cunning fellow, yesterday you watched me while I was doing the workout and today you took the chance." (Dean)

"hmm, I am just unstoppable, I was born in this way, you would have known better about me, if you want you can also help me to have bath." (Wang)

Dean applied soap and rubbing it all over the body. "I was doing this I want to help you, you pervert, if you want anything directly just ask me, no need to playing tricks with me." (Dean)

I just nodded my head in happy. we came out from the shower, where Dean help me to dry my hair, he took out the clothes from his wardrobe and gave to me, be both got dressed and opened the door.

where Dolly was standing in front of the door, she came inside the room.

"Something is fishy between you both." (Dolly)

"Nothing you just assuming the things, we will be late for the work." (Dean)

"Wait, why Wang is wearing your clothes?" (Dolly)

"I came 10 minutes back, I used the restroom, but accidentally I turned on the shower, all my clothes drenched by the water, he just given his clothes." (Wang)

"Oh, I assumed much more, nothing happened between you, if anything happens, I will be the happiest person in the whole world." (Dolly)

"Dolly, you are exaggerating, we are being late for the work come let's go now." (Dean)

Dean locked the door, I winked the eye to Dean, I just done this purposefully to see the smile. we all together wen tot the car.

"Oh, I forgotten to ask you, after last night the things happened, is everything ok." (wang)

"oh, why did you raise the topic in front of him?" (Dolly)

"Speak out, what happened last night, why are you so silent." (Dean)

"Hey, calm down where are you shouting to her, he didn't done anything wrong." I explained everything what happened last night.

"Why did you hide to me, for each and every small things you make a call, why didn't you call me when you are in trouble." (Dean)

"This is the reason, I hate it to see this face, you and my father seems same before understanding me you people shout at me." (Dolly)

"Calm down you both I was there beside her no need to worry anything." (Wang)

"From today, you both need to tell me each and everything where you go and you both are not allowed to go alone." (Dean)

"We are not kids, we can take care of ourselves." (Dolly)

"Dolly, stop it, he is just concerned about us, let's go now for the work." (Wang)