Are they close:


We reached to the office, I called everyone for the meeting, I explain the about how can we control the expenditures, before I move to next slide, Dean asked me the question.

"It's good to control our expenditures, but before that we need to find the ways to increase our customers, so that we can develop the business." (Dean)

"I totally agree with you Mr. Dean" I moved the next slide, where the points were exactly same as dean said, I have explained all the slide and finished the meeting, I see that everyone were talking to each other.

"What, Is there anything to share?" (Wang)

"No, everything was good, but it was quiet shocking where your thoughts were so similar." (one of the employees)

"Hmm, well, I just finished the slide and called everyone to the meeting, I haven't discussed about this anyone, maybe we think in the similar way." (Wang)

Everyone, starts talking each other, "Ok, stop talking and get back to the work." (Dolly)

I and Dean went into the cabin we were busy in our work, where he got a call from someone, he cut the call and went out, after few minutes he is back with a person, I was watching their smiles, apart from me, he is the next person where he can bring the smile on the face.

Dolly entered the cabin.

"Oh, John bro, how are you, long time you have been here, have you forgotten our Dean?" (Dolly)

"How can I forgot him, I was just busy in the work, I was free now and came to look for him." (John)

"I have forgotten to introduce him to you, he is Wang, our new investor. Wang he is John, Dean's best friend." (Dolly)

Dolly and Dean were so close and explaining all the things to him happened from the past few days.

"Oh, if all the things messed up, why didn't you make a call to me." (John)

"If I call you, next minute, my dad will be taking all my business, I don't to be happen, I wanted to find my own way." (Dolly)

I was just acting like working in front of them, but I was completely listening to them what they are speaking.

"Dolly and Wang, will you both give us a minute I need to talk with him for few minutes." (John)

"We don't have problem you can speak in front of us." (Wang)

"But I have a problem I want to talk with him alone or don't you want Dean to be alone with me." (John)

"What if it is yes? what are you going to do, are you going to stop me." (Wang)

"Wang, will you please give us time, once I finish I will talk to you." (Dean)

I went out from the cabin in irritated, I listened to the girls, where they were talking about John and Dean.

"Hey John came to see Dean, I have been waiting for this moment, where I was shipping them since I both see them. we never ever succeed Dean to bring a smile on his face but only John can do this." 

Dolly came to them and asked to work rather than gossiping about them. I and Dolly went to the terrace, after seeing my face,

"Wang, I don't know how they feel about each other, but I am sure that it's different when he is with you, I agree that, John too bring the smile apart from you, but he is controlled by only you, not even John can handle him when his angry, but today after seeing him with you, I feel happy for both of you, don't leave him." (Dolly)

John came to the terrace, asked Dolly that he wanted to talk with me alone, Dolly left the place.

"I agree that, I love Dean, but I happy both of you." (John)

"As you are assuming nothing is there between us." (Wang)

"Oh, really then Can I take Dean from you." (John)

"Don't dare to do such things." (Wang)

"Calm down, just listen, from past few years observation, I feel Dean is bad luck in love, whenever he tries to open up, they unfortunately leave him, it's not their or his mistake, it's just time where itr didn't let Dean to have happy life." (John)

"I wont leave him, I stay beside him always to take care at any cost." (Wang)

"I hope you do as you said, but don't hurt him and don't leave his hand at any cost, he has been terrible past." (John)

"I don't want to talk about past or future, let me be happy with Dean and make him happy." (Wang)

"Ok, I am leaving to Bangkok, if you want to talk anything about him I always ready to talk with you." (John) 

John left the place, but I feel happy after his heartbroken, I feel now no one will be there to apart us. I Dolly and Dean went to happy lunch at nearby restaurant, within an hour we were back to office.

I see everyone were in fear as is some terrorist attacked the office. I went to the cabin, where Dean and Dolly went to the Dolly's cabin.

it is so long that they didn't came out from the cabin, I wanted to know with whom they were talking, I took the file and entered into Dolly's cabin.