Chapter 4:Entering the world of magic

The mana floating in the sky descended and was absorbed forming their mana cores, their awakening may not have been seen throughout the city but the mana presence had been felt, the knights had come rushing to the scene but none apart from their vice-captain could get in to the residence she went to the backyard to find the two boys on the ground exhausted and unconscious.


Meanwhile in a dark space an elderly humanoid figure with horns on its head, large leathery wings and a huge tail could be seen floating while emitting a white aura. And next to him was another humanoid figure that was smaller with no other features. The larger being looked at the smaller one with a sad smile on his face and gently patted its head.

"I can't wait to meet you dear child."

With a wave of its hand the bigger humanoid dismissed the smaller being.


Back at the Randell residents the Randell couple and the Vera sat together in the back yard waiting for Aldin and Darvin to regain consciousness.

" It seems Darvin's awakening must have triggered Aldins awakening." Said Lark.

Despite the goods news of their son's awakening the couple seemed gloomy. After taking the children to bed they sat together in the living room with worried expressions.

"If we though things were bad then they just got worse" Lark began.

"Now we have to worry that they might blow up the house." Silvia added.

"And why did they have to awaken at the same time." Vera stated.

"Actually they didn't" Lark said.

"What do you mean"

Lark proceed to explain how Darvin had been the cause of the double awakening. Just as Lark finished narrating the tale Darvin weakly walked in, as he drew closer he almost fell but moments before he fell his mother came to his aid helping him to the nearest chair.

"How are you feeling?" Vera asked her son.

"Much better but a little weird, I keep on feeling some sort of discomfort."

"Well that's because you just awoke. "Lark chimed in.

At first Darvin was a little bit confused until memories from his awakening came to him. Everything suddenly became clear to him and joy begun to fill his expression he almost jumped up bit his exhaustion kept him from rejoicing.

After relaxing he asked, "then when can I start training." Vera almost slapped her son but because he was still in a fragile state she held herself back.

"When your body is ready and you'll know when it's the right time." This quenched his curiosity and moments later he fell asleep on the couch.

Aldin Randell

After plenty of practice I was now able of bringing out all my attributes with ease and subconsciously. What I had to do next required me to enlarge my core a bit before trying it out. From the many books I had read mana accumulation was the fastest way of enlarging one's core.

For the rest of the day, I simply just continued practicing till I got tired. After noon I sat cross legged on the ground, after closing my eyes I thought back at my awakening. Remembering the feeling I begun drawing in mana.

Silvia Randell

At noon I came back to the house to check on Aldin, but he was busy meditating, so I left him to his own works. When he came in the house for lunch he simply ate and left, although I was happy that my son had awakened at an early age it was depressing for me since I rarely got to talk with him, he was too young to be so focused on magic. Despite this all I could do was happy that he was happy.

Aldin Randell

After getting the hang of it drawing in mana became easier and so I began drawing it in fast at some point it became painful forcing me to halt there and get some rest. When I examined my mana core it had grown greatly. Since I had nothing left to do, I went down and found that my mother had gone back to work leaving me to my own devices. Thus, I decided to go and visit Darvin, but he was busy leaving me idle. Once he was done, we headed out to the streets, we would do this when we were bored and had nothing else to do. Right now, I felt happy to hang out with him. After awakening we had not hung out that much and I really wished we could change that.

"Aldin, I miss how we used to hang out, I know how much you love magic and I wish we could make some time to?" Darvin asked.

"Yes." it was as if he had just taken the words out of my mouth

After that during the day we would practice magic and, in the evening, we would hang out. And so, years went by, we had improved by leaps and bounds, now we could even shape our attributes and fire them out as attacks but after a certain point the mana level of my core seemed to have stagnated. Despite that I had worked diligently on my precision and control which always rose.

Also, Darvin had finally turned twelve, he was now eligible to apply for the magical academy and we would be heading there to take him for his assessment.

Darvin Talor

For a long time, I had dreamt of joining the magical academy and anow I was capable of joining it. With the support from my mother and the Randells we were now headed out to the academy. The journey would take as a week at the very least since we were moving from Aden, city at the edge of the Lorne kingdoms borders to its capital. The journey was uneventful but all the more tiresome. It felt as if it was taking ages to get there. When we finally got there, I could almost feel my beard coming.