Grafter 21:

Aldin Randell

"You far exceed the school's least requirements and it is why after discussing it with professor Kyle and professor Bloom we have decided to change you from a normal student of the academy to academy disciple and we wish to educate you on magic."the principal said.

"You would not only be academy disciple by name." Professor Kyle said. "There's are benefits that come with this too. You'll not be needed to attend any classes and will her a personal living area and will have a specific set of clothes for just you." And from his back took a large box. In it were robes white in colour with golden edges, a pair of white trousers, white shirts and a golden tie."

"What do you think?" Professor Bloom asked.

I took a moment before saying, "I agree with everything, though I would not like to move away from my current dorm."

"That is okay." The principal said. "Now let's get started with our lesson for today, shall we. We will first continue with separate light."

"Since light has diffraction components which are of different colours. Though they are part of light, they are just different types of it mixed up to form one colour, and so all you need to do is just bring out all seven of them." The principal said.

I closed my eyes and thinking of mana in my mind I imagined it in it as seven diffraction parts, I had shut out everything and concentrated purely on my light attribute, I could finally feel the different components of light, I opened my eyes and still remembering that feeling pulled them apart and infront of me the colour of light began to separate and it slowly begun to loose its white colour and the edges became shaded.

"Fantastic, for now all you can do is bring out the different colours and isolate them, moving forward you need to be able to subconsciously bring olthis out.

I was barely able to hold it together as it was soon dedicated to nothing because i had forgotten to supply its mana.

"Through practice, you will be able to retain its supply of mana, but choosing the colour is a different matter because you will have to specifically coordinate the colour distribution, which is tedious." The principal said.

"Since you have gotten that we'll, move on to what is next up. Light can not only have an energy form, but it can also be applied in a physical form. This is obtained by compressing light attributed mana until..." He was saying before I interrupted him.

"I already know how to do that." I said as I formed a cube shaped light construct.

"That's quite the surprise." The principal said. "What tier did you say your parents were."

" I don't know, it was never really a matter of discussion." I said.

"For the rest of the day, you will be practising the splitting of the light until you can do it subconsciously them you cam try pigmenting light to a specific colour then try mixing it. In the evening a guard will bring you your new uniform and meals will be brought to you here so you don't have to leave."

"I don't really want to take it here, so can I go to the dining hall for my meals."

"Sure, and from today, don't call me sir, I'm your master now, and you my disciple."

"Yes master." I said to my master with a bow of respect.

After he left, I began to practise on colour separation. It was easy to separate them after I got the feeling of it. Now what was left was concentrating one colour at a time but doing that would lead them to recombine since they would come out in equal volume and after several failures it was time for lunch and so I left for lunch, we met up with Darvin and we had lunch together, this reminded me of our childhood memories.

After a nice chat, I went back to the arena, and this time, I was welcome by a large box. In it were my new set of uniform; a white robe with golden lining, white pants with a brown design, and a white shirt with blue edges.

I got back to trying to pigment light, but each time, it would always end up in a failure. But with each failure, I would grasp the mana signatures of each colour that I could easily recognise them.

'Separating the light seems impossible because they are all one, and when they get back in contact, they inevitably reunite.' I thought to myself.

And that's when it hit me. If you generate them as one, then they will definitely be one, but instead of generating all of them, not simply generate one colour.

And so I sat down and remembered the feeling I had gotten from red, I brought out mana and input the same signature and it actuall came put as red light, this filled me with joy that I jumped up and let it desipate.

I was ecstatic at the results. Now I just had to practice how to individually bring out each of them. When the evening bell rang, I had finished a few colours and had yet to practise others.

When the final bell rang, I changed into my new uniform, and as I was about, I headed to the dorm i was told by a guard to head to the meeting area. As I walked there, all the students were looking at me with stares.

And apparently, it was my master who had called the meeting.

"In this world, power rules all. Those who have power will stand at the top and rule what is beneath them and as a way of setting that clear, I am proud to announce to you all of our first and only core disciple of the academy, Aldin Randell. Come to the stage, Aldin Randell and the whole crowd made way from me, who was at the back, and I walked to the front with astonished gazes my way.