chapter 22


The third years were all shocked by this sudden decision but the rest of the school including the professors didn't even bat an eye at the principal's words.

One of them even raised his arm drawing the principal's attention.

"Why is it him and not any of us?" He said and the third years agreed.

"It should be Darvin." Gissel said.

"Then why don't you come and prove that, the both of you." The principal said. And to Aldin whispered, "Don't embarrass your master, show them what your worth."

The crowd cleared some space for the three of them and Gissel walked in together with another student next to her.

"With this I can finally get Darvin's approval." The both thought to themselves.

As they were getting ready professor Bloom and professor Kyle went up to Aldin.

"Male sure to make them regret this." Professor Kyle said.

"Show them what power really means and if possible use one spell from each attribute, that'll surely make things interesting and fun." Professor Bloom said with a grin on her face

After everybody was ready the principal commented the duel.

Gissel fired water bullets aimed at Aldin's legs while the male students tried causing a quake as the came at Aldin he simply jumped high, a red light construct was formed which he landed on and raised himself with it and the two spells miss, this caused a large reaction from the students professors and a smile on the principal's face.

Looking down at two students below the earth below them became liquid and they began sinking down. Before they could even move Aldin used water in the air and encased them inside leaving their heads out.

He lower the floating light construct and walked back to the podium. The students immediately clapped at his performance.

"Is there anybody who wishes to oppose my decision?" The principal asked.

'You really have grown.' Darvin thought to himself.

Aldin Randell.

After the sudden assemble, my dorm mates and I went for dinner. I could see Ivan on a table by himself.

I remembered what he'd said when Marcus and I had a confrontation. If he really did learn then it would be worth it to have him close. So, I invited him to dine with us.

Marcus who was also dining with us was happy that I'd buried the hatchet with Ivan. Darvin and I left earlier than the rest since he said there's something he wanted to talk to me about.

"Before you came was considered the best student, but after witnessing your fight I realised I was far behind you. So could you please help me grow stronger. I don't want you to leave me behind." Darvin said with a bow.

"Your my best friend of course I'll help you. And you don't have to bow, all you needed to do was ask."

"Thank you."

The next day I went to the arena and found professor Bloom waiting for me.

"Good morning Aldin. Instead of focusing on ice, why don't you try to use air in the atmosphere, let me guess you already know how to." She said.

"Yes I do." I answered.

"And what uses do you have for it?" She asked.

"Well I used it to identify and moving objects around me when hunting."

"Well then that's good to know, but have you ever used for obstruction."

"No I haven't, well then your assignment for today will be to obstruct the view of this entire arena."

"Before you leave i wanted to ask whether it would be possible for me to take up students as well, sure but don't pick just anyone, you have to make sure that they are worth it since we door want you to lag behind." She said.

"Thank you for the advice." I said with a bow.

And after she left I begun working on it, and since I already knew how to it was easy to manifest it but the only issue was filling the entire stadium with it, it required great concentration and before lunch I was able to successfully obstruct the entire arena.

As I was waiting for the lunch bell I sat cross legged and begun continued the body training. But a single thought was bugging me.

'I'm sure that u want to trust the principal but of I don't try it ill never know.'

This was because I had been wanting to experiment with external mana and see what would happen.

And so after holding several mental debates with myself I finally decided to try it.

I closed my eyes and begun to draw in mana but instead of taking it to my core I would leave it stranded in my body, it took a while before the pain begun and this time it was stronger than when I used my own mana but so were the results, only after continuing for a couple minutes did I notice that it had a much higher productivity than using my own mana and so I kept on using it until lunch hour, when I got out I was severely tired and just dragged myself to the dining area. When I met the group I could tell they were worried which forced me to reassure them of their worries.

Though I could not tell them a single thing about my training. We ate lunch but before leaving I asked Darvin to meet me when he finished his lessons.

I went back and continued body hardening training and an hour before the classes would be over I stopped so that i would have enough energy to teach Darvin when he came by.

Professor Bloom came by before that and I was able to show her the results of my training.

After leading Darvin came in right behind her which meant that they had probably met half way.

"So why dod you ask me to meet you here?" He asked.

"Well this is where my classes take place and I wanted to show you something." I said." A couple of days ago I had a lesson with professor Penelope and I was able to get an enlightenment o the earth attribute."