chapter 23

"Water has a physical form which is ice and it is assumed to be rigid and due to my lessons on each magic I came up with the idea of objectively shaping the ice to make it flexible and it was a successful.

"Is that even possible.?" Darvin asked out of shock rather than curiosity.

"it very much is, though to be able to successfully one has to pour in a lot of concentration. And I'm going to guide and help you learn it."

"First you have to do is to condense a large mass of water to form ice and for the sake of learning form ot into a rod." I said to him and he did just so. According to professor Bloom this was a difficult a difficult concept for most students but Darvin seemed to be having an easy time.

"Now I want you try to reshape one end of the rude to the shape of an arrow." This time he had a bit of a hard time doing so but we able to manage.

"I want you to remember that feeling of reshaping ot so that you will be able to subconsciously do it. Repeat the same thing a couple of times." And so he did and each time he would get better at it.

"Now with that feeling in your mind close your eyes and reshape it." And after a few tries he was able to do it well.

"Now erect a long pole of ice and using the skill you just learnt move it like whip then strike the ground." And after a couple of tries he was successful. He could now use it well he seemed to enjoy it a lot.

"I'm going to leave you practicing it since I have to go see my master." I said to him before leaving.

And as I left I could tell he was really happy which made me smile. I went to my master's office and found him there as I normally would.

"Greetings master." I said as bowed at him when I got in.

"It's good to see you." He said.

"Before we commence I would like to tell you that I tried using mana from the air instead of mana from my core for the body training and it was much more effective."

"Oh, you did." He said and I could see the veins on his head bulge slightly. "And I believe you did it after finishing what professor Bloom had assigned you?" He asked.

"Yes I did." I said to him.

"Then no need to do training today, instead I would like you to rest for today since tomorrow you'll be going for hunting as part of our agreement and some professors have requested some specific beasts for you to hunt down. You'll be leaving at dawn." He said as he handed a list over to me.

"Yes master." I said as I bowed and left his office.

I went to the arena where I found Darvin practicing. When he was done we left and for the entire evening he was smiling. The others asked but he strictly kept it to himself.

Before I went to bed I set aside my armour for tomorrow. The next day I woke up early and instead of wearing my uniform wore my armour over a brown pair of hunting wear and went to find my master who u found waiting for me. He handed me some few supplies that had been prepared for me which included my meals and some water. I would be escorted by one of the school's guards as I went out. A cart took us to the outskirts of the city.

We had arrived at the entrance of the woods. According to the list I had been requested to get some fire attributed wolves, some fire attributed lizards, phoenix and bats with darkness attribute and all had to have the least possible damage to them.

I was excited to hunt again. I asked the guard to stay at the edge since going all out would probably bring him in arms way. At first he was reluctant but eventually agreed to the idea.

I got in to the forest and immediately used radar and due to my practice I was able to have a wide range of use. And the first beats I was able to find was the phoenix. They were crowded on a huge tree and it was easy to take them down with ice arrows, I collected their corpses and placed them on a floating light construct that I had to ease transportation. Next up were the fire attributed lizards , I found them sun bathing and after dousing them with water shot them with ice arrows too.

The wolves were difficult to find so I went for the darkness attributed bats which I found a cave. When walked into the cave it was extremely dark so I used a spell to light up the room but the moment I did that they all got agitated and began escaping since I didn't want them to escape I formed a giant ice wall. I thought that would stop them from leaving but they turned into shadow and passed through the wall wit ease.

Since I didn't want any of them escaping I tried shooting them down but after the first few fell it begun to pass through the others like butter. I was worried about loosing my prey and due to the anxiousness I had, the intensity of the light I had in my had grew, and it shone brightly, and the bats began to fall down.

Although I had no idea what had happened but still proceeded to throw them into the light construct together with the others.

I could now hint the fire attributed wolves, which I hunted easily. Since I had gotten everything on the list, I took them to the guard. He was shocked at the huge amount of beats I had gotten. And since I had finished my hint for the school, I could now serve my own agenda.