Chapter 27

Penelope Bloom

A few days after the first year lessons begun I received some complaints of bulling from some commoner students about some nobles who had been bullying them. Today I was at the library in the evening manning the station when I suddenly heard aloud commotion. when I went to check it out I saw Aldin dragging out one of the senior students, from what had happened in the last few days, it always had to do with somebody trying to abuse their power and chose to ignore but I heard some weeping from where he had left and went to investigate it, when I got there I found one of the first years student covered by a cloak only wither clothes torn and on the floor. it was actually one of the students in my class.

"What happened here?" I asked but the girl on the floor was still in tears and could not answer. and from the side I saw a boy frozen to the wall.

"What happened here?" I asked the boy as well but he looked down and refused to answer as well.

'Well this is inconvenient.' I thought to myself. I freed the boy from the wall.

"Carry the girl and bring her girl to my office." I said to the boy but when he touched, she screamed and pushed him away. Seeing this I was able to align my suspicions somewhere and approached her myself.

"It's alright, nobody will touch you when imp here." I said to the girl in a slow quite voice which soother her." Let's go somewhere we can talk privately." I said to her and she stood up and we walked to the office.

as we walked the boy would walk slowly behind us like a lamb off to the slaughter.

When we got to the office I sat her down and to the guard. "Summon Aldin and take the kid Aldin Randell beat up to the infirmary and ask the nurse to minimise the treatment."

After offering her a cup of hot cocoa, and in between drinking the cocoa the girl would narrate what had happened to her within intervals of tears of coca spilling. when she was done Aldin walked into the room and when she saw who it was, all the fear seemed to disappear.

"Yes professor." he said when he got in but he was constantly looking at the girl seated.

"I was curious about what happened in the library and Bela here has told me what happened to her, but I would still like to get your point of view in this issue." I asked Aldin and he narrated what had happened and what the two had been doing.

"Thank you for what you did." I said to him truely relieved that he ha stepped in, there's no telling what would have happened if he hadn't intervened.

"Your dismissed, but would you mind taking Bela to the infirmary.' I asked Aldin.


Aldin walked me to the infirmary's strangely felt comfortable with him. If not for him, thinking what those would have done to me gave me Goosebumps.

"Thank you, for saving me." I said.

"No problem." He said to me." And if anybody tries anything like that again, you can always approach me, I'll take them down on your behalf." He said to me. I felt my heart flutter at his words.

He left me at the nurses office and went. The nurse did a check up on me and sent me back to my dorm with a guard. When I was getting bullied nobody stood by me, even when I asked them for help, Aldin had been the first to ever do so and even now nobody cared about what happened to me.

The next day I went for breakfast, since I had nobody to talk I sat on my own but after sitting down a group of students followed me and sat around me.

Aldin Randell

When I got back to the dorm I was met by my dorm mates all aligned blocking my path.

"What did you do this time." Barrin asked .

"We heard loud noise from outside and you weren't in the dorm so we put two and two together and here we are." Terias said.

"What makes you sure I had something to do with it?" I asked half expecting them to let it slide.

"Because its you were talking about, you always have something to do with it." Natalie said giggling.

"I just saved somebody who was getting bullied ." I said to them and narrate to them all that happened. When I was done I notices something strange. All the girls were fuming but the guys were all blushing.

"Is there anything that wrong?" I asked them.

"No.' Darvin answered.

"And since your all done interrogating me I'd like to get to sleep.


When Aldin left the lobby and headed to his room. Natalie cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"is the smartest kid into the school that dense or am I just to filthy minded." Natalie asked.

"It's not that. " Darvin said. "He's just that innocent."

"Was he raised in a shrine then?" Olivia asked.

"I don't think you know much about Aldin do you?" Darvin said.

"Why do you say that?" Marcus asked.

"Don't ask me, go ask him." Darvin said and left.

"Anybody going to volunteer. " Natalie asked. But everyone was silent.

The next morning, Natalie asked around and found out the name of the girl who had been attacked the previous night. It was Bela a first one student who Natalie knew. She was quite smart according to her performance but was over shadowed by Aldin. She performed better that most nobles, they had bullied her a bit. She reported it to professor Bloom and after that their superiority complex got the better of them and they wished to silence her and even after what Aldin had done to their colleague theu still hadn't given up.