Chapter 26


I tried to free myself from the tight grip but he turned me to face the senior and a he punched my stomach.

"Commoners like you should know your place around here."

When the punch hit I was unable to hold it in, tears immediately begun to cry, as the tears ran down my face I cursed how messed up my life had been. I had been raised by my grandmother because my mother, who had been abused by a noble and killed herself and before I left my then ill grandmother, had passed away. it was a very tough time for me, but I still joined the academy, and now I was getting beaten up.

'Why does life have to be so hard for me? Can't I just find peace.' I thought to myself.

but they were not yet done. the one behind me held my hands tightly.

"and if you dare speak of this to anyone, you're not going to be able to see the light of day." The behind me whispered to my ear.

"now lets get stared the senior" and begun to rip my clothes. I could immediately tell what his plans were. I began to try and wiggle myself out, but he slapped me so hard that my vision became blurry.

"Stop moving so much or am going to hit you till you break." he said as he continued ripping off my clothes, and all I could do was close my eyes and brace myself for the pain.

Aldin Randell

After looking through all the books, I found an interesting book, spider's web. when I got in the library it had a couple of students but after some students got in others begun leaving. as I was reading my book two students came up to me.

"leave the library right now.' one of them said. but I chose to ignore them.

" are you deaf we said leave.' the other said and place his hand trying to shove me, not wanting to draw too much attention to myself I stood up with my hood still on and started walking out.

As I was on my way to the door I heard some muffled cries among the book shelves as I was headed to check out what was happening the two boys came in front of me.

"we said leave you dimwit." one to them said.

'this seems suspicious.' I thought to myself and while I war still in my thoughts one of the two reside his hand ready to hit me which I blocked.

I have to check out what their hiding.

Before they could move another step I froze the to the ground and took of my hood.

"if you dare scream your dead." I said and using a light construct gagged them. I walked to where I could here the sounds coming from I saw two students hugging with there lips pressed against each others. when they saw me they let go and bolted away. I was confused at this action and was about to leave as well but the sound of a book falling caught my attention, and it was from one of the shelves at the end.

I walked towards it, and as I got closer, I could hear a cry. when I got there, I could see a huge boy atop a female student who was being pinned dto the ground with another student at the back looking at them with a grin on his face. the girl was crying and suddenly images of when I had been attacked din the woods. it was horrifying remembering what had happened that day, but quickly replacing that emotion now was anger at the two boys.

I looked at the boys at the end and froze him to the ground. A whip appeared in my hand and I wrapped it around the boy pinning down the girl and I pulled him back. I approached the girl who was son the ground and untied the gag on her mouth.

"Its alright." I said to her as I gave her my cloak to cover herself. And turned to the boy who I had tied with my whip. My anger was burning inside me and I punched him, his body moves back some distance. I told him using my whip and dragged him through the library. As i walked through I could feel the stares that were directed at me. I dragged him until we got to the assembly ground.

While he was still on the ground I kicked him and went rolling. He got up and brandished his fists at me.

"I'm not that weak." He said but I could read the fear in his eyes.

"Oh really." I said with a growl angered by his cocky attitude. "Well see about that and especially for you I'm only going to use ice gauntlets to take you down."

He came at me with his fists ready to punch me and with us arm raised I hit him in the ribs. He drew back out of pain. As he was walking back I kicked him and he fell to the ground.

"You do not deserve power if you only weird it to harm others." I said.

Using use magic I formed a rod and made it rubbery. While he was still down I beat him up with it. He tried to raise his arm in defence but I beat it away. Hi arms begun to bleed and tears flowed down his face.

"Now you don't like it do you?" I asked him.

"Please stop! I'm sorry, I won't do it again." He said to which I paused.

"You chose to bully that girl and now you beg for mercy. You have no shame." I said and hardened the rode in my hand and hit him in the head and knocking him out. When I looked around there was a crowd. A guard walked up to me and said. "Professor Bloom has summoned you to her office, we'll take it from here." And went over to the boy I had knocked out.